Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Thirty-Four: I'll Just Take A Look

Qin Tian led the shy and restless He Sinan, walked through the resplendent corridor, found his room, inserted the key and opened the door to enter.

Qin Tian skillfully inserted the electric card, and the lights in the room turned on automatically. An exquisite and luxurious room with a clean and soft big bed was presented in front of the two of them.

It has to be said that money is really a versatile thing, no matter what age it is, it can play a great role.

If he had caught up with He Sinan at this time in his previous life, maybe Qin Tian could only spend a few tens of dollars to take He Sinan to a cheap hotel.

Qin Tian looked back at He Sinan again, she now had a shy and aggrieved expression on her face, as if she had been kidnapped by herself.

"Don't be afraid, I won't bully you."

Qin Tian gently touched He Sinan's delicate face, hugged her in his arms, gently patted her on the back and comforted her patiently: "Let's just sleep, chat, and leave tomorrow morning."

Now no matter how urgent you are, you have to consider the woman's emotions. After all, it is a job that can only be completed by the two of them working together.

If the woman has resistance or anxiety, the work cannot be completed smoothly.

Of course, if the Overlord bowed hard, He Sinan would probably give it to Qin Tian half-heartedly.

But Qin Tian doesn't like the forced feeling of rushing ducks to the shelves, the atmosphere of your love and my wish is the best.

Although the twisted melon quenches his thirst, Qin Tian still prefers to eat sweeter melons.

He didn't want to leave an image of a bad person in Baobao girl's heart, at least he wanted to be a considerate bad person.


The innocent He Sinan still believed in Qin Tian after all, and gently rubbed his head against Qin Tian's chest to ease the uneasiness in his heart.

"I'm going to take a shower, and when I'm done, you can take a shower too."

Qin Tian solemnly reminded: "This is the hotel's rule. Their beds are very expensive. If they get dirty, they will fine you the next day."

He Sinan glanced at the big soft bed and nodded believing it was true.

"Then take a look at it casually, I'm going to wash it."

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's hair, impatiently walked into the bathroom, soon there was the sound of splashing water.

He Sinan glanced at the bathroom with a red face, the hotel bathroom glass is relatively transparent, He Sinan could vaguely see Qin Tian's fuzzy scrubbing movements in the bathroom.

He Sinan looked away shyly, apprehensively and curiously looking at the 500-day luxury room for one night.

There are LCD TVs hanging on the wall, diamond-like chandelier, and a large soft bed that can accommodate four or five people at the same time.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, one can have a panoramic view of the brightly lit Jianghai City.

This is a treasure girl from the depths of the mountains, a luxurious room that has never been seen before.

He Sinan was a little tired from standing, and sat on the leather chair next to her as if on pins and needles. She was worried that she would accidentally stain the sheets, so she didn't dare to sit by the bed.

In a few minutes, Qin Tian, ​​who was in a hurry, took a shower, didn't even dry his hair, and came out in a bathrobe.

"Sinan, go and wash."

Qin Tian handed He Sinan a set of white bathrobes: "Just wear this after taking a shower."


He Sinan responded with a lot of thoughts, took the bathrobe from Qin Tian's hand with a blushing face, and tiptoed into the bathroom, and the sound of water came soon after.

Just listening to the sound of the treasure girl taking a bath, Qin Tian felt like he could eat three big bowls of rice!

Qin Tian lay on the bed watching TV and waited for more than twenty minutes before the sound of water in the bathroom finally stopped.

He Sinan, who was wearing a bathrobe, walked out with disposable slippers on her delicate feet.

The moment Qin Tian looked at He Sinan, his breathing slowed down a beat!

The white bathrobe was even more bulging by her proud figure, as if the bathrobe was torn off a little, the magnificent thing would jump out directly, and the water that had not been wiped off was still dripping on a pair of white and slender legs stains.

It may be because of the hot bath, her delicate and pretty face is extremely rosy, coupled with the shy eyes of the girl at the moment, there is a feeling of coquettishness, pure and lustful.

"Small, Brother Qin, what about the clothes?"

He Sinan pointed to the skirt and leather boots hanging in the bathroom, and asked coyly.

"It's okay, just put it there."

Qin Tian pretended to be calm and smiled, then patted the seat next to him: "Come and rest, it's getting late."


He Sinan replied shyly, and tiptoedly sat beside Qin Tian's bed, never having the nerve to lie down.

"I'm your boyfriend, don't be so shy."

Qin Tian comforted him patiently: "And didn't we sleep in the factory once?"

Hearing this, He Sinan raised his legs cautiously, crept into the bed, only his simple head was exposed outside the bed, and looked at Qin Tian shyly.

Seeing this, Qin Tian decisively turned off the TV, and reached out to turn off the crystal chandelier next to the bedside table.

The whole room suddenly fell into darkness, only two chandeliers were still emitting soft light,

The room suddenly fell silent.

Qin Tian lay down on his side, gently embraced He Sinan in his arms, and just looked at her quietly.

The exquisite facial features are natural, a pair of shy peach eyes looking at him erratically, the long eyelashes tremble slightly, and the two bright red lips are tightly pressed.

Qin Tian couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and kissed the delicate and charming lips.

He Sinan let out a trembling long cry, trembling slightly and dodging backwards, his fair neck was flushed with naked eyes, and his sensitive skin became hot.

"Small, Brother Qin, you agreed, don't bully me."

He Sinan pressed Qin Tian's hands in fear, begging pitifully for mercy.

Qin Tian looked at He Sinan's pitiful expression and posture, and the protective desire in his heart was instantly aroused, but at the same time, there was also a sense of guilt for wanting to bully her.

"No, I like you very much, how could I bully you?"

"Then you still"

He Sinan lowered her head shyly, stopped talking, her heart was beating extremely fast.

Qin Tian put his hands on both sides of He Sinan's head, looked down at her, and brazenly threatened: "Sinan, you looked at my body in the morning, now I can't look too much at you, right?"

"Then Brother Qin, you can only look at it"

He Sinan was silent for a moment, turned his head to one side shyly, closed his eyes nervously, and looked like he was at the mercy of others, his beautiful cheeks were slightly rosy.

"Small, little brother Qin, didn't you just tell me to take a look?"

He Sinan was taken aback, and pushed Qin Tian away in horror.

Panicked, she even took out the oath sworn by Qin Tian and threatened: "Brother Qin, you said that if you bully me, you will be"

He Sinan faltered and hawed for a long time, but she still didn't want to say the word "dog". The kind-hearted she is still thinking about maintaining the relationship between the two.


Qin Tian called out without hesitation, and then bent down.

"Small, Brother Qin, you hate it"

This kind treasure girl finally scolded Qin Tian for the first time.

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