Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 121: Qianqian Will Be Obedient In The Future

Qin Tian drove back to the parking lot of Yulongwan community.

Just parked the car.

Along the way, Chen Qianqian, who had lingering fears about what happened just now, hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt, and climbed from the co-pilot onto Qin Tian's body in a panic.

She looked like she had just been salvaged from an ice hole, her legs were placed on both sides of Qin Tian's legs, and her hands were tightly hugging Qin Tian, ​​wishing that the whole body would melt into Qin Tian's bones, weeping silently, the whole body People trembled in fear.

She couldn't even imagine how miserable her fate would be if Qin Tian didn't come.

"Okay, okay, isn't everything over?"

Qin Tian patted Chen Qianqian's trembling back, and comforted him softly: "The money is coming back smoothly, and those guys are going to stay there for six or seven years, why are you crying?"

Chen Qianqian leaned on Qin Tian's chest, weeping silently, and choked up intermittently: "Father, I'm so scared, you, don't leave me alone, Qianqian will be obedient in the future and won't cause trouble for you again."

"Ok, I know."

Qin Tian nodded in relief, and still reminded: "But don't call me dad from now on. I'm not your dad, and I don't know your mother. I'm your brother Qin. Didn't we agree?"

Chen Qianqian supported Qin Tian's chest with both hands, and slowly straightened her body on Qin Tian's lap. Her pretty face was covered with black hair, and she said willfully and aggrievedly: "No, don't, you It's my dad."

Qin Tian quickly put aside the relationship: "Let's put it down, I'm only 21 years old, I don't have a daughter as old as you, and you are too disobedient, you don't let me worry at all, if I really have a daughter like you in the future, I will You may lose 30 years of your life."

Chen Qianqian lay on Qin Tian's body again, and complained coquettishly, "Then, then I will listen to you in the future. Don't ignore me. You can tell me to do whatever you want."

Qin Tian straightened Chen Qianqian's body again, stretched out his hand to brush away the hair on Chen Qianqian's face, and teasingly threatened: "Okay, forget it this time, you were ignorant before, so you are not allowed to be with that kind of person again Playing, do you hear me, or I will really break your leg, the kind that even Sun Aunt can't stop!"

Feeling the temperature of Qin Tian's fingers, and listening to Qin Tian repeat what he said to himself when the two met.

Chen Qianqian stopped crying immediately, and the emotion that had been in her heart for a long time burst out instantly.

Suddenly, she used her slender arms to press Qin Tian's shoulders with all her strength, then closed her eyes tightly, and pressed against Qin Tian's shoulders recklessly.

It's just a random meal, with no experience at all.


Qin Tian felt a little uncomfortable, pressed her shoulders, straightened her body, and cursed helplessly: "Is this how you treat your father?"

Hearing this, Chen Qianqian was overjoyed, feeling that Qin Tian finally recognized this relationship.

But not long after, Chen Qianqian felt that something was wrong again, and vetoed it by accident: "Brother Qin, you are not my dad, and we have nothing to do with each other, but you are my dad in my heart, so I am willing to call you dad. But you are not allowed to get along with me as my father, I can only treat you as my father."

"What, what a mess, Schrödinger's dad, right?"

Qin Tian was confused, and didn't bother to play this tongue twister with Chen Qianqian, so he reached out and opened the car door: "Get out of the car and go back."

"no, do not want!"

Chen Qianqian saw that Qin Tian was about to chase her away again, she burrowed her head directly into Qin Tian's shirt, and protested in a vague tone: "Brother Qin, today is my birthday, you said you would come to help me celebrate, you are lying!"

"I'm going to get you a cake."

Qin Tian tugged on Chen Qianqian's wet sweater: "Go back and take a shower first, be careful not to catch a cold."


Chen Qianqian came out overjoyed, and asked expectantly: "Brother Qin, did you buy me a cake too?"

When Chen Qianqian went back to pack those gadgets, she spent more than 70 yuan at the cake shop outside and bought a two-tier cake, planning to eat it with Qin Tian.

But before she had time to take a taxi back to the community, she ran into Sister Hong's group, and they snatched the cake and ate it.


"Then I'll go too, I'm not cold."

Qin Tian sighed, and pulled down the car door as a tacit consent, then he glanced at the co-pilot next to him calmly.

Chen Qianqian understood, and quickly crawled back: "Dad, hurry up and drive to get the cake."

"I have really convinced you, you are really tormenting people."

Qin Tian laughed out of anger, stretched out his hand and squeezed Chen Qianqian's face to vent his anger, with a bit of strength: "Fasten your seat belt, damn girl."


Chen Qianqian fastened her seat belt obediently, and then began to talk excitedly about the heroic scene of Qin Tian saving the beauty in the earthen house just now.

He also danced and gestured for Qin Tian to punch, the whole person was very excited.

Qin Tian looked at Chen Qianqian, who looked like a little girl beside him, holding the steering wheel with his left hand, and knocking on the armrest box of the sports car next to him with his right hand inexplicably.

"Brother Qin."

Chen Qianqian's voice suddenly became very low, and she stretched out her hand to hold Qin Tian's right hand that was placed on the armrest box, and asked full of longing: "In the future, will you protect me like you did just now?"

When Chen Qianqian first met Qin Tian, ​​she only felt that this tall man made her feel safe.

Inexplicably, he regarded this man who was one year older than him as his father.

Although she knew it was a very shameful thought, she didn't care about telling Qin Tian this kind of thing at all, and even expected Qin Tian to accept this kind of relationship.

And during this period of time, Qin Tian helped Chen Qianqian and her mother out of the predicament many times, and just now rescued Chen Qianqian from those ruffians with great danger.

Chen Qianqian also gradually gained the sense of security she had longed for for more than ten years from Qin Tian, ​​and she couldn't do without Qin Tian in her heart.

Although Chen Qianqian also knew that Qin Tian had a girlfriend, she didn't want to give up this relationship.

As long as she can stay by Qin Tian's side, she can do whatever she wants.

"Driving, don't make trouble."

Qin Tian glanced at Chen Qianqian's dependent look, pulled his hand back and put it on the steering wheel, looked away and looked straight ahead, his expression looked a little complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Chen Qianqian subconsciously grabbed his empty hands, then his face was full of disappointment, and he sat on the co-pilot without saying a word.

But when the sports car drove out of Yulongwan Community, the sound of the sports car's engine gradually became louder and the speed became faster and faster.

I don't know if Chen Qianqian heard it wrong.

Anyway, in the midst of the exciting engine sound, she saw Qin Tian's mouth move, and vaguely heard two words.

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