Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 115: This Girlfriend Is Really Unqualified

The next morning, Qin Tian woke up very early.

He turned his head and didn't see He Sinan beside the pillow, but instead noticed that it was pouring rain outside the window, and he couldn't see anything in the vast expanse of whiteness.

"Tsk, why is it raining so much?"

Qin Tian scratched his hair impatiently, and had to go out to celebrate Chen Qianqian's birthday today.

Get dressed and get out of bed and walk to the spiral staircase.

Qin Tian saw He Sinan sitting on the sofa in the living room, concentrating on memorizing the formula of milk tea.

The pink Nokia mobile phone was also placed on the coffee table in front of him, and it played the method of making milk tea.

Although Qin Tian told her that she could go to the milk tea shop to help out when she was bored at home, she didn't ask her to clock in every day like an employee.

But He Sinan felt that the milk tea shop was established with Qin Tian's money, and as Qin Tian's girlfriend, he must not just sit idly by, but must help and support it.

"My dear student Sinan, why are you so hardworking?"

Qin Tian said hello on the stairs.

He Sinan glanced at Qin Tian in surprise, and quickly picked up his phone to check, it was only past 5 o'clock.

On weekdays, Qin Tian would get up around seven o'clock, and He Sinan would also make breakfast when Qin Tian was about to wake up.

After Qin Tian woke up, he would brush his teeth and wash his hands before he could eat breakfast. He Sinan always paid more attention to these details.

"I, I'll go down to you."

He Sinan said that he was about to get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"No need, just watch yours."

Qin Tian quickly stopped, mainly because he really didn't want to eat egg noodles: "Let me make breakfast today, I have to go out after dinner."

He Sinan paused for a while, and didn't ask Qin Tian where he was going, after all, Qin Tian said before that he was going to help his colleagues, so it should be the same today.

All the equipment in the kitchen is the best and most advanced.

In addition to some basic electrical appliances, He Sinan had never seen such advanced kitchen equipment as microwave ovens and range hoods, and it took him a while to learn them.

Qin Tian opened the double-door refrigerator, looked at the assortment of ingredients inside, turned his head and asked, "Sinan, what do you want for breakfast?"

He Sinan raised his head, looked at Qin Tian in the kitchen and blurted out: "Anything is fine."

Qin Tian smiled and thought: "Didn't you say casually? Then she said something and she refuted it? Then the two kept entangled until they broke up?

This girlfriend is really unqualified!

Soon, Qin Tian began to work in the kitchen, his movements were skillful and brisk, quite like an international chef.

Not long after, Qin Tian took off his apron and called He Sinan to eat, and went to the bathroom to wash himself first.

Qin Tian also just cooked a pot of gruel, fried a few fried eggs, as well as hot milk and a few pieces of bread, which was very simple but full of nutrients.

Moreover, Qin Tian's way of arranging the plates is quite unconventional. The appearance of the two breakfast plates is almost exactly the same.

"At noon, I may not come back."

After Qin Tian washed up, he came to the dining table with two cups of hot milk and put a cup in front of He Sinan's table: "There is food in the refrigerator, you can make whatever you want. There is also a supermarket outside the villa area, which has everything in it." Sell, you can also go there to buy something you want to eat."

"Well, I see."

He Sinan nodded, and after listening to Qin Tian's words, he began to sip his breakfast, his movements always so calm.

Qin Tian was not at home, and it was still raining so heavily outside, He Sinan didn't really want to go out.

Today, she also happens to be at home and learn how to make milk tea.

After the meal, He Sinan helped to wash the dishes. While washing the dishes, he did not forget to check the milk tea making method on his mobile phone.

Qin Tian didn't bother her either, and went to the garage with an umbrella to drive, left the Jiujiantang villa area, and went straight to the Yulongwan community.

When passing through China World Mall, Qin Tian made a special trip to the store where he bought He Sinan's birthday cake last time, and also ordered a three-layer cake for Chen Qianqian, and told him to come and pick it up at noon.

It's a bit urgent to make a three-layer cake in the morning. After all, the business of this store is quite good, and there are several orders for birthday cakes.

But Qin Tian came for the second time, and he gave an extra 100 yuan to expedite.

Seeing how generous this customer is and driving such a handsome sports car, the owner of the cake shop naturally put Qin Tian's order at the top, and immediately started to get busy.

After getting back the receipt for the cake, Qin Tian drove to the Yulongwan Community and parked the car in the parking lot that came with the suites of Chen Qianqian and Sun Qimei.

The mother and daughter didn't have a car, so this parking space naturally became Qin Tian's exclusive space.

Qin Tian was not in a hurry to go upstairs to find Chen Qianqian. Instead, he first went to the property department to get acquainted with Sun Shaowen and some property staff, smoked a cigarette, and chatted about some things in the community, and then went upstairs with an umbrella.

"Xiao, Xiao Qin is here, come in and sit down."

Sun Qimei, who had just changed her clothes and was about to go out, saw Qin Tian coming, immediately put down her umbrella, invited Qin Tian into the house, and ran to the kitchen to pour hot water.

"How about Aunt, are you still used to living here?"

Qin Tian entered the room with a smile, glanced at the living room, but did not find Chen Qianqian, thinking that he should still be sleeping in.

"I'm used to it."

Sun Qimei brought a cup of hot water and put it on the tea table in front of Qin Tian: "Everything is convenient here, and the property staff are also very friendly."

I don't know who spread the relationship between Qin Tian and Sun Qimei and Chen Qianqian.

In short, when Sun Qimei went out to buy groceries or something, those ladies from the property department would run over to talk to Sun Qimei enthusiastically, and asked Sun Qimei if she needed any help.

The male proprietors and security guards did not dare to be so blatant.

Although Sun Qimei was nearly forty years old, she looked like she was in her early thirties. She was also in good shape, and her face was not low. From head to toe, she exuded the charm of a mature woman.

They were worried whether this was Qin Tian's mistress or lover.

Naturally, I didn't dare to strike up a conversation blatantly like a female proprietor. When I met in the community, I only dared to say hello enthusiastically.

"That's good."

Qin Tian smiled and took a sip of hot water.

Sun Qimei was standing in front of Qin Tian, ​​smiling so forcedly that she didn't even dare to sit on the sofa.

Ordinary people will maintain an inexplicable sense of humbleness towards rich people, especially Sun Qimei who has always been submissive.

Especially when Sun Qimei learned that the entire Yulongwan community is Qin Tian, ​​this sense of humbleness grew infinitely in Sun Qimei's heart.

Now that Qin Tian was sitting in front of her, Sun Qimei didn't even dare to talk to Qin Tian in an elder way.

She just stood on the side at a loss, a bit like a nanny who can be called at any time.

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