Choose It, Hit Worker!

One Hundred And Nineteenth: Who Else Among You Touched Her?

At this moment, in Ni Banglu's Zizhu Lane, outside a dirt house, several electric cars with strange colors are parked.

Inside the earthen house, several will-o'-the-wisp teenagers with colorful hairstyles were gathering to play cards, with some snacks and cans of beer beside them.

A red-haired girl with stud earrings and a scorpion tattoo on her neck was holding a plastic knife and fork, cutting the cake that Chen Qianqian had just bought, and then gave a piece to each of the girls next to her.

In front of them, Chen Qianqian looked at the double-layer cake she bought for tens of dollars with distress, which was shared among several girls.

Chen Qianqian didn't expect that when she came back to pack some gadgets, she happened to meet Li Hai and his group.

What's more, Li Hai and the others brought Sister Hong over here this time.

This red sister, Chen Qianqian, has met several times before, and I heard that she works in ktv and has a lot of influence.

Li Hai and the others were very afraid of this red sister, and Chen Qianqian was naturally afraid of this person, so she didn't dare to hide the cake.

After the cake was taken by Sister Hong, Chen Qianqian didn't dare to refute anything. Now she just hopes that the rain will stop quickly so that she can find a chance to leave this group of people.

"No, sister, eat cake."

Sister Hong lifted a piece of cake in front of Chen Qianqian provocatively.

While the other girls were happily nibbling on the cake, they secretly glanced at each other, revealing meaningful and playful smiles.

The few of them didn't regard Chen Qianqian as their own at all, after all, Chen Qianqian had already said before that they would not hang out with them.

A few days ago, this group of people sneaked into Chen Qianqian's house during the day as a way of punishing traitors, ruined her house, and took away nearly 10,000 yuan.

The point is that Chen Qianqian's mother didn't dare to call the police, which made these people more emboldened.

Moreover, when Sister Hong heard that Chen Qianqian was in a single-parent family, she wanted to bring Chen Qianqian to work in her ktv, so she simply came to find Chen Qianqian today.

However, after the group of them asked the landlord, they found out that Chen Qianqian had moved, and they planned to go back.

Unexpectedly, at the cake shop at the door, I ran into Chen Qianqian who happened to be hiding from the rain under a big tree with a cake.

With such a good opportunity, Miss Hong naturally couldn't let it go.

A group of people took Chen Qianqian to this earthen house under the pretext of hiding from the rain.

Sister Hong also planned to take her back to her ktv after the rain stopped.

Anyway, Chen Qianqian is a single-parent family, there is no man in the family, and her mother is so useless.

They didn't dare to call the police when their home was stolen, so they naturally wouldn't worry about Chen Qianqian daring to play tricks.

"Thank you, Miss Hong."

Chen Qianqian forced a smile, quickly took the cake, and ate it in small bites, feeling very wronged.

This was obviously eaten when I was celebrating my birthday with brother Qin.

"Sister, I heard from Li Hai and the others that you are the only one in your family?"

Sister Hong swaggered and sat on the window sill made of adobe bricks, and asked briskly, "Would you like to go to my sister's place to work? I will pay you 2,000 yuan a month, and you can drink fruits and drinks as you like."

"No need, Miss Hong, I"

"Wait for the rain to stop."

Sister Hong didn't give Chen Qianqian a chance to refute, and said to herself: "When the rain stops, I will take you to my boss to have a look, and I promise to satisfy you."

Chen Qianqian knew what would happen to her if she was taken away, so she quickly laughed and joked, "Sister Hong, I look black, your boss won't want me."

"Hey, don't you feel confident now?"

Li Hai, who was playing cards next to him, praised loudly: "Qianqian, you are quite beautiful, and people like black spots. I think you can become the top card of Hongjie."

"Yes, yes, Qianqian, you must have made a lot of money in the past,"

"That's right, Qianqian, Sister Hong is much easier than going to work in the electronics factory, and it can make you feel good!"

A few girls also praised eccentrically, and a few men who got together to play cards were also sniggering.

They naturally knew what these girls meant. After all, the men in the ktv played so well that Chen Qianqian didn't know how small she would be able to withstand it for a few days.

"I, I don't want to go"

Chen Qianqian was so aggrieved that she sniffled and couldn't help but squatted on the ground and cried.

Sister Hong and the other girls smiled disdainfully, not taking this traitor seriously at all.

At this moment, amidst the noisy rain outside the earth house, there was the deafening sound of a car engine and a screeching sound of brakes.

A silver Mercedes-Benz sports car stopped on the potholed road outside the mud house in the pouring rain.

"I'll go, what a handsome sports car!"

Li Hai and the others were attracted by this silver Mercedes-Benz, which is much more handsome than their ghost fire!

Sun Xueye, who was shuffling the cards, also poked his head out to look outside.

After the heavy white rain, he felt as if he had seen this silver sports car before.

At this moment, the silver Mercedes-Benz scissor doors were quickly pulled up, Qin Tian and Sun Shaowen got out of the car, and ran towards the earthen house without opening their umbrellas.

"Fuck! Qin, Mr. Qin! Cousin!!"

Sun Xueye was completely dumbfounded. How did the two of them find this place? Could it be that he came to arrest him for absenteeism?

That's not right, even if you catch absenteeism, it's not Mr. Qin's turn to come in person.

"Little, Brother Qin!"

Seeing the hazy figure in the heavy rain, Chen Qianqian ran outside crying, but was grabbed by Sister Hong: "Don't try to get away, sister."

Qin Tian and Sun Shaowen ran into the earthen house, just in time to see Chen Qianqian, who was crying with tears in his eyes, being dragged by the arm by a red-haired woman.

"Yo handsome guy, come in and hide"

Before Sister Hong could finish speaking, Qin Tian rushed forward and kicked her flying, hitting the window sill made of adobe bricks like a heavy cannon.

The red brick was directly smashed, and Sister Hong was directly kicked out of the house by Qin Tian, ​​and was washed away by the heavy rain.


In the heavy rain, Sister Hong stood up staggeringly holding her extremely painful abdomen with both hands, and then began to vomit violently. The cake she ate just now mixed with blood was sprayed out by her in a series.

Everyone was stunned by Qin Tian's kick, they didn't even react to Qin Tian's action, they only heard a loud noise, Sister Hong smashed the window sill and flew out.

Sun Shaowen also looked at it for a while, and finally understood why the paper document hit him so painfully.

"Little, Brother Qin!"

Chen Qianqian threw herself on Qin Tian, ​​hugged Qin Tian's waist tightly, and burst into tears.

Qin Tian hugged Chen Qianqian with one hand, with uncontrollable anger flashing in his eyes, he looked around at the people in the mud room, and asked with a frosty face: "Who else among you has touched her?"

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