Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 175: Sinan, Can You Forgive Me?

"Xiao, Xiao Qin, I'm so scared."

In the parking lot of the community, inside the Mercedes-Benz car, Qian Wanying held Qin Tian's palm, with a look of lingering fear: "Will he come to settle accounts with me in the future?"

Qian Wanying's temperament was originally submissive, and Gu Zhengxiong had domestically abused her for several years, which had already left a psychological shadow on her.

It was the first time that she looked so majestic in front of Gu Zhengxiong just now.

Qian Wanying worried that when Qin Tian was not around, Gu Zhengxiong would come to make trouble for her.

"Don't worry, that guy is a quick shooter with an eye for money."

Qin Tian shrugged disapprovingly: "Unless he doesn't want to make money with me, he won't dare to trouble you even if he has the guts."

In fact, Qin Tian didn't want to accept Qian Wanying's request to be merciful to Gu Zhengxiong's subordinates. He just wanted to kick Gu Zhengxiong's cosmetics shop away and use it for his own business.

However, Qian Wanying's character is still too kind, and she still can't bear to kill a man who has been with him for more than ten years, even though that man is a jerk.

Of course, it is impossible for Qian Wanying to have any change of heart towards Gu Zhengxiong, she only has endless hatred for this man.

The idea of ​​begging Qin Tian not to kill them all is also caused by her conscience.

Qin Tian also felt that if Gu Zhengxiong was chased away, no one would be able to share the good news of him and Qian Wanying seeing the scenery together in the future, it would be too boring.

Anyway, Zhang Qifan also said just now that one of his stores also plans to leave at the end of the month, and there are also store locations to make room for his own business.

"Okay, sister, go back quickly, it's getting late, go to bed early."

For Qian Wanying, Qin Tian can't say much affection and love.

The reason why this kind of relationship happened was because of Qin Tian's sudden pity for her, and his sympathy for wanting to take a wife and sister who had lived alone in an empty house for more than ten years, to go out to see the scenery.

"Xiao Qin, are you leaving again?"

Qian Wanying looked at Qin Tian very reluctantly, her hands holding Qin Tian refused to let go.

"It's getting late, sister, it's time for me to go back to work."

Qin Tian laughed with a troubled look.

"Xiao Qin, your girlfriend is so nice, you always care about her."

Qian Wanying murmured aggrievedly, with a caring and pitiful look.

Qin Tian smiled without saying a word, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to He Sinan's Penguin, saying that he would be going back soon.

Qian Wanying saw it, and knew that Qin Tian was sending messages to his so-called real girlfriend, so she couldn't help feeling jealous.

Now she wished that when she came to Jianghai City, she met not that bastard Gu Zhengxiong, but this understanding brother in front of her.

Inexplicably, Qian Wanying plucked up the courage to move her body, straddling the long legs of a pair of black pantyhose, huddled in front of the driver's seat, and looked up at Qin Tian.

The interior of the silver Mercedes-Benz is relatively narrow, and Qian Wanying's figure can barely squeeze in front of Qin Tian's legs.

"Sister, what are you doing? It's very late."

Qin Tian looked down at the jealous Qian Wanying, lowered the car window subconsciously, and asked dumbfoundedly, "Aren't you tired?"

"Xiao Qin, tell me the truth, is my sister a yellow-faced woman?"

Qian Wanying pressed Qin Tian's knee, and asked earnestly and inexplicably nervously.

"Sister, I see people very well."

Just kidding, if Qian Wanying wasn't good-looking, she would never have appeared in Qin Tian's car at all.

Even though he is old, his figure and appearance have not been weakened by the years, and he even has the attributes of a wife. How could Qin Tian say no?

Qian Wanying smiled happily, and then slowly lowered her gaze.

"Sister, you"

"Don't move around, Xiao Qin, I just want to thank you very much, you are the first person to praise my sister for her beauty."

Qian Wanying's phoenix eyes looked up, looking expectant for praise.

Qin Tian smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand to stroke Qian Wanying's beautiful hair, and reminded with a doting face: "Then be careful."

After nearly half an hour, the scissor doors of the Mercedes-Benz opened slowly.

Qian Wanying, who had been squatting for half an hour, put a few balls of paper in her pocket and got out of the car, looking precarious and a little unstable.

"Sister, go back and rest early."

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he couldn't help but tease again: "And remember to go back and wash your face."

"Ah? Is there any more?"

Qian Wanying blushed and touched her smooth cheeks.

"Hey, it's gone on the face, but I don't know what's going on in the hair. I suggest you go back and wash your hair."

"Xiao Qin, you are really bad!"

Qian Wanying raised her jade finger gently and reproachfully, and nodded Qin Tian's head: "I told you I can do it, now it's all right, I have to go back to take a bath again, you are really a big villain."

"It's no harm to take a bath more, go back to rest early, and call me if you need something."

Qin Tian lowered the car door and said to Qian Wanying who was outside the car: "I'll come and see you when I'm free."

"Well, sister is waiting for you."

Qian Wanying replied in a friendly manner: "Drive slowly on the road, don't let my sister worry."

The silver Mercedes that watched Qin Tian off disappeared behind the exit of the parking lot.

Qian Wanying froze after reaching out her hand to touch her beautiful hair, her pretty face blushed immediately, she hurried to the elevator, planning to go back and wash her hair.

It was past 1 o'clock at night when we returned to Jiujiantang Villa.

After parking the car in the garage, Qin Tian carefully opened the front door of the villa. The huge villa was dark, like a haunted house.

Tiptoed upstairs, opened the door of the bedroom, He Sinan had already fallen asleep under the quilt,

She was still holding Qin Tian's pillow in her arms, and she slept in Qin Tian's position, with only a simple head exposed, breathing rhythmically, and whispering some sleepy words in her mouth.

A pair of slender but round jade feet were exposed outside the quilt, and the ten crystal clear toes moved a few times from time to time.

Qin Tian stepped forward, covered He Sinan's legs, went to the downstairs bathroom to take a shower, and then turned back.

After lightly going to bed, Qin Tian gently embraced He Sinan's slender waist from behind.

He Sinan, who was sleeping soundly, subconsciously turned around, let go of the pillow in his hand, and thrust his limp body into Qin Tian's arms, yelling in a daze, "Little Brother Qin!"

"Sorry to wake you up."

Qin Tian apologized abruptly, but the only response to him was a series of magnetic breathing sounds.

"Sleep so naughty."

Qin Tian pampered He Sinan's little white upturned nose, and then couldn't help thinking of Yingying Yanyan who was outside, and couldn't help apologizing softly with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Si Nan, your little brother Qin may have someone outside, but they took the initiative. Little brother Qin always only has you in his heart."

"Although it's a bit unreasonable to make trouble, can you forgive me?"

The room was very quiet, only He Sinan's rhythmic breathing could be vaguely heard.

"Well, if you don't speak, I will acquiesce on your behalf. Sinan, you are so kind."

Qin Tian smiled contentedly, took the initiative to embrace He Sinan's soft body in his arms, and fell asleep not long after.

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