Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 237: One Million? Build A Rural House?

"If grandma comes to the city with us, we will always be very busy. Sihan will have to study at that time. The only thing that can accompany grandma is the TV and mobile phone."

"There is no one to talk to. This kind of life is not happy for her."

How could He Sinan not know Qin Tian's words?

It's just that she was really reluctant, Qin Tian hugged He Sinan gently, and said immediately: "Don't cry, go to bed first, and go to Aunt He Chun's house with me tomorrow."

"Huh? Why?"

He Sihan was puzzled.

Qin Tian smiled and said: "We are about to leave soon, so we should drop by his house and give him something."

"it is good."

He Sinan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

After all, it was the right thing to do in the world, and He Chunhua's family had helped them a lot.

During the Chinese New Year, we should visit their homes.

"Okay, let's go to bed, it's getting late."

Qin Tian hugged He Sinan, giving her the greatest comfort.

He Sinan also nodded, and hid in Qin Tian's arms, enjoying the warm harbor.

the next day!

At noon, Qin Tian bought some wine and some New Year's gifts.

Under the leadership of He Sinan, they came to Zhang Tianhua's home.

When Qin Tian came to Zhang Tianhua's home, there were also some residents around the other's home, a total of more than ten households.

Zhang Tianhua's home is a modern-style cement house, and the house is not bad.

After all, both Zhang Tianhua and his wife have part-time jobs, and the family has farmed land, so they can live a decent life.

Qin Tian stepped forward and gently knocked on the door.

He Chunhua's voice came from inside the house, and Qin Tian called out from outside the door.

When He Chunhua heard that it was Qin Tian, ​​she opened the door with a smile all over her face.

"Yo, you young couple are here to visit."

Seeing Qin Tian and He Sinan, He Chunhua immediately began to joke again.

He Sinan was a little embarrassed: "Ma'am, we are not married yet."

"Hey, that's coming soon."

He Chunhua teased with a smile: "Aren't you going to Xiaoqin's house anyway? After seeing his parents, it's time to find a date to get married."

He Sinan was delighted to hear that, and glanced expectantly at Qin Tian with his small eyes.

Qin Tian laughed dumbly at the side, and asked He Chunhua, "Aunt Chunhua, is Uncle Tianhua there?"

"He's here. He's roasting in the house and drinking wine. He's very chic. I'll call him."

"Hurry up and come in, this place is your own home, you are welcome to sit anywhere."

He Chunhua smiled and opened the door, Qin Tian and He Sinan also walked in.

The layout of He Chunhua's house is quite satisfactory, and the environment is much better than that of He Sinan's house.

It seems that He Chunhua and his wife are getting along fairly well.

But it was also because they were able to live well that they were able to help He Sinan's family.

Otherwise, you will not be able to live your own life, so how can you still manage others.

Qin Tian looked around for a week, and sat on the wooden chair in the living room with He Sinan.

When Zhang Lifang heard Qin Tian and He Sinan coming, she also came out to say hello enthusiastically, and poured two cups of tea.

When He Sinan and Zhang Lifang met, they started chatting immediately.

Qin Tian was directly put aside.

It doesn't matter to Qin Tian, ​​the purpose of coming here this time is definitely not as simple as visiting.

"Xiao Qin, haha, you should try the fine wine I just opened when you come here."

Zhang Tianhua came out from the room next door, holding a wine bottle in his hand, which contained wine as transparent as water.

When Qin Tian saw the wine, he naturally didn't refuse it, but just took a sip.

"Qin Tian, ​​Sinan and you two came here to eat in the afternoon, and it happened that my meal was ready."

He Chunhua took out the food from the kitchen, and Qin Tian and He Sinan actually came, so they were rude.

But before eating, Qin Tian still settled the matters of this trip first.

I saw Qin Tian took out a bank card at this moment, and put it in front of Zhang Tianhua.

"Uncle Tianhua, I will trouble you with Kari's one million yuan."

Qin Tian had just launched a bank card, so he reported the money in the card.

Zhang Lifang, who was opening a can of drink and sipping it, suddenly spit it out.

He Chunhua even made a clicking sound, and the shell she had just picked up fell directly on the dining table.

He Sinan at the side stared at Qin Tian in astonishment.

"One, one million? My God, what is going on with Xiao Qin?"

He Chunhua didn't take the bank card, and stretched out a hand to grab her husband's arm.

For He Chunhua, the sum of one million is a huge sum that she will never see in her life.

Zhang Lifang also heard the money in the card, swallowed hard, and looked at Qin Tian and her father in disbelief, with countless question marks popping out of her cute head.

He Sinan on the side also covered his mouth in surprise.

"Hey, look at your astonishment!"

Seeing Zhang Tianhua present, except for him and Qin Tian who were calm and composed, everyone else opened their mouths wide at this moment, the way their mouths looked quite funny.

Qin Tian coughed lightly and said, "I asked Uncle Tianhua to help grandma build the house for this one million."

Qin Tian truthfully explained what the money was used for.

Zhang Tianhua also added: "Building a house is only a matter of a few hundred thousand, and the rest of the money is to wait for grandma to prepare for any emergencies in the future."

The three women on the side, none of them interrupted, listened carefully to the conversation between the two men.

While the women listened, the two men finished talking.

He finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, which shocked He Chunhua and Zhang Lifang.

I appreciate Qin Tian's filial piety in my heart.

On the other hand, the two of them were extremely shocked by Qin Tian's easy one million.

This is one million, not one hundred yuan!

He handed it over to a family he had known for less than three days.

But what shocked them the most was... Qin Tian said that this kind of house would be transferred to their names at that time.

That is to say, after this kind of house is built, it will be given to grandma after they leave the house. This gift is really too big.

All of a sudden, He Chunhua and her daughter were flattered

At the same time, it is also very strange, are all milk tea sellers so rich in the city?

He Sinan at the side felt extremely moved in his heart.

Qin Tian told He Sihan yesterday that he would find a way!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this way.

This is indeed the only good way nowadays. To be honest, He Sinan also hopes that his sister will live with him in the city.

Now I am living well in the city, but my younger sister has gone here now, studying in a very backward school, and living a very poor life.

In her heart, she also longed for her younger sister to develop in the city.

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