Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 42: Diamond-Level Economy Department Treasure Chest

He Sinan looked at Qin Tian's big hand on his own, and was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

This is an old-fashioned little game from the Qin Tian era, He Sinan naturally didn't understand what it meant.

"No? Then forget it."

Qin Tian sighed pretending to be disappointed, and slowly withdrew his hand.

But just as Qin Tian moved his hand, He Sinan, who reacted, quickly grabbed Qin Tian's big hand with two white palms, looked at Qin Tian shyly, lowered his head in embarrassment, and nodded slightly, his cheeks flushed. Hong replied: "Yes"

At this moment, the atmosphere was unusually quiet.

The fireball-like sun scorched the earth wantonly, and the trees were roasted until their heads drooped. The security guard dog at the gate of the electronics factory was lying in the shade of the tree, sticking out its red tongue heartily, and the cicadas were screaming desperately on the tree.

From time to time, there would be workers who came to buy water from the canteen, but the vicious sun made them just glance at the two people at the door curiously, and then ran back to the factory frowning.

He Sinan just held Qin Tian's hands like a treasure, and was worried that his strength would not be too strong, so he deliberately lowered his strength a lot, and gently held Qin Tian's hands upwards.

A pair of delicate peach blossom cheeks were flushed red by the sun, and a pair of clear and gentle peach blossom eyes reflected Qin Tian's appearance.

"You are so stupid, Sinan."

A hint of warmth flashed across Qin Tian's eyes, and he raised his other hand to gently pat He Sinan's, and reminded him brazenly, "But you should hurry up next time. I can’t find it, after passing this village, there is no such shop.”


He Sinan replied sincerely, looking at Qin Tian's hand he was holding, a faint smile was drawn on the corner of his exquisite mouth, as if he was rejoicing for something.

"Let's go, go back."

Qin Tian drank the coke in a few sips, and just when he was about to throw the bottle into the trash can next to him, he noticed He Sinan's eager look.

Qin Tian thought for a while, then threw the bottle in the trash can, and said to He Sinan: "Your treasure boy has a little money, so you don't have to care about these little things from now on."

He Sinan's frugal housekeeping character is worth advocating no matter what era he is in.

However, Qin Tian's current assets don't require her to continue to maintain this character, and he still counts on He Sinan to help him spend some money in the future.

Of course, frugal housekeeping is also possible.

This kind of simple and frugal character was developed by He Sinan since she was a child, and Qin Tian will not force her to change, as long as she doesn't care too much about these trivial flies.

He Sinan listened quietly, then nodded lightly.

After much hesitation, He Sinan finally threw the bottle in her hand into the trash can.

Qin Tian smiled in relief, and held He Sinan's little hand even harder.

The work in the afternoon is also very easy, anyway, it is chatting with the treasure girl while installing the dvd transformer.

The life of a worker is so unpretentious and interesting.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully clocking in the electronics factory for one day, please choose the reward you want. 】

After the alarm for getting off work rang, the system finally rang.

"I hope there will be a higher-level treasure chest this time!"

After Qin Tian secretly prayed, he chose the treasure chest of the economics department as usual.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure chest of the economic department! 】

[The treasure chest level is: Diamond! 】

[May I ask if the host has opened: the mysterious treasure chest of the diamond economy system? 】

"I'll go, Diamond!"

Qin Tian clenched his fists excitedly. If the surrounding employees were not cleaning up their workbenches, they might not have been able to help cheering.

The last time I chose the treasure chest of the ability department, I directly refreshed the golden treasure chest that surpassed 4 levels.

This time it was even more exaggerated, and unexpectedly opened the highest-level diamond treasure chest!

He Sinan packed up his workbench, obediently came to Qin Tian's workbench, helped clean up the workbench, and asked, "Brother Qin, have you gone back?"

Every employee in the workshop has a dedicated workbench, and the workbench must be cleaned when commuting to and from get off work, otherwise the supervisor will fine him if he sees it.

"Well, let's go back."

Qin Tian thought about it, and planned to open this diamond treasure chest when he went back.

Now the factory is full of people, Qin Tian is still a little apprehensive, if something eye-catching is produced, it will not be fun.

"Sinan, let's have a good meal tonight and celebrate!"

Qin Tian said cheerfully, and began to tidy up his workbench.

"Oh? Brother Qin, what are you going to celebrate?"

He Sinan blinked curiously, with an innocent expression on his face.

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said brazenly: "Congratulations on finding a treasure boy at noon, isn't this worth celebrating?"

"Well, it's worth it."

He Sinan responded with a pretty blushing face, she was so naive that she couldn't keep up with Qin Tian's brain circuits.

After tidying up the workbench, Qin Tian happily held He Sinan's little hand and walked out of the electronics factory.

The location of this electronics factory is halfway up a mountain, with no villages or shops behind. The road leading to the outside is full of mud, so most of the employees live there.

Only those who live close to each other, or have electric cars or bicycles, will choose to go home and rest.

Of course, if you have money, you can also choose the newly built asphalt road behind the electronics factory to take a taxi.

That road was opened to traffic recently, but it took a long detour to get back to Qin Tian's community.

Qin Tian naturally wouldn't care about such a small amount of money, and he was even more reluctant to take He Sinan on that muddy road.

It has been raining for the past two days, so there is no need to think about that muddy road. It must be full of cement pits. If you walk out like this, your pants will definitely be covered with mud.

"Brother Qin!"

As soon as the two of them walked out of the electronics factory, Chen Qianqian happily ran over and looked at Qin Tian with a playful smile: "Hee hee, don't you have a place to stay? Let's go together then!"

Seeing Chen Qianqian bouncing over and He Sinan who was joking and laughing just now, his brows were wrinkled and his mouth pouted in displeasure.

Qin Tian pointed to the asphalt road behind the electronics factory: "We are taking the newly repaired road at the back, are you too?"

"Huh? Why?"

Chen Qianqian asked in surprise: "That road is only open to traffic, and it takes a long detour to get out. Do you live there?"

"No, I live in Linghua Community, let's go take a taxi now."

"Linghua District? Wow, brother Qin, are you here to make money or to play."

Chen Qianqian complained in disbelief that she had to pass by Linghua Community when she took the bus.

Take a taxi from here to Linghua Community, and the fare may cost twenty or thirty yuan.

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