Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 177: Shall We Have A Baby?

"It is judged that in the next few days, there will be a trend of heavy rain across the country. The cities with the most severe rainfall are: Jianghai City, Shancheng, and Sichuan"

In the living room, after lunch, Qin Tian was lying lazily on the sofa, watching the weather forecast.

He Sinan was washing dishes in the kitchen wearing an apron.

"It's raining heavily."

After lunch, He Sinan was washing dishes in the kitchen, looking at the white expanse outside the window, his delicate face was full of sorrow.

When living in the countryside, He Sinan was most afraid of heavy rain.

The mud-brick house cannot withstand heavy rain. As long as it rains heavily, the house of the three of them will be riddled with holes and leaks everywhere.

In order to keep the family's crops and quilts from getting wet, the sisters He Sinan and He Sihan had to wear coir raincoats and brave the heavy rain to take a ladder to repair the hole on the roof.

One time, my younger sister He Sihan almost fell off the roof, which scared He Sinan to tears.

This is also the main reason why He Sinan has always disliked rainy days.

Fortunately, during this month, grandma and younger sister repaired the roof specially with the money transferred by Qin Tian.

He Sinan also made a special phone call just now to ask, and there is no leak in the mud brick house at home.

He Sihan also wisely bought a lot of quilts and padded jackets for the winter, and bought a heater specially for grandma's room to relieve grandma's wind and cold.

Thinking of his poor family, which gradually became perfect under Qin Tian's protection, He Sinan's emotions that had been in his heart for a long time rose slowly in his heart.

This treasure girl who has always been insecure since she was sensible, sensitive and fragile in her heart, experienced a sense of security in a safe haven called home at this moment.

Slowly, He Sinan stopped washing the dishes, wiped away the tears that flowed unconsciously from his eyes, with a sweet longing smile on his face.

She turned her head to look at the rainy sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then at Qin Tian who was lying on his side in the corner of the sofa with only the back of his head exposed, summoned up her courage and shouted.

"Little, Brother Qin!"


Qin Tian was gnawing on an apple, turned his head to look at He Sinan in the kitchen curiously, and asked while chewing, "What's wrong?"

"I, I love you so much!"

After He Sinan boldly confessed, he didn't turn around shyly like before, but just looked at Qin Tian with a smile like a flower, his clear peach blossom eyes were full of Qin Tian's appearance.

It was pouring rain outside the villa, and the wind was howling.

The villa was unusually quiet, only the hum of the central air conditioner blowing the heating.

The voice of the weather forecast hostess on the LCD TV is also very clear at this moment.

Qin Tian stared blankly at He Sinan, then ate an apple in bewilderment.

It was the first time he heard He Sinan confessing to himself so boldly except in bed.

"What's the matter, fellow, did you wash out your feelings even after washing the dishes?"

Although Qin Tian is very excited and very happy now, he still joked with a smile: "We are old husband and wife, we just need to get a certificate, can we stop saying such nasty things in the future? How embarrassing~"


He Sinan pouted in disappointment, turned around and continued washing the dishes.

The moment He Sinan turned around, Qin Tian strode over from the sofa and pushed He Sinan onto the kitchen stove.

"Brother Qin, I haven't washed it yet"

He Sinan was overwhelmed by the flattery, and before he finished speaking, he felt a softness sweeping across the world arrogantly in his mouth.

After a long time, the two separated.

"Sinan, I love you too."

Qin Tian looked at He Sinan who was exhaling like blue, and asked expectantly: "Why don't we have a baby now?"

He Sinan raised his blushing little face, clenched his hands into fists and put them on his chest, looking cute and shy.

After looking at Qin Tian with blurred eyes and hesitating for a moment, He Sinan finally responded with a naive nasal sound in the affirmative.

Qin Tian, ​​who got the permission, directly picked up He Sinan's legs and hugged her across his arms, striding towards the upstairs bedroom.

At this moment, the storm outside the window seemed not as loud as the movement in the bedroom.

At around six o'clock in the evening, the two returned to the sofa after taking a shower, and He Sinan gently helped Qin Tian clean his ears.

Qin Tian was resting on He Sinan's legs wearing white pantyhose, comfortably enjoying the textured pantyhose under his head and the softness of his thighs, as well as the soft itching in his ears.

The feeling of digging your own ears is completely different from that of others.

When someone picks out your ears for you, they don't know how you feel, so they move gently, for fear of accidentally hurting you.

This is especially true for He Sinan, her movements are extremely gentle, and the cold ear pick gently scratches the small fluff on the ear wall, which is extremely itchy and comfortable.

Coupled with the sound of He Sinan's breathing close at hand and the scent of milk on her body, Qin Tian unconsciously felt drowsy.

With Qin Tian's current body, as long as he is willing to lift his spirits, he can go on without eating or drinking for several days.

But once Qin Tian felt sleepy, his brain would immediately receive the instructions, and he could fall asleep in just a few seconds, it can be said that he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

It's raining heavily outside the window, lying on your girlfriend's lap in white pantyhose, asking her to help you clean your ears, this feeling is simply not too pleasant.

In this situation, Qin Tian naturally wants to have a good sleep.

"Sinan, you are so kind~"

Qin Tian watched the boring TV programs on the LCD TV, and murmured lazily, his eyelids already began to twitch.

He Sinan responded with a sweet nasal voice, with a red tide that hadn't dissipated on his face, and his skin was still very warm.

Like a good wife and loving mother, she patiently and gently scratched Qin Tian's ear with the ear pick.

But digging in, He Sinan tilted his head like a curious baby, and gently pulled Qin Tian's ear to look inside.

She helped Qin Tian dig it out for a long time, but she didn't take it out at all, Qin Tian's ears were very clean.

"Brother Qin, we're done digging out this side, let's switch sides."

He Sinan gently reminded him, but the only response was Qin Tian's heavy breathing.

He Sinan bent over curiously, the huge soft stick deformed on Qin Tian's cheek.

She leaned close to Qin Tian's ear, and asked quietly: "Brother Qin~ are you asleep? Are you still picking your ears?"

Qin Tian remained unmoved, it seemed that he really fell asleep.

Looking at Qin Tian who was sleeping soundly on his lap, He Sinan had a thick and dependent smile on his face.

She touched Qin Tian's face, and looked out of the window where the rain was pouring, the smile on her face deepened.

"I hope it's true."

He Sinan touched his lower abdomen subconsciously, and murmured to himself.

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