Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Two: Don't You Want To Be Friends With Me?

Qin Tian smiled knowingly, took He Sinan's changed clothes, and led her tender little hand towards the Pearl Tower.

It’s hard to come to China World Mall once, how can you do it without visiting the Pearl Tower?

At night, Jianghai City is the busiest, with endless streams of roads everywhere, and dazzling LED advertising lights all around the square.

The most famous Pearl Tower also exudes dazzling bright light, as if it really looks like a bright pearl hanging in the sky in the night sky.

The status of Jianghai City in China and the world is self-evident. Jianghai City has also contributed a very high gdp to the entire China, becoming an important center of economy, trade, finance, and shipping in China, and has always been at the forefront of the country .

The Pearl Tower is overcrowded, and there are tourists who come to visit this known as the Pearl of the Orient.

Tourists, armed with cameras and flip phones, snapped frantically at one of China's most beautiful buildings.

"Handsome guy, beautiful girl, do you want to take a photo?"

A woman with a camera hanging around her neck rushed over to say hello: "It only costs 10 yuan, and I can take a photo in two minutes."

This is a camera industry that can be encountered in many tourist attractions.

They grasp the psychology of passers-by who come to travel and want to stay here, and propose to tourists the business of professional shooting and quick photo production.

But the price is a bit of a rip-off. Most tourists from other places, at the beginning, still want to take a photo to commemorate this journey.

But after hearing the rip-off price, he turned around and left.

Just kidding, they use their mobile phones to take pictures, and they can find a photo studio to print them out for less than a few dollars.

It costs 10 yuan to take a color photo, and few people who are taken advantage of are willing to pay.

He Sinan was also frightened by 10 yuan a photo.

When she used to report to poor families to take photos in the photo studio in the town, a photo was only 1 yuan.

"Let's take some pictures."

Qin Tian didn't think much about it, anyway, it's only 10 yuan a piece, so it doesn't matter.

It's just a good time to take this opportunity to leave some souvenirs with this naive treasure girl under the Pearl Tower in Jianghai City.

"Okay, okay!"

When the camera lady heard that she wanted to take a few photos, she happily took the two of them to the best shooting location in the Pearl Tower.

Qin Tian held He Sinan's slender waist with one hand, and smiled at the camera lady's camera.

Surrounded by passers-by, He Sinan lowered his head shyly, not daring to face the camera.

"Beauty, don't be shy, look up at the camera."

The camera lady gave a loud reminder.

Only then did He Sinan raise his head shyly, and bravely looked directly at the camera lens.

"It's too beautiful for me to go here."

The camera lady sighed in disbelief.

When she went to ask about business just now, her attention was all on the man, and He Sinan kept her head down again, so she didn't care about He Sinan's appearance.

Only now did she realize that this girl was even prettier than those big stars, and she also had a very good figure, a white chiffon skirt that she stretched to the full.

The camera lady looked down subconsciously, and couldn't help but sigh with a little inferiority.

But at work, the camera lady didn't think too much, and quickly adjusted her state, focusing on the sweet appearance of the two people in the camera, and took several pictures in a row.

After taking the photos, the camera lady took the two of them to the small tent next to them, which was their base for developing photos.

"Handsome guy, I took 5 pictures in total."

The camera lady approached with a camera, and asked incessantly, "Your girlfriend is really beautiful, and you are so handsome. These five photos are all very good. How many photos do you want to print?"

There is no cost to take photos, mainly because film needs to be consumed to develop photos.

"Let's wash it all out."

"Okay, okay!"

The camera lady agreed repeatedly, and couldn't wait to get into the tent and let the people inside edit the photos.

Not long after, she took out five hot color photos and handed them to Qin Tian: "Brother, your girlfriend is really beautiful, no matter which photo it is, it is very good, you are simply a man of beauty."


Qin Tian took the photo, handed her a 50 green note, and then took He Sinan to continue to stroll around the Pearl Tower Square.

"Small, Brother Qin, can I have a look at the photo?"

He Sinan was very concerned about what Qin Tian looked like in the photo.

Her love for Qin Tian is so humble, naturally she won't just reach out and take the photo to look at it like a normal girlfriend.


Qin Tian directly handed the five photos to He Sinan, then scanned the surroundings, planning to find a place to rub his hands.

He Sinan took the photo, worried that it would be curled by accident, so he flipped through it lightly.

Her attention was all on Qin Tian in the photo, and from time to time she stretched out her hand to lightly touch the smiling Qin Tian in the photo, a sweet smile of joy was drawn on the corner of her mouth, she didn't look at herself in the photo at all. The cute look.

Qin Tian was at the side looking dotingly at this treasured girl whose eyes were full of her own, not wanting to spoil this quiet and sweet atmosphere.

"Here, Brother Qin, I've finished reading."

He Sinan stuffed the photo back into a sealed plastic bag, and handed it to Qin Tian lightly.

"Hey, am I handsome?"

Qin Tian took the photo and asked shamelessly.

"Yeah handsome."

He Sinan obediently responded without any hesitation.

Of course, He Sinan may not even know what it means to be handsome, and she doesn't have many friends of her own age, and her neighbors are all uncles and aunts.

For this naive treasure girl, as long as she treats her well and cares about her, even an ordinary-looking boy will feel very handsome to her!

Of course, it's a different story for a boy who is so ugly that it breaks through the sky and violates ordinary people's aesthetic standards.

"Yeah, since you are so honest, this handsome guy invites you, a big beauty, to have a hot pot meal!"

Qin Tian snorted triumphantly, raised his eyebrows and asked: How is it? Appreciate it? beauty! "

This is the delicacy that the two talked about the day they first met.

Qin Tian also learned that He Sinan, who lives in the village, has never cooked hot pot.

Now that I have the opportunity and conditions, it is natural to invite this Sichuan-Chongqing girl to have a good meal of delicacies from her hometown.


He Sinan's eyes flickered, and he nodded without hesitation for the first time.

She always remembered Qin Tian talking about this very spicy delicacy with her.

Sichuan and Chongqing people have a soft spot for spicy food, even treasure girls are no exception.

He Sinan has lived in the countryside since he was a child, and he will go to town with his grandmother only when he helps his grandmother sell silkworm chrysalis or some small vegetables grown by himself.

Although there are hot pot restaurants in the town, He Sinan's economic conditions do not allow her to eat such extravagant food.

Every time He Sinan, who loves spicy food, passes by that little-known hot pot restaurant, he can't help but look at the red soup base in the pot, and then swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

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