Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Twenty-Four: Hupenggougou

Lu Mao seemed to be the little leader of this group of gangsters. Seeing the menacing security guards, he felt that the atmosphere of pretend was coming up, so he directly asked disdainfully, "So what if I don't leave?"

"You little bastard, who are you with?"

Hearing that the yellow-haired boy was flirting with him, the security guard immediately became angry, and rushed over with a plastic baton.

Several security guards who were watching the show in the security room also rushed out with plastic batons.

Seeing the batons in the hands of the group of security guards, Lumao felt frightened, and quickly stepped back a few steps.

He didn't want to be batoned for a local girl.

"Li Hai, stop making trouble!"

Chen Qianqian couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly apologized to the security uncle with a smile: "I'm sorry Uncle, I'm here to find a job, and I didn't want to trouble you."

"Yo, that's pretty polite."

Qin Tian muttered beside him.

It seems that this black-skinned girl has just escaped into the magic way, and there is a chance to make her turn around.

The security guard looked at Chen Qianqian in disgust, as if looking at a lady in a hair salon.

After all, I don't know if the girls who can play with this group of rascals are well-educated, but they definitely don't love themselves anyway.

If his daughter also becomes like this, she will definitely have her leg broken!

"You can go in, these people are not allowed."

Chen Qianqian didn't dye her hair, but her skin was a bit dark. Naturally, the security guards wouldn't stop her. Anyway, there is a high probability that the factory won't want this kind of girl.

"Yeah, I know, thanks Uncle."

Chen Qianqian nodded repeatedly, not wanting to lose this opportunity, so she walked towards the electronics factory without looking back.

Chen Qianqian, like He Sinan, also came to Jianghai City from other places to work.

It's hard to find a job in Jianghai City, let alone someone like Chen Qianqian who has no education, no work experience, and is still from other places.

"Qianqian baby, then I'll pick you up at night!"

Green-haired Li Hai shouted with a playful smile.

"No, I won't need it in the future, I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Chen Qianqian turned around and retorted angrily, with disgust in her eyes, she already regretted joining Li Hai's circle of friends.

Originally, Chen Qianqian had a good impression of these strangely dressed friends, especially Li Hai, and often bought her snacks or some small gifts.

This seemingly insignificant care is very useful to Chen Qianqian who grew up in a single-parent family.

Chen Qianqian was not familiar with the place where she was born in Jianghai City, and she had the fearful character of an outsider about unfamiliar environments, so she naturally needed some care and care.

Slowly, in order to integrate into this small circle, Chen Qianqian imitated their dress, and often followed them to go racing outside at night.

However, over time, Chen Qianqian discovered a very strange problem. They didn't go to work all day, but they still had money to spend every day.

Until later, Li Hai directly confessed that they sometimes went to construction sites to steal materials and sell them for money, and they also went to crowded places to buy bags, and even electric cars were stolen.

Li Hai even described this kind of thing lightly, and simply called it: making a fortune!

What's even more exaggerated is that Chen Hai sometimes has no money to use, and even encourages Chen Qianqian to steal her mother's money for him to spend, or to "get rich" with them.

Chen Qianqian is a single-parent family and has been dependent on her mother since she was a child.

Although Chen Qianqian hated her rustic mother who often took care of Tian Tian's land, she often quarreled with her mother.

But Chen Qianqian knows how hard her mother is. She has to work three jobs alone, and sometimes she goes home and sleeps for two hours before continuing to work.

Chen Qianqian still has a bottom line, but she is too rebellious at this age, it is impossible for her to do such immoral things.

Therefore, Chen Qianqian decided to get rid of this group of annoying bad friends, find a job to make money, and make up for the family.

"Hehe, what a country bumpkin is pretending to be innocent, just wait, there will be a day when you call daddy."

Li Hai looked at Chen Qianqian's back, snorted disdainfully, and then took out a small black cloth bag from his pocket, with a small red flower embroidered on it.

"Damn it, people don't even have wallets."

Li Hai sneered and opened it directly. Inside the small cloth bag were dozens of crumpled coins and a second-hand PHS.

"How much money?"

A few people around immediately gathered around, impatiently rubbing their hands, waiting to share the spoils.

"Damn it, it's only fifty-three yuan and a PHS."

After Li Hai emptied all the things in the cloth bag, he angrily threw the empty cloth bag aside.

"Tsk, this is too poor."

The girl riding the pink will-o'-the-wisp curled her lips in distaste, then took the second-hand PHS in her hand and looked at it disdainfully.

"She is a poor ghost, and she has no money to get a tattoo."

The other girl spat in disdain.

"Don't be silly."

Li Hai commanded skillfully: "Take out the PHS card first, and then go to the second-hand market to sell some money later."

"Then you don't plan to date her anymore? Brother Li."

A boy smiled meaningfully.

Although Chen Qianqian was a little darker, she was good-looking and had a good figure.

If Li Hai hadn't told Chen Qianqian to belong to him when he first met her, otherwise the other three boys would have started stalking Chen Qianqian long ago.

"Why don't you soak it? It's my first time playing black skin."

Li Hai said with certainty.

"But, you stole her wallet, what should she do when she asks you?"

Another boy asked again.

"What are you afraid of, this road is so bad, I will say that she accidentally shook it off on the road."

Li Hai added with ease: "And when the time comes, you can blame her for looking for trouble. Maybe if she regrets it, if I say a few nice words to coax her, maybe I can take it down directly."

"Brother Li, shall we pick her up tonight?"

Flipping through the girl on PHS, she asked with some reluctance.

This road is really bad, there are no street lights at night, she doesn't want to ride her beloved car to make another trouble.

"You don't understand that."

Li Hai said as if he had come here: "I'll let her starve here for a few days, and when I come to pick her up after a while, she will definitely be moved to death. I don't need to say anything, she will move by herself."

"Hahaha, Brother Li, you are good or bad!"

"That's right, that's right."

The two girls flattered shamelessly.

"Okay, let's go, sell the PHS first, and then go to China World Mall to see if we can make some windfall."

"Brother Li, China World Mall has become more strict recently, so it's hard to touch bags."

"That's right, Brother Li, Zhao Tian was caught by the security guard yesterday, not to mention a fine of 500 yuan, and he was beaten like a pig's head by his parents."

"Forget it, let's go to the construction site to "move" the iron at night."

After Li Hai finished speaking resentfully, several people rode away on the will-o'-the-wisp.

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