Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 230: I Have To Kill Pigs Tomorrow!

He Sinan, who was making the bed, felt a scorching light behind him staring at him, with a ruddy face, shyly lowered his head and turned around.

She gently stroked her drooping hair, a little embarrassed: "That little Brother Qin, why don't you drive to the hotel in the town and sleep?"

To be honest, this crude bed is not as good as the dormitory in the factory. It can even be said that the beds in the factory are better than this.

Although the quilts on the bed were all brand new, but under the sheets were all rice, so it was not so comfortable to sleep on.

Qin Tian pretended to be surprised and asked: "Sinan, with such heavy snow, do you have the heart to drive me out?"

"no no."

He Sinan shook his hands in a panic, and then muttered with some concern: "It's just that you won't be used to sleeping on this kind of bed."

"How could you not get used to it?"

Most rural people in this era have also experienced this kind of simple life, and Qin Tian is not that hypocritical.

He directly sat down on the soft bed, stretched out his hand and hugged He Sinan in his arms: "I'm going to sleep here tonight, don't talk nonsense, do you hear me?"

Although the mattress is full of rice, the insulation of the rice is quite good, and it doesn't feel cold when sitting on it.

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's little cold hands: "Hurry up and take a bath, I'll boil the water for you, and I'll help you warm your bed first."


He Sinan felt Qin Tian's restless hand, stood up with a blushing face, put on the pajamas he bought in the city, and walked out the door.

After He Sinan left, Qin Tian stretched out his hand to caress the bed where He Sinan slept since he was a child, and looked at the simple surroundings, falling into an incredible feeling for a moment.

Qin Tian didn't expect that he really spent the New Year at the home of this naive Sichuan girl. He also met her grandma and sister, and even met He Sinan's other relatives.

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief and lay comfortably on the bed.

At this moment, he was a little bewildered, and felt that all this was too unbelievable.

In the blink of an eye, I was reborn in the system, and it has been more than half a year now.

Everything that happened was like a dream.

Just when Qin Tian was lamenting what happened now, the cell phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone and looking, it was my sister Qin Ning calling.

"Hey, I have to listen to the nagging again."

Qin Tian smiled helplessly, then picked up the phone.

Before she had time to speak, Qin Ning was already upset on the phone: "Brother, where are you now? It's been a long time."

Hearing his sister's unhappy voice on the phone, Qin Tian didn't care, and replied truthfully: "I'm celebrating the new year at Sinan's house, and I just arrived yesterday."

As soon as Qin Tian finished speaking, Qing Ning fell silent, only the sound of constantly thickening breathing came from the other end of the phone.

Qin Tian also took it for granted, because that girl was too clingy to him since she was a child.

He could even imagine Qing Ning holding the phone with an expression of resentment and displeasure.

During the quiet moment on the other end of the phone, Qing Ning complained sourly: "Brother, there is no one who doesn't go home first during the Chinese New Year."

"I'm still waiting for you to take me to a relative's house for a family reunion dinner. Once I have a girlfriend, I forget the people in the house. Is there anyone like you who is a brother?"

Qin Tian also knew that this little girl of his family was probably jealous now, and couldn't help but feel amused.

However, in order to stabilize Qin Ning's emotions, Qin Tian still said: "Don't get emotional, I will go back in two days, and when I go back, I will take you to wander around the city."

There is no fun in the countryside, so when Qin Tian planned to go back, he drove her to the city to have fun.

"Going to the city? Brother, really? You didn't lie to me?!"

Qin Ning was worried that Qin Tian would let him down again, so he asked again seriously.

Qin Tian laughed and said, "What's true? When did your brother lie to you?"

"Hey, it's a deal, don't lie, Brother Ha, I've wanted to go to the city for a long time."

Qin Ning on the other end of the phone saw that he had finally managed to get a meal from his big brother, and all the jealousy in his heart disappeared.

Then there was a tone of longing: "Brother, come back quickly, the old man and my mother miss you."

"Well, I'll be back in two days."

Listening to the voice full of thoughts on the phone, Qin Tian answered vowedly.

In fact, Qin Tian felt a little guilty for not going back to spend time with his family during Chinese New Year.

But now at his future wife's house, Qin Tian felt that they should be able to understand his feelings.

Finally, the siblings chatted for a while, and Qin Tian hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone was hung up, He Sinan had already finished washing.

She put on a set of pink pajamas, stood at the door and took small steps, moving to the bed bit by bit.

Qin Tian looked at the current He Sinan, and then glanced at the simple environment in the house, and suddenly felt a little dazed, as if he had traveled to the 1960s and 1970s.

Good guy, I've never experienced this kind of nostalgic feeling, it's more exciting than any fancy hotel.

"We've known each other for so long, why are we still acting like a little daughter-in-law who just got married?"

Qin Tian saw that He Sinan was walking over coyly, that speed was like a tortoise, so he couldn't help but tease him.

He Sinan blushed even hotter upon hearing this.

But I was thinking in my heart: "This is my home, not outside... The sound insulation at home is poor, and my sister and grandma are here."

He Sinan had experienced the power of Qin Tian, ​​and knew that in this kind of situation, Qin Tian was definitely not a law-abiding master.

I'm afraid that if I make some noise and wake up my family, then I really want to dig out three rooms and one living room with my feet.

Just thinking about it, He Sinan's face turned red, and he felt his heart was about to jump into his throat.

I began to pray to God and worship Buddha in my heart, hoping that Qin Tian would be able to settle down a little bit tonight, at least this time.

Seeing He Sinan's squirm, Qin Tian couldn't help urging: "What are you doing? Come up and lie down under the covers, don't catch a cold."

"Brother Qin, don't bully me later, okay?"

He Sinan almost summoned up his courage, blushed and asked a tentative question.

Next door is grandma and younger sister. She is introverted and doesn't want her family to hear her voice.

"All right, all right, I won't bully you."

Qin Tian shook his head dumbfoundingly: "Go to bed quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow to kill pigs."

Qin Tian didn't have any thoughts at all, maybe he didn't have any thoughts during these few days at He Sinan's house.

Now it's the place where He Sinan has lived since he was a child, if something really happens, Qin Tian always feels that something is wrong.

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