Choose Ichigo At The Beginning, Only I Know The Shinigami Plot

Chapter 270 Fusion Of Shinigami And Virtual Power! (Seeking Customization And Subscription)

Chapter 270 Fusion of Shinigami and Xu's Power! (Seeking Custom Subscription)

"Hey, Sister Hua despises me now. It would be great if I could get back to the state of Wuyue. After all, this is the state that used all the power of Shinigami."

Ling Fan touched Hōgyoku on his chest, sighing and pitying himself.

During this period of time, with the help of Hōgyoku, his injured body recovered again and again, and his strength also received a huge "850" improvement.

Especially the fusion of Shinigami and Xu's power.

The power of Shinigami and Uromoto have the same source. When fighting Inaba before, Ling Fan could only feel the two forces in his body.

Just like changing faces in Sichuan opera, one face is shown, and the other face is covered up. At the same time, Ling Fan can only choose one power to use.

But it is different now, the two faces are completely combined together, the lines are more complicated, and the colors are more vivid.

Now his two forces have begun to merge.

But in order to make a good combination and gain a positive boost in strength, Ling Fan still needs a period of time to properly integrate the two powers.

As it happens, the old man is his whetstone.

It's just that this whetstone is a bit too hard, Ling Fan felt like he was about to be ground off.

"Sister Hua..."

Ling Fan kicked the severed hand aside.

Now he does not rely on Hōgyoku, and his resilience has also reached the level of recovering severed limbs.

This is the gain brought by the virtual power.

Ling Fan flexed her newly grown arm.

The strength is a little bit smaller than before, but I am not used to it.

"Sister Hua, pay attention, I have grown my third arm today."

Not counting the kidney you pierced through me.

Sister Hua smiled and said nothing to hide her embarrassment.

Just now Ling Fan's arm was not cut off by the old man, it was accidentally cut off by the mad sister Hua.

Ling Fan took Zangetsu and cooperated with Sister Hua, one left and one right, crossing forward like two vigorous flying birds, rushing towards the Juggernaut.

Zangetsu and Shizuku slashed at the old man's neck and knees at the same time.

Once up and down, the old man can only look after one head.

The two are full of confidence and full of desire to fight, and they will definitely let the other party suffer.

Sister Hua's meaty Shizuku is warmer than before, and its lethality has increased a lot.........

Ling Fan's performance is even more remarkable.

As soon as Zangetsu was out of the sheath today, the aura he exuded made Sister Hua look sideways.

【Three seals of the Juggernaut, the first solution, the level is restored to 150 and the blade skill is restored to 40% of its peak state】


Before Ling Fan could speak, Ling Fan saw the old man's silver hair fluttering around.

All the green grass and trees around the old man began to turn yellow, curly, and dry.

"Cheap pants."

The low-pitched voice clearly entered the ears of the two of them.

A knife appeared in front of Ling Fan and Sister Hua at the same time.

Ling Fan, Unohana Retsu, both of them have a sword skill of 4.2, which is not too high.

A few knives and dozens of knives a second is not difficult.

What is fast in the eyes of others is slow in their eyes.

In the same way, their reaction and speed also have a huge gap with the old man.

So the old man can cut a sword in front of two people at the same time.

The old man killed Ling Fan first, and then Unohana Retsu.

The two flew out one after the other, rolling on the ground like a ball. .

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