Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Eleven: Can You Be Lighter Next Time?

The taxi pulled up on the rough dirt road leading to the electronics factory.

This muddy road is full of potholes, and the driver is unwilling to toss his car for the toll of more than 20 yuan.

Qin Tian didn't insist on letting the taxi drive in, anyway, it's not far from the staff dormitory, and he can chat with He Sinan while walking.

After Qin Tian paid the car fare, he took He Sinan with his bags and walked back to the dormitory under the bright moonlight.

Summer nights are always so quiet, and the sound of the two people's footsteps is particularly obvious.

The things in the bag, as the two moved, began to collide with each other and made a crisp sound. It was full of daily necessities that Qin Tian bought for He Sinan.

He Sinan was already frightened by the prices in Jianghai City. A meal would cost more than a hundred dollars, and a taxi back would cost more than 20 yuan.

When he came out this time, Qin Tian spent about 400 yuan, all of which were He Sinan's things, and he bought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter himself.

Such an astronomical figure is enough for He Sinan to live for half a year.

So, He Sinan pleaded very regretfully: "Brother Qin, can you stop buying me so many things next time, it's a waste of money."

"What's the waste? These are all daily necessities. Anyway, you will buy them in the future, right?"

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, then put all the bags in one hand and held He Sinan's wobbly little white hand with his right hand.

He Sinan's heart moved, he glanced at Qin Tian with turmoil in his eyes, and lowered his head shyly, letting Qin Tian hold his hand firmly.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became charming.

For this treasured girl from the depths of the mountains, this kind-hearted fellow is gradually entering her closed heart and daily life.

Qin Tian broke the brief silence, and asked while the iron was hot: "Sinan, do you have any brothers or sisters? What do parents do?"

"When I was young, my father passed away, and my mother also passed away from liver cancer the year before last. There is a younger sister who is still in junior high school, and a grandmother."

He Sinan replied without hesitation, and then added in a low tone: "But grandma's health is not good. She has to go to the town for a check-up every month, and she has to take medicine every day. Now my younger sister is taking care of her."

Qin Tian thought: "This should be the reason why she came out to work."

Elderly people will have some physical problems more or less, and it may cost all the expenses of the family just to prescribe medicine and check the body.

Ordinary families can't stand such a toss, let alone a girl from a remote mountainous area with both parents dead.

In addition, my younger sister who is studying also needs tuition and living expenses every year.

It should be such pressure that caused He Sinan to leave his hometown and come to Jianghai City to work and earn money.

At this moment, He Sinan gripped Qin Tian's palm a little harder, and Qin Tian who was beside him also heard her choking sound.

Qin Tian stopped in his tracks and asked distressedly, "Do you miss grandma and sister?"

He Sinan was originally an introverted and fearful character. A girl bid farewell to her relatives and came to this unfamiliar big city alone.

If you say you are not afraid, it must be a lie.

However, due to the pressure of life, He Sinan, the only one in his family who can work and earn money, had to bravely leave his hometown and come to Jianghai City to work and earn money.

He Sinan nodded heavily, tears could no longer be controlled, and fell to the ground.

Qin Tian put down the bag in his hand, embraced this brave girl who was teased by fate and couldn't breathe, and comforted softly: "Then I will accompany you to take care of your grandma and younger sister, okay?"

At this time, you must not say to send money to her grandma and sister. Although the starting point is kindness and sympathy, the direction is wrong.

This not only failed to impress He Sinan, but also made He Sinan feel that he was going to waste money on her again, after all, she was not a girl who liked material things.

Sure enough, He Sinan who was in Qin Tian's arms stopped crying, let out a small hum, and then nodded his head lightly.

She agreed with Qin Tian's confession.

He Sinan raised his head in Qin Tian's arms, looked at Qin Tian with teary peach blossom eyes, and responded bravely and shyly: "Little, Brother Qin, you are really a good person."

Qin Tian smiled angrily: "My fellow countryman, can you please stop calling me a good person in the future."

Qin Tian knew that He Sinan wasn't being angry, this was her confession from the bottom of her heart, she felt that she was a good person from the bottom of her heart and wanted to be with her.

But Qin Tian, ​​who traveled from 22 years ago, always felt that this sentence was weird. Are all girls in this era boasting like this?

"Ah? But, brother Qin, you are really a good person."

He Sinan was a little at a loss.

"Silly girl."

Qin Tian couldn't help pinching He Sinan's tender and smooth face, it felt really good, just like pinching a freshly cracked egg.

"I, I'm not stupid."

He Sinan pursed his mouth, retorted in a subtle tone, and looked at Qin Tian aggrieved.

She never pushed away Qin Tian's tricky palm, instead, she let Qin Tian rub her face back and forth like a simple doormat.

Qin Tian looked down at the treasure girl in his arms, her delicate cheeks were stained with tears, her rosy lips were lightly pursed, and a pair of peach blossom eyes looked at him pitifully.

The cool Xia Feng blew her hair, a few strands of the tousled black hair stuck to He Sinan's teary face.

I saw that the four words You Lian seemed to be engraved on this exquisite and pretty face.

Qin Tian's heart moved, he couldn't help but leaned down, and kissed He Sinan's moist cherry lips.

He Sinan, who had never kissed before, let out a naive "huh" in panic.

Maybe it was because she was carrying something in her hand, or maybe she didn't want to resist, just holding the bag like this, staring at Qin Tian with wide eyes, and then gently closing her eyes.

Qin Tian opened his eyes and looked at He Sinan from a close distance.

The trembling eyelashes, the expression on the delicate white and tender face changed from calm to uneasy, then from uneasy to flustered, from flustered to bewildered, and finally a shameful blush appeared on his face.

The expression is so rich that it can be made into a TV series.

Seeing He Sinan's cute look, Qin Tian couldn't hold back, bit her lightly, and then let go of her.

"Brother Qin, it hurts"

He Sinan frowned, his cheeks were flushed, and he complained aggrievedly: "Little, brother Qin, why are you biting me?"

Saying that, He Sinan licked the tip of Min's sore tongue, Qin Tian was using more force just now.

"I'm marking you, so that you will be mine in the future. People in the city play like this. If we want to live here in the future, we must go to the countryside and do as the Romans do."

Qin Tian finished fooling around in a serious manner, and couldn't help asking: "Do you hate me like this? Then I won't bite you next time."

He Sinan was silent for a moment with a flushed face, and shook his head lightly, but still couldn't help muttering: "Then Brother Qin, can you be gentle next time? I'm afraid of pain."

Qin Tian was overjoyed immediately, and nodded readily: "No problem!"

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