Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 225: Does Brother Qin Like Fat Girls?

seat belt? !

Just now, He Sihan was sitting in the back chatting with her sister, and she didn't wear a seat belt, so she hurriedly looked for the strap of the seat belt.

But for this naive little girl, seat belts are high-tech in her eyes.

After she pulled it over, she didn't know how to use it at all, and she was afraid that if she accidentally pulled too hard, the strap would be torn off.

As a result, he was in a hurry and wrapped the seat belt around his neck.

Qin Tian, ​​who had just gotten into the driver's seat, was immediately amused by He Sihan's silly appearance.

He Sihan was also a little anxious, almost so anxious that tears almost flowed out.

Just when she was at a loss, Qin Tian took off her safety belt, stepped over and stretched half of her body.

"Come on, big brother will teach you a department."

Qin Tian stretched out his hand, helped He Sihan untie the seat belt tied around her neck, and patiently taught her how to fasten the seat belt.

At this time, the two were getting close, and the hot air from Qin Tian's mouth was directly on He Sihan's face.

Originally, his mood was already up and down, and He Sihan, who was at a loss, was completely confused, and shyly shrank back shyly, for fear that he would bump into Qin Tian.

Qin Tian had already helped her fasten the seat belt, and the moment he let it go, he saw He Sihan who was blushing, and asked in surprise, "Why is your face so red, are you cold?"

As Qin Tian said, he stretched out his hand, put it on He Sihan's cheek, and touched her hands, they were very warm.

"Ah, brother Qin, I, I'm fine, but I feel a little bored."

He Sihan quickly changed the subject.

"It's fine, then I'll open the window a little wider, and if it's cold later, you can tell me."

Qin Tian slightly rolled down a quarter of the windows to let the air flow in, then started the car and drove towards the direction of the town.

In the car, I don't know if it was really because of the air conditioner, but He Sihan's face finally recovered gradually.

The air-conditioning from the driving car was blowing directly on her face, making her upper teeth gritted from the cold.

It's really the turn of ice and fire.

"Little... Brother Qin, I'm a little cold."

He Sihan's teeth trembled and he called out.

Only then did Qin Tian roll up the car window, and the heating in the car gradually warmed up due to the air-conditioning, and He Sihan finally regained his composure.

"Sihan, do you usually sell vegetables alone in the town?"

Perhaps because he was bored on the road, Qin Tian found a topic to talk about in order to win over the relationship between himself and his sister-in-law.

When it came to selling vegetables, He Sihan's big watery eyes looked a little excited: "Well, my sister and grandma used to grow vegetables, and I was just a helper. Later, my sister went out to find money, so I planted the vegetable garden for her. "

"Yeah, what can you do then?"

Qin Tian smiled and praised, He Sihan was also very happy, his voice gradually became louder, and he gradually dared to chat with Qin Tian.

Along the way, He Sihan chatted about some things about growing vegetables, like a little vegetable growing expert.

Especially when talking about the excitement, those two cute little tiger teeth are unknowingly exposed, and that look is downright cute.

He Sihan's naive look is really admirable.

In this way, the two talked and laughed all the way on the road.

From strangers at the beginning, they gradually became acquainted.

Soon we came to the vegetable market in the small town before, and it was still very lively, with motorcycles coming and going everywhere.

Many villagers carried bamboo baskets and bought their necessities in the market.

The yelling of the merchants fluctuated with each other, so it was very lively.

Qin Tian was going to find a place to park the car.

After driving a small road, I just came to a riverside, and there happened to be an open space.

Qin Tian parked the car here, and Sihan who got out of the car naturally took He Sihan's hand.

To Qin Tian, ​​He Sihan is just a little sister, so naturally he will take more care of her.

This time, He Sihan was not as restrained as he was at the beginning.

Qin Tian's warm big hands tightly wrapped her little hands.

Maybe it's because they got acquainted in the car, but He Sihan didn't dislike Qin Tian holding her hand.

In this way, the two of them walked towards the market.

"Sihan, let's have hot pot tonight, what kind of hot pot do you like?"

Qin Tian pulled He Sihan and asked.

He Sihan thought about it, and said honestly: "Brother Qin, we haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, and I don't know what to eat for hot pot."

The speaker has no heart, but the listener has heart.

For Qin Tian, ​​hot pot is too common for him.

But in the mountain village area, He Sihan's family has not eaten hot pot for many years, which shows how bad their life is.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little bitter in his heart.

What is within reach of oneself is a luxury in the eyes of others.

"Then we'll go get some meat, and a new cauldron, a big one."

Qin Tian smiled and said: "This time, I will let you and grandma eat hot pot to your heart's content. We will eat hot pot every day during the Chinese New Year. Do you agree?"

"Eat it every day"

He Sihan's fair throat moved when he heard it, it seems that Qin Tian excited her.

He Sihan, who has never eaten anything good, was overjoyed when he heard that there was meat to eat every day during the Chinese New Year.

Even for simple pork, boiling water and dipping it in some sauce is a luxury for her.

Qin Tian brought He Shihan to a beef stall.

Qin Tian glanced at it, and pointed to a six-pound piece of beef on the stall: "Boss, wrap this piece of beef for me. By the way, I want to cook half of it for the hot pot."

When the boss heard that a big client had arrived, he immediately beamed with joy, and quickly sliced ​​the six catties of beef into three catties.

"Brother Qin, this meat is too much, I can't finish it!"

Seeing such a big piece of beef, He Sihan was greedy, but at the same time worried about Qin Tian.

It is impossible to finish eating so much meat.

"Put it in the refrigerator if you can't finish it, and take it out when you want to eat."

Qin Tian rubbed He Sihan's head, not giving her a chance to react at all.

Soon, the owner of the beef stall cut up the meat.

Qin Tian took He Sinan again and bought some hot pot ingredients.

I went to buy another five or six catties of mutton, and asked the boss to cut the mutton directly.

He Sihan pulled Qin Tian's arm from the side, telling Qin Tian not to buy any more, for fear of wasting it.

Qin Tian smiled disapprovingly: "If you're afraid you won't be able to finish eating, then you should eat more tonight."

"You are still growing, and you need to eat more meat to grow more beautiful and look better."

"It's not good-looking for a girl to be too skinny, but for a fleshy girl, like your sister."

Qin Tian's unintentional ridicule made He Sihan blink his eyes thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

In this way, Qin Tian brought He Sihan to buy a lot of things in the market.

By the way, I also bought a large hot pot, the kind of copper cauldron, the kind that burns charcoal.

The hot pot needs to be eaten in this way to be authentic and tasty.

Unlike those electronic stoves, eating always lacks a sense of ritual.

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