Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Fifty-Five: If Only I Could Meet You Sooner

"Get out and get in the car!"

Qin Tian kicked Chen Qianqian's ass lightly, and already regretted calling this annoying little fairy back.

Unexpectedly, with Qin Tian's kick, Chen Qianqian threw himself into Qin Tian's arms as if some kind of switch had been turned on.

"Brother Qin, you are so kind. I wish I could meet you sooner."

Chen Qianqian ruthlessly rubbed against Qin Tian's chest, clinging tightly to Qin Tian's body like an octopus, wishing to melt into the bones of this man who gave her a sense of security.

"Let go, it doesn't matter whether it's big or small, you, Si Nan, will see it later!"

Qin Tian panicked and pushed Chen Qianqian's head, looking back into the electronics factory from time to time.

It's a good thing that He Sinan didn't appear in front of her eyes, otherwise Qin Tian wouldn't know how to coax her if she saw this bloody scene.

"Don't worry, Brother Qin!"

Chen Qianqian hugged Qin Tian tightly with both hands, raised her delicate face in his arms, put her slender fingers on her lips, and whispered quietly: "I won't tell Sister Sinan the secret between us. Yes, I promise you!"

"Go, go, go back quickly, you little girl is only too old to learn to play this kind of trick?"

Qin Tian pushed Chen Qianqian away impatiently: "And do you think I will be afraid? Your sister Si Nan trusts me very much, even if she knows, she will think that you seduced me first!"

"Hmph, I know."

After being rejected, Chen Qianqian mumbled arrogantly, and her playful smile immediately collapsed: "Brother Qin, you are really biased."

"I'm partial to your sister, go back quickly, don't make me angry, be careful I will beat you!"

Qin Tian raised his fist and hesitated to speak, trying to scare her.

"Hee hee, brother Qin, boys can't hit girls, otherwise they will be looked down upon by others."

Chen Qianqian reminded with a playful smile: "Unless you admit that you are my father, then you can beat me as it should be."


Before Chen Qianqian finished speaking, Qin Tian raised his hand and gave Chen Qianqian's thigh again, with quite a bit of strength.

"Brother Qin, it hurts!"

Chen Qianqian complained angrily as he touched his burning thigh.

"Go back!"

Qin Tian felt that his blood pressure was a bit high now, if he had known that he would not have lost his nerve just now and called this girl back.


Chen Qianqian pursed her lips and stared at Qin Tian resentfully.

But thinking that Qin Tian was gradually accepting herself, Chen Qianqian was inexplicably happy, at least she could continue to stay by Qin Tian's side in the future.

As for making him admit this relationship, it can only be done slowly, where there is a will, there is a way!

Chen Qianqian puffed her cheeks, looked at Qin Tian in front of her and thought for a moment, her black and white eyes moved, then she looked into the electronics factory and shouted in surprise, "Ah? Sister Sinan, why are you here?"


Qin Tian was taken aback, and looked towards the electronics factory suddenly, but found no one, only the pastoral dog raised by the security guard lazily scratching the fleas at the door.

"Chen Qianqian, do you have one?"

When Qin Tian just turned his head and wanted to scold something.

Chen Qianqian suddenly stood on tiptoe, held Qin Tian's cheek and quickly pecked it.

"Hahaha, goodbye, brother Qin!"

Chen Qianqian, who succeeded in her trick, smiled very brightly, and ran so fast that she disappeared after a while.

"Tsk, it's really tormenting."

Qin Tian touched the place on his face that was still warm, and spat regretfully.

If Qin Tian was really this guy's father, he would definitely beat her up from a young age and give her a complete childhood!

"Brother Qin, what's the matter?"

It was at this time that He Sinan finally walked out of the electronics factory.

Seeing Qin Tian's angry look, he asked curiously, "What happened?"

"No, nothing."

Guiltyly, Qin Tian waved the palm that wiped the saliva off his face, pointing at Sanghuai and complaining: "Just now I was accidentally bitten by a dog."


He Sinan stared cutely at the big yellow dog dozing at the door, and pouted angrily, thinking that the dog had bitten Qin Tian.

She pretended to bend down to pick up stones, and the big yellow dog ran away in a panic. This is a skill that most rural children know.

"Ahem, just kidding, let's go back."

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand subconsciously to grab He Sinan's palm.

But thinking that this hand wiped Chen Qianqian's saliva just now, and blushing and heartbeating changed to the left hand, he was slightly relieved.

The two returned to the community in a taxi, and as soon as they entered the community square, Qin Tian found a large group of people gathered in the middle of the square, chattering about something.

"Brother Qin, what are they doing?"

He Sinan asked curiously.

"Just look at my car."

"your car?"

Qin Tian smiled as expected, and led the dazed He Sinan towards the crowd.

Sure enough, among this group of people, there was a handsome silver Mercedes-Benz sports car.

That is what Qin Tian opened from the bronze treasure chest: Mercedes Benz slr cren roadster.

Although there are sports cars in this era, in the more prosperous areas of Jianghai City, you can occasionally see a few rich kids driving sports cars to blow up the streets.

But Qin Tian's Mercedes-Benz supercar, no matter in terms of appearance design, performance and practicality, is several blocks away from those conventional sports cars.

This cool appearance with a full sense of technology seems to come from the future technology. For this group of passers-by who have not seen the world much, it is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction.

If it weren't for the three-pointed star logo of Mercedes-Benz in the middle of the two silver-white headlights, otherwise they wouldn't even know what brand this sports car was.

A silver-white Mercedes-Benz sports car is parked in the middle of the community, and there are many common cars of this era parked around it.

The appearance of cars in this era is relatively ordinary, very popular, and even the models are similar.

Qin Tian's high-tech Mercedes-Benz supercar stands out from the crowd among these cars.

It is worth mentioning that when the owners of these cars parked, they might worry about accidentally scratching Qin Tian's Mercedes-Benz sports car, so they parked their cars on both sides of the Mercedes-Benz sports car in a tacit understanding, and abruptly gave way to a road leading to the gate of the community. the way.

Several old people also held their grandson's hand tightly, for fear that these naughty brats would run over and scratch the Mercedes-Benz sports car a few times.

After all, this car looks extremely expensive, and the owner of the car must be a big shot who is either rich or expensive.

If the brat really got scratched, he might lose his entire family and even lose his fortune.

Just when people were talking about this handsome sports car, Qin Tian took out the car key and pressed the unlock button on the key.


The crisp horn of the silver-white Mercedes-Benz sports car sounded, and the bright headlights also flashed twice dazzlingly.

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