Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Three: A Bottle Of Coke Bought It

"Here, let's go in after drinking."

Qin Tian bought two bottles of iced Coke from the canteen in front of the electronics factory, and handed He Sinan a bottle.

"How much?"

He Sinan took the Coke hesitantly, a hint of distress flashed across his brows.

She usually drinks the water she brings with her, and basically never buys water in the store, let alone buy such a high-end drink.

"It's only 2 yuan."

Qin Tian said casually, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it.

"two pieces"

He Sinan was a little surprised. He didn't expect such a small bottle of drink to cost 2 yuan. Could it be that the electricity bill of the refrigerator is expensive?

He Sinan still took out a small cloth bag, took out two crumpled green banknotes, and handed them to Qin Tian.

Looking at the two crumpled banknotes in He Sinan's hand, Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and politely declined, "This is for you, it's only two yuan."

"Ah, what an embarrassment."

He Sinan looked at the Coke in his hand with some embarrassment.

"Don't be shy, it's only two yuan. Drink it and go to the factory. The agent will remind you later."

Qin Tian smiled angrily.

"Thank you, brother Qin."

He Sinan said gratefully, and gave Qin Tian a kinder and respectful title.

With low self-esteem and introversion, no matter who she meets, she will subconsciously lower her status. This is the so-called flattering personality.

Of course, it is also possible that this girl dare not call Qin Tian by her name directly because she is shy.

He Sinan was taught by his grandmother since he was a child not to take other people's things for nothing.

She had already started thinking about finding a chance to return the bottle of water.

He Sinan picked up the Coke, twisted the bottle cap with his white and tender hands, but failed to unscrew it several times.

He Sinan was immediately embarrassed, and took a tentative look at Qin Tian, ​​blushing, worried that Qin Tian would think that he was a bumpkin from the countryside.

"Maybe your hands are sweaty and slippery. Come on, let me help you."

Qin Tian noticed He Sinan's small eyes, took the Coke back, unscrewed the bottle cap, and handed it to her again.

To deal with this kind of girl whose native family is flawed, or who has no love experience, as long as she gets along with her on a daily basis, she will frantically give her warmth in details.

Unless she is pretending, it won't take long before she will definitely be able to catch her up and pinch her. This is what Qin Tian's experience in his previous life said.


He Sinan couldn't help but thanked him again, and felt that this fellow was really a good person in his heart.

She held the Coke as if she had found a treasure, and put her hair next to her ear, revealing a delicate and beautiful side face. She pouted her small cherry mouth and covered the entire mouth of the bottle. The same caution, for fear that the Coke worth two yuan will be accidentally spilled.

Qin Tian's face was blushing and her heart was beating. Why does this girl seem to be drinking coke, why does it feel weird?

But after taking the first sip of Coke, He Sinan showed a bitter expression and couldn't help coughing a few times.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Tian asked curiously.

"This water is swollen, and there is still steam in it"

He Sinan frowned, stuck out the numb tip of his tongue, and looked at Qin Tian with a little grievance.

Qin Tian couldn't help being a little surprised.

This kind of drink is not a high-end product in this era, so it's not like you've never had it before, right?

But thinking that she is from a remote mountainous area, she may know this drink, but she is not willing to spend money to buy it, so she comforted her patiently.

"This drink is like this, you'll be fine if you take a sip."


Heeding Qin Tian's advice, He Sinan began to drink in small sips, his white throat moving.

It didn't take long for He Sinan to finish a bottle of Coke, and couldn't help hiccupping, it seemed that he was really thirsty.

"It's so cute"

Qin Tian was immediately healed by He Sinan's simple and innocent appearance.

In this hot summer, Qin Tian felt extremely cool in his heart, this treasure girl was simply too healing.

At the same time, Qin Tian made up his mind that he must catch her and take her as his own.

It's impossible to give up such a treasure girl to those brats Huo Huo, right?

Just thinking about it, Qin Tian felt his hair stand on end.

Seeing Qin Tian couldn't help laughing, He Sinan, who realized that he had lost his composure, blushed and lowered his head shyly, a little embarrassed.

Qin Tian glanced at the agent who was doing roll call at the door, and reminded: "Throw away the bottle, the agent will start roll call in a while."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Qin Tian walked a few steps and found that He Sinan was still holding a Coke bottle, standing hesitantly under the shade of a tree.

"I want to keep it and sell it for money."

Holding the Coke bottle in both hands, He Sinan murmured a little embarrassedly.

In the countryside, He Sinan, who helped grandma finish her work, would carry baskets and go to the town to collect bottles and sell them for money when she was free.

Although you can't earn much, you can at least make up for some household expenses.

This is also the expression of He Sinan's innocent and kind character.

She has no city, and she will not hide such a shameful thing, but will speak it out.

Seeing this, Qin Tian gulped down his Coke in a few sips, belched generously, and handed the empty bottle to her.

"Here, count me in."

"Thank you, thank you, brother Qin."

He Sinan took the empty bottle and thanked him with a wink in his eyes, very moved.

"No way, no way."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, and dragged He Sinan's suitcase: "Let's go, don't wait to be judged late by the agency."


He Sinan nodded happily, and followed behind Qin Tian with small steps.

Although it will be a boring and boring work life in the future, He Sinan feels inexplicable anticipation.

After the intermediary took a group of wage earners to briefly introduce the factory, they ran away with the electronics factory owner's money.

These wage earners were also assigned to work in various positions by the person in charge of the electronics factory.

Qin Tian was not very lucky and was assigned to the most boring assembly line workshop.

Working in an assembly line workshop is no different from stepping on a sewing machine in prison.

The workload of the assembly line workshop is huge, and if someone is negligent, it will affect the work of the entire workshop.

So everyone can only bury their heads and work hard, and there is no mood to chat at all.

That's how the ghost workshop, the ghost workshop, and the soul-hunting assembly line came about.

Fortunately, when Qin Tian entered the factory, He Sinan followed behind.

The person in charge saw that the two were talking and laughing, and subconsciously thought that they were a couple, so they arranged to work in the same workshop.

How do you say something? Working with a treasure girl, even screwing is a happy thing.

He Sinan left her hometown and came to Jianghai City. Since she was unfamiliar with the place, she was already anxious about the strange city.

Now that I have to work full-time in an unfamiliar place, I am naturally a little apprehensive.

Naturally, He Sinan was very happy to be assigned to work with kind fellow villagers.

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