Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 114: Dad, You Are So Kind

The salary of Sun Shaowen's property manager is only more than 4,000 yuan per month, and he has to look at the faces of many owners.

Now just helping Qin Tian to decorate a milk tea shop, Sun Shaowen made a net profit of more than 20,000 yuan, which is really not too exciting.

And after staying for a while, Sun Shaowen can enjoy a bonus of 2 points of the rent of Yulongwan Community, and tens of thousands of yuan will be credited to the account at that time.

Sun Shaowen is now more and more rejoicing that he was on the big boat of Qin Tian back then.

As long as there are no problems in the future, he will definitely be able to eat delicious and spicy food with Qin Tian.

"I'm making money, I'm making money, I don't even know how to spend it, I buy a Nokia with my left hand and a Motorola with my right~"

Taking out the bank card and happily putting it in the wallet, Sun Shaowen, who has always been prudent, hummed an upstart ditty out of tune.

It wasn't until after six o'clock in the evening that the staff of Michelle Ice City left. He Sinan and the others were in the store learning how to make milk tea that the staff had just taught.

Qin Tian didn't interfere with them either, and planned to let them control all the matters of the milk tea shop's future purchases, cash register, and daily sales summary.

Salary Qin Tian paid each of them a salary of 2,800 yuan, which is higher than that of any other milk tea shop employees. If the performance is good, everyone will get a bonus at the end of the year.

However, now the store is full of girls in their twenties who have not done any business. There must be a person with a standard in the store to control the situation.

Therefore, Qin Tian still called the oldest Chen Rou out of the milk tea shop.

"Qin, boss Qin."

After Chen Rou came out, she restrained herself and gave Qin Tian a more respectful title.

Now the entire milk tea shop is owned by Qin Tian, ​​and Chen Rou and Li Fang are working for Qin Tian again.

What's more, Qin Tian paid each of them a salary of 2,800 yuan, which was 1,100 yuan higher than that of the electronics factory, and there was a bonus at the end of the year.

With such a generous salary, Chen Rou naturally wants to call Boss Qin.

Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, accepted the title, and did not correct it.

Friends are friends, but in business at least you must clearly distinguish each other's hierarchy.

Even if Qin Tian's milk tea shop is for He Sinan to come here to pass the time, he can't hope that the business in the shop will be bad, right?

Although Chen Rou doesn't look like a lazy fisherman, but with her identity suppressed, Chen Rou will definitely work harder to run her milk tea shop.

If Qin Tian lowered her status, Chen Rou might rely on her relationship with Qin Tian as friends, and the idea of ​​being lazy and fishing would arise in her heart.

"Sister Chen, I will leave the affairs of this store to you in the future."

Qin Tian took out a bank card and handed it to Chen Rou: "There are 20,000 yuan in this card, and the password is six 6s. You can use it to buy the ingredients for making milk tea. What items in the store need money? You can also come in handy."

When signing the contract with the Michelle Ice City staff just now, Qin Tian paid all the fees.

The electricity and water bills of the milk tea shop in the China World Mall have also been paid, but the raw materials for making milk tea in the future have not been purchased.

After He Sinan and the others have learned the art of making milk tea, they can purchase raw materials from the headquarters of Michelle Ice City, and the milk tea shop will officially open.

He Sinan's character is not good at managing people, and the bookkeeping is relatively complicated, so Qin Tian didn't intend to entrust her with the more important things in the store.

To put it bluntly, this milk tea shop is for her to experience life when she is bored.

"Well, I see, Boss Qin."

Chen Rou adjusted her white-rimmed glasses, and took the bank card as if she was in danger.

She felt that Qin Tian must be testing herself, maybe if she performed well, she would be able to raise her salary or something in the future.

"Also, when Sinan comes to help in the store in the future, you should try to let her do as little as possible, and just let her fish casually."

Qin Tian asked again.

He Sinan is his girlfriend, Qin Tian doesn't want her to suffer.

And the others are just employees hired by Qin Tian with money, so it is only natural that they work harder.

"Ok, I know."

Chen Rou was not dissatisfied either, after all, everything in the store was decided by Qin Tian, ​​he was the boss, and Si Nan was his girlfriend and wife.

The proprietress came to the store to help, which can be regarded as helping them relieve the pressure of being employees. How could Chen Rou dare to order the proprietress to do things?

After Chen Rou left, Qin Tian found a flower bed where there were no people around and sat down to smoke.

"Hey, Brother Qin~"

As soon as Qin Tian lit his cigarette, someone slapped him on the back.

Turning her head, it was still Chen Qianqian's lively and playful smile, revealing a girlish spirit all the time.

"Why, have you learned all about milk tea?"

Qin Tian stamped out the cigarette he had just lit with some displeasure, and subconsciously fanned the smell of smoke in the air.

Chen Qianqian saw it, and the smile on his face deepened, and then he asked expectantly: "Brother Qin, will you come to accompany me tomorrow?"


Qin Tian was stunned for a moment: "Why will I accompany you tomorrow? What are you going to do?"

"Tomorrow is my birthday."

Chen Qianqian complained disappointedly: "Brother Qin, didn't you promise me that you would come to accompany me?"

"Oh, that seems to be the case."

Qin Tian nodded thoughtfully, and then said with a embarrassed smile: "How about another day, I will definitely help you celebrate another day, and you and I just moved, Si Nan, and there are still many things to deal with .”

Qin Tian and He Sinan have just moved to a new home, and there are still many things to deal with.

He Sinan won't come to the milk tea shop to study tomorrow, and Qin Tian doesn't want her to stay at home alone.

"Oh no."

Chen Qianqian grabbed Qin Tian's arm with both hands, shaking it from side to side coquettishly: "Brother Qin, you are lying, you clearly promised me to come and accompany me, come on, come on, please, Brother Qin."

"Okay, stop shaking."

Qin Tian still couldn't hold back Chen Qianqian, so he could only compromise and said, "When is it, morning or afternoon?"

Chen Qianqian was overjoyed and blurted out, "Both in the morning and in the afternoon!"

Qin Tian grumbled angrily: "You are celebrating your 20th birthday, and it's not your 80th birthday. Is it worth spending a day?"

"Oh, I just want you to accompany me well."

Chen Qianqian began to act coquettishly again: "And in a girl's life, there are several times in a girl's life that she is 20 years old, okay, brother Qin."

"Okay, okay, don't shake it, I will be seen by your sister Sinan later."

Qin Tian gave her a gloomy look: "Let me see the situation, come over when I'm done with work."

Chen Qianqian knew that Qin Tian had compromised, and immediately cheered with joy: "Yeah, Dad, you are so kind, Qianqian loves you so much!"

Hearing this, Chen Qianqian quickly pecked Qin Tian's face, and then happily ran back to the milk tea shop.

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