Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 17: Chow Mein And Beer

"Choose one from the supernatural system!"

Qin Tian already has a huge sum of 100,000 as a base, and just now he earned another 500, which is completely enough for renting a house and buying those miscellaneous things.

Qin Tian wants to see what kind of things can be opened in the treasure box of the supernatural system, and it is best to give a treasure chest of higher level.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mysterious treasure box of the supernatural power system! 】

[The level of the treasure chest is: plastic! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious plastic supernatural treasure box? 】

"Tsk, sure enough, I'll start with the lowest one."

Qin Tian complained as expected, and then opened the treasure chest.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the mysterious supernatural plastic treasure box: obtaining the supernatural power: the pupil of identification! 】

[Pupil of Identification: The host can observe the detailed information of any physical thing through the eyes, including living things! 】

"Is this really something that can be opened from a plastic treasure chest?"

Listening to the sound of the system, Qin Tian smiled excitedly.

Qin Tian is very familiar with this ability similar to clairvoyance.

Before time travel, Qin Tian had read similar novels.

The protagonist in the novel uses this ability to go to the antique market to appraise treasures and pan for gold, and then only spend a few hundred yuan to buy tens of millions of treasures, earning a lot of money.

The abilities in those novels are only useful for some items.

Qin Tian's ability has effects on living things, it is simply an enhanced version of clairvoyance + black technology calculator.

Qin Tian is now more and more looking forward to these three series of diamond treasure chests, what kind of exaggerated abilities or props can be opened.

【Ding! The identified pupils have successfully integrated into the host's eyes. 】

As soon as the system finished speaking, Qin Tian felt his eyes warm up, as comfortable as having an eye massage.

Qin Tian randomly picked up a paper shell, and in just an instant, the information on the paper shell popped out.

[Item: Single-layer cardboard. 】

[Item weight: 40 grams. 】

[Place of origin: Shonan Paper Mill. 】

[Production date: 2008, February 12th. 】

"This is too detailed, even the source is known."

Qin Tian exclaimed overjoyed, and came to the mirror at the door with great playfulness.

This mirror is for employees to check their appearance after get off work, and not many people care about it.

Only when going to and from get off work, the employees will take a look to see if there is any dirt on them.

Soon, Qin Tian's detailed information popped up.

【Name: Qin Tian】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 21】

【Occupation: Employee of Longxing Electronics Factory】

【Current Mood: Happy】

【Physical state: tired】

[Appearance: He is as handsome as the reader's big brother, my God! 】

【Height: 182】

【Weight: 70kg】

【Experience: 0】

"Experience 0?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Emotions don't take into account my last world."

After complaining, Qin Tian felt that the ability of this Appraisal Pupil was even more exaggerated.

It can see the state of a person's body.

That is to say, Qin Tian only needs to take a look to see if anyone has any disease, which is even more exaggerated than those high-tech instruments in the hospital.

"A little tired indeed."

Qin Tian yawned sleepily.

I didn't sleep last night, and today I soldered circuit boards all day, and I haven't eaten dinner yet.

Even if Qin Tian is now a vigorous young man, he can't stand such a torment, his eyelids have already started to fight.

Qin Tian directly dragged a few pieces of cardboard from the workshop next door and laid them on the floor, planning to spend the night in this workshop tonight.

Anyway, when he was working before, Qin Tian slept everywhere, so naturally he wasn't that hypocritical.

There are also many people in the electronics factory sleeping in the workshop. Anyway, there are surveillance everywhere, and the boss is not afraid of someone stealing or maliciously destroying things.

Just as Qin Tian was lying on the cardboard, the small door of the workshop was pushed open with a creak.

It is Qin Tian's treasure girl: He Sinan.

"Brother Qin."

He Sinan tiptoed in with a steaming bag in hand.

Maybe she was afraid of disturbing other employees who were sleeping in the factory, so she lowered her voice and ran over with small steps with a happy smile on her face.

"Why are you here? Don't you sleep so late?"

Qin Tian sat up and asked curiously.

"I just heard from Sister Chen that you will work overtime until late tonight, and you may be so busy that you don't even have time for dinner."

He Sinan sat sideways on Qin Tian spread out on the cardboard floor without any hesitation, opened the bag and said, "I'll buy fried noodles for you, by the way, Brother Qin, do you drink? I also bought a can of beer .”

Before the bag was opened, Qin Tian could see a steaming bowl of fried noodles and a bottle of beer called Yinbaisha inside.

Fried noodles and beer, this is the dinner or supper that most migrant workers use to make do at night.

But for Qin Tian now, this cheap chow mein and beer has a lingering warmth.

"Hey, thank you, Sinan."

Qin Tian responded with satisfaction.

In fact, he wasn't very hungry, he was just sleepy now.

But this is the supper that Treasure Girl waited several hours to bring for herself, how can there be any reason not to eat it?

Even after eating ten drawers of buns, Qin Tian still has to bite the bullet and eat this bowl of noodles!

"Huh? By the way, it's so late, the cafeteria should be closed, where did you buy it?"

The cafeteria doesn’t sell anything after nine o’clock in the evening, and the only edible things are some snacks and instant noodles, and the disposable cartons for these bowls of noodles are not available in the factory.

"I, I bought it on Xiangban Road Street outside the factory, where there are many night stalls"

He Sinan's tone dropped a lot in an instant, like a child doing bad things.

"Xiangban Road? Did you go alone?"

Qin Tian knew that street, he passed by it once when he was on the bus on the first day of work.

That street is far away from the electronics factory. It may take more than 20 minutes to get there by taxi, and at least an hour and a half on foot. It is also full of dirt roads.

He Sinan nodded again, and the movement of unpacking the bags slowed down.

"Then did you take a taxi?"

Qin Tian asked again angrily, even though he knew the answer, he still wanted to see if a miracle happened.

"No, no."

He Sinan's head lowered, and he responded with a helpless sound. The hands that opened the bag seemed to be slowed down 20 times, carefully.

"He Sinan, are you Gua Wazi?"

Qin Tian was really a little angry, and couldn't help bursting out in dialect.

He Sinan was originally a beautiful and introverted girl, not to mention walking alone at night, but she actually went so far to buy fried noodles for herself.

The law and order were not very good in this era, the muddy road had no street lights, and He Sinan didn't have a mobile phone or a flashlight, so he walked in the dark.

If something happened to her because of her own dinner, Qin Tian would feel guilty for it for the rest of her life.

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