Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 1: The Goddess-Level Factory Flower

"Longxing Electronics Factory is recruiting workers!"

"Temporary workers are 70 a day, and the day ends!"

"Full-time one month 1900, monthly payment, cover!"

"No tattoos, no dyed hair, those with work experience are preferred, no one under the age of 16!"

On a scorching summer day, in the middle of the Recruitment Square in Jianghai City.

A man with a big arm and a round waist, holding a loudspeaker, yelled hard at a group of young people aged eighteen or nineteen.

Some of this group of young people dragged their suitcases, some carried a bucket containing daily necessities, and some even wore nothing but a pair of cheap flip-flops.

Under the scorching sun, they were sweating profusely looking at the intermediary man, not daring to relax at all.

Most of these people are migrant workers who have dropped out of school, or their family's financial conditions cannot afford them to go to school, so they come to Jianghai City to work and earn a living.

After the man's horn was put down, the group of young people swarmed over, trying to fill in their personal information first.

It's hard to find jobs in Jianghai City, let alone people at the bottom of society like them who have no education and work experience.

Among the crowd, a handsome young man sighed depressingly as he looked at the bustling crowd in front of him.

The young man is Qin Tian, ​​a migrant worker from 2022 living a hard life in 996.

For a takeaway order that was about to run out of time, Qin Tian rode a small e-donkey on the road at high speed.

As a result, he didn't pay attention, Qin Tian even took the car with him, and was sent flying out by the two-dimensional portal, that is, a turning dump truck.

Perhaps God took pity on him, a mediocre laborer, the bloody Qin Tian, ​​who traveled directly back to 2008, a golden age that was about to move towards a big era.

In 2008, Qin Tian was 21 years old. He just came to Jianghai City from his hometown in Shancheng to work hard, and he only had more than 1,000 yuan for living expenses.

Qin Tian also had to come to the recruitment square to find a job to make ends meet like in the previous life.

"It's a shame for the army of time-travelers to actually work part-time to make money after time travelling."

Qin Tian looked at the woven sack containing miscellaneous daily necessities in his hand, and complained depressingly.

"Ding! The system is binding"

Hearing the voice in his head, Qin Tian, ​​who was a little irritable, immediately felt relieved.

It's outrageous to start over, but with system assistance, it's no problem.

【Ding! Ask the host to choose the initial system. 】

[Option 1: Salted fish system, choose to go to an Internet cafe to be a salted fish, and get a daily reward of 2,000 yuan for living expenses. 】

[Option 2: Work in the worker system, choose to work, after successful application, you will be rewarded with a novice gift bag, and every day you work, you can get a mysterious treasure box. 】

"Well, even the system is related to part-time jobs!"

Qin Tian complained angrily, and decisively chose the second option.

Migrant workers, the soul of migrant workers, and migrant workers are all masters!

Two thousand yuan was not a small amount in 2008. Going to an Internet cafe as a salted fish for a year or two can completely build a luxurious villa in my hometown.

However, Qin Tian is still interested in the daily mysterious treasure chest in option 2.

[Congratulations to the host for choosing the worker system, please become a diligent worker within 24 hours! 】

[After successfully applying for any job, the host will get a novice gift package, and after working for a day, a treasure box will be given! 】

[The host should not touch fish during work, and must display the excellent character of hard work as a worker, otherwise he will not be able to obtain treasure chest rewards! 】

"Is there anyone else to go? Accommodation or food is included, both temporary workers and full-time workers!"

Looking at the few job listings left, the intermediary shouted again with a loudspeaker.


Qin Tian squeezed through the noisy crowd to come in front of the agency.

After checking that Qin Tian had no tattoos or dyed hair, the agency asked Qin Tian to fill in his own information.

【Ding! It was detected that the host applied for the first job as an electronics factory worker. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the novice gift package: all skills of the electronics factory are proficient. 】

"The reward given is still for work?"

Qin Tian regretted choosing 2. He took 2000 yuan a day to go to an Internet cafe to be a salted fish. Isn’t he good?

They come, the security.

People have to look up to money!

Anyway, Qin Tian signed a temporary labor contract.

Work in the electronics factory for a few days first, and see what good things can be opened in this mysterious treasure box.

After filling out the application form, Qin Tian followed twenty young people and waited in the square for half an hour before an old bus drove over to pick them up.

The wage earners rushed towards the bus in a hurry, trying to get a seat first.

This bus can hold more than a dozen people, and the location of the electronics factory is relatively far away, and there is no air conditioner on the bus.

They didn't want to stand for more than an hour in the stuffy carriage under the sun.

Qin Tian was lucky, he snatched a seat right after getting in the car.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

The intermediary shouted impatiently at the migrant workers who hadn't gotten on the bus yet.

After waiting for too long just now, many people went to the bathroom or had lunch.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a young girl ran over in a hurry, dragging a dark and old suitcase.

Qin Tian looked at the girl outside the window through the car window, and couldn't help being taken aback.

The girl's face value is too high, her face is as delicate as a peach blossom, a pair of big shining eyes, under the high bridge of the nose, there is a small cherry mouth, and her fair skin is so tender that water can condense.

She was only wearing a white-washed shirt and white-washed trousers, but she still couldn't stop her stunning looks.

If it wasn't for Qin Tian's time travel, he would definitely subconsciously think that this girl is a female star who came to experience the life of a worker.

Qin Tian is not surprised by this.

In 2008, Huaxia was relatively backward in all aspects. There were too many migrant workers from remote mountainous areas to make a living, and the same was true for girls.

Moreover, the family life of such girls is usually very difficult, otherwise they would not have traveled thousands of miles to Jianghai City alone to work.

Such girls are often not deeply involved in the world, full of yearning and longing for the bustling big city.

Most importantly, they are often very pure and innocent and kind.

As long as you treat her a little better and say something nice, you can get her.

This is also the main reason why those scruffy will-o'-the-wisp boys and yellow-haired boys can meet goddess-level girls in the factory, and they can even take out their first blood smoothly.

The kind-hearted women are too easy to deceive, and at the same time it is too easy to provoke scumbags.

"Excuse me, I, I just went to the bathroom."

The girl looked a little apprehensive, afraid that the agency would reprimand her, she lowered her head slightly, and apologized in a flattering tone.

"Stop talking nonsense, come up!"

The intermediary had absolutely no desire to pity her, nor did she help the girl carry the heavy suitcase, and kept urging her to get in the car.

The girl struggled to drag the suitcase and squeezed onto the bus.

The intermediary also quickly closed the door and told the driver to drive quickly.

If caught overloading, he would be fined.

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