Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 157: The Day's Plan Lies In The Morning

"Remember when you said home is the only castle"

Early the next morning, Qin Tian was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes hazily, but He Sinan was still not by his pillow.

In the huge bedroom, only the mobile phone on the bedside table was constantly vibrating, singing Jay Chou's rice fragrance.

Qin Tian picked up the phone and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number, guessing it should be Grandma He Sinan calling.


Qin Tian answered the phone, but no one spoke on the other end of the phone, only the sound of rapid breathing could be heard.

There was a few seconds of silence on the other side, and then a nervous girlish voice came cautiously: "Grandma, grandma, the phone is through."

"Hey, why are the two sisters so naive?"

Qin Tian shook his head dumbfounded, he didn't even need to think about it, the other end of the phone was definitely He Sinan's younger sister who just entered junior high school in his hometown: He Sihan.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and a vicissitudes of life came from the voice of an old man: "Hello, my son, I am Granny Sinan."

"Hey, mother-in-law is good."

Qin Tian greeted each other in a familiar dialect to reduce the unfamiliarity between each other.

No matter what the mother-in-law said, she was someone who had experienced it, so she couldn't be nervous about this grandson-in-law who hadn't met, and adding to the dialect Qin Tian used to chat, the mother-in-law naturally felt less restrained.

The two chatted about many basic things, nothing more than mother-in-law asking about Qin Tian's family situation, or how his relationship with He Sinan is like recently.

It is exactly the same as most parents examine the son-in-law who has not entered the door.

It's just that the mother-in-law also basically explained the situation of her family, giving Qin Tian a hint that their family situation is not optimistic.

Qin Tian naturally didn't dislike him, he knew how He Sinan's family was when he was working in the electronics factory.

A mud-brick house left by the older generation, a younger sister who just entered junior high school, a frail and sick old man who is nearly eighty years old, and a piece of farmland that [above] planned for their family in the early years.

Qin Tian didn't take these situations seriously at all, because these can be improved with money.

What's more, now that he has tricked that naive girl into his hands, how could Qin Tian throw her away because of these things?

On the phone, Qin Tian also expressed some important things to her mother-in-law, such as a promise to He Sinan for the rest of her life, and a promise not to marry unless she was the one in the future.

This kind of swearing verbal language does not have any credibility when it is said, but at least the old people will feel at ease when they hear it, and they will have a bottom line in their hearts.

"Qin Wazi, are you coming back for the Chinese New Year?"

He Sinan had said before that the two of them would go back for the New Year, but her mother-in-law was also very traditional. In her opinion, the only ones who could be trusted at home were the man who was in charge of the house.

"Well, I'll be back in the first day of junior high school."

Qin Tian responded affirmatively.

"That deserves it."

The mother-in-law's voice became a little happy. It seemed that she was quite satisfied with this grandson-in-law who hadn't met yet.

"Come on, Sihan, come and talk to Qin big brother."

"Yes, yes."

On the other side of the phone, there was a girl with a thick Sichuan accent responding, but what came over the phone was melodious Mandarin like wind chimes: "Hello, Qin, Qin big brother."

This is a way of guarding against strangers, people who are not too close, even fellow villagers, He Sihan would not dare to chat with Qin Tian in dialect.

Using Mandarin can also play a certain role in politeness.

"Is it Sihan?"

Hearing this sister-in-law's voice was a little nervous, Qin Tian's voice softened a lot: "Your sister often mentions you to me, are you in the first grade of junior high school now? How is your academic performance?"

The two had never met, and this was the first time they had chatted on the phone, and what followed was a small chat.

Qin Tian asked He Sihan some ordinary things, such as study status and some farm work.

However, He Sihan yelled at Qin big brother, which made Qin Tian a little inexplicably embarrassed, and made her change her name to call herself Brother Qin just like He Sinan.

He Sihan was a little nervous at first, but after being relieved by Qin Tian's kind words, she also became bolder, and began to ask Qin Tian some things about He Sinan.

Putonghua has also gradually switched to a dialect, which can be regarded as slowly accepting this brother-in-law who has not met.

He Sihan's voice is also a bit naive, she is exactly the same as her sister when speaking in dialect, but with a sweet ending that is unique to little girls.

"Then Brother Qin, are you really going to come back for the New Year?"

"Well, bring your sister back on the first day of the new year, and take good care of your mother-in-law at home. Don't waste the money I transferred to you. You should eat and drink. Do you hear me?"

"Well, I see."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes, Qin Tian hung up the phone with a smile, and said to himself in relief: "Hanhan's sister-in-law is really carved out of the same mold."

After getting off the bed after getting dressed, Qin Tian came to the living room humming a cheerful ditty, while He Sinan was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

He didn't need to go to the milk tea shop to help out today, and Qin Tian didn't hand in his homework for the past few days. He Sinan's mental state was very good, and he got up early in the morning to make breakfast.

Qin Tian said that she was going out today, and He Sinan specially wore an elegant dress that she liked better.

When the two of them were at home a month ago, Qin Tian bought a lot of clothes for He Sinan, all kinds of clothes, and the wardrobe in the bedroom was almost entirely He Sinan's clothes.

But He Sinan doesn't like those fancy and expensive clothes, her aesthetics are relatively low-key, and she thinks this dress is the most beautiful among all the clothes.

He Sinan was very serious when he was doing things, he was always so focused that he didn't even notice that Qin Tian went downstairs.

Qin Tian walked softly and slowly behind He Sinan, stretched out his hand and comfortably hugged the slender waist of the beautiful cook: "I, Di Nan, what delicious food are you doing?"

He Sinan was startled, and complained softly and reproachfully: "Brother Qin, why are you walking silently?"

"You are too serious, I have been down for a long time."

Qin Tian responded with a smile, then looked at He Sinan's smiling face, and moved in his heart, he leaned into He Sinan's ear and murmured meaningfully: "Sinan, I'm hungry."

"We can have dinner later, Brother Qin, go to the sofa and watch TV first."

He Sinan still responded gently, not noticing the seriousness of the matter.

"Let's do it later."

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to turn off the gas stove from He Sinan's armpit, and then said solemnly: "Sinan, do you know what the next sentence of the year's plan lies in spring?"

"It's the day's plan that starts in the morning."

He Sinan quickly answered that she also finished junior high school in her hometown, and her academic performance was very good.

If it wasn't for family reasons that made her drop out of school, He Sinan might have worked hard through her studies.

"Okay then, listen to you."

Qin Tian nodded brazenly, then lightly rubbed He Sinan's heel with his toes.

He Sinan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at Qin Tian with a blushing face, only then did he understand why Qin Tian asked himself such a question.

But this naive and gentle girl shyly moved her fair legs to the sides

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