Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 70: I Changed Jobs

Early the next morning, Qin Tian opened his eyes, the treasure girl next to his pillow was not there as usual, and the familiar humming sound of the gas stove could be heard from the kitchen outside.

Qin Tian stretched comfortably, picked up the clothes that were within reach on the bedside table, dressed and left the bedroom.

He came to the door of the kitchen first, tilted his head and glanced at He Sinan who was still busy in the kitchen, and then went to the bathroom to wash up satisfied.

Hearing the sound of water in the bathroom, He Sinan noticed that Qin Tian had gotten up, and the movements of his hands were a little faster.

After washing up refreshed, Qin Tian came to the living room, He Sinan sat on the small chair as usual and waited for Qin Tian to come over to eat noodles.

The two smiled similarly, cuddled together and ate noodles quietly.

Last night, Qin Tian hugged and gnawed as if he hadn't seen He Sinan for more than ten years. Now they looked at each other and didn't know what to say, so they could only smile at each other.

This is the best atmosphere for most couples who are passionately in love. When it is ordinary, it is the same as an old couple who have passed more than ten years.

When it gets agitated, the sky is dark and the sky is dark, wishing to swallow the other party whole.

After eating the noodles, He Sinan finished washing the dishes, and the two went downstairs talking and laughing and got into the silver Mercedes.

"I'll pick you up tonight."

While helping He Sinan fasten his seat belt, Qin Tian said, "When the milk tea shop is finished, you can follow your two roommates to run the milk tea shop."


He Sinan obediently responded.

A pair of clear peach blossoms stared intently at Qin Tian's hands helping him to fasten his seat belt.

She is learning how to put on a seat belt, and she wants to keep up with Qin Tian's life.

The blood-boiling roar sounded, and the silver Mercedes began to move.

"Small, little brother Qin"

He Sinan moved her fair legs with a pretty blushing face, and blinked her shy peach blossom eyes: "You, are you at ease now?"

He Sinan still remembers what Qin Tian said to fool her before, and he firmly believes it, and has formed a habit in a subtle way.

When driving to the supermarket to buy vegetables yesterday, He Sinan also took the initiative to move his leg over and asked Qin Tian to put his hand on it.

"Now take it easy, don't bother."

Qin Tian smiled and told He Sinan to put his leg back, but he still reminded: "You don't need to move your leg over from now on, I can touch it."

In this movement, He Sinan's lower body was leaning towards Qin Tian's side. She has a good figure, but her upper body was very uncomfortable being strangled by the seat belt.

Of course Qin Tian wanted to touch the treasure girl's soft thighs every time he drove.

But he also knows how to measure, and he doesn't want He Sinan to sit so tired.

This kind of small game between couples can be played occasionally, and it can also increase the relationship between each other.

But if you play too much, the car is likely to vibrate.

The community where Qin Tian lived was relatively remote, and there were few cars to be seen along the way. He took the asphalt road behind the electronics factory that had just been opened to traffic, and soon came to the gate of the electronics factory.

It is 6:30 in the morning, and the gate of the electronics factory is full of employees who clock in at work.

When a cool silver Mercedes-Benz sports car appeared at the gate of the electronics factory, all employees' attention was attracted.

Most of the employees working in this electronics factory are of ordinary class.

They have seen luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW on the road or on black and white TV.

But this car seems to be a cool sports car in a video game, they have never seen it before.

Countless pairs of amazed eyes focused on this silver sports car.

Several employees who knew cars were still discussing Qin Tian's unnatural license plate number in shock.

But when the cool scissor door opened, many employees in Qin Tian's workshop were stunned.

Isn't this the guy who soldered circuit boards and installed transformers with them all day? !

But when Qin Tian opened the passenger door and let He Sinan get out of the car, these employees probably understood what was going on!

This is definitely a kid from a rich family pretending to be a poor man and coming to the electronics factory to pick up girls!

Damn, are rich people picking up girls like this now!

Qin Tian pinched He Sinan's little face, and did not forget to kiss her: "Go, I will pick you up at night."

He Sinan asked with some reluctance: "Brother Qin, can I text you at noon?"

In this era, text messages are more expensive than phone bills, and He Sinan also knows that.

But He Sinan would rather waste the huge sum of money, and also want to chat with Qin Tian during the lunch break. Now she can't do without Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiled and said: "Yes, I am online anytime."

"Brother Qin!"

He Sinan hugged Qin Tian reluctantly again, the introverted she didn't even care about the endless stream of employees around her, just hugged Qin Tian so tightly.

"Okay, it's not life and death."

Qin Tian complained dumbfoundingly: "I'll pick you up at night, hurry up, send me a text message if you miss me, I'll reply you anytime."

"Then, then I'm going to work."


"Then you must come to pick me up tonight."

"Yeah, let's go."

He Sinan took three steps and two turns, and finally walked into the electronics factory in full view.

"What a fool."

Qin Tian smiled, then opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, planning to go to Yulongwan Community.

bang bang bang

Just when Qin Tian was about to start the accelerator, the car window was knocked suddenly.

Qin Tian, ​​who had just put on his seat belt, turned around and saw that it was Chen Qianqian.

The car windows have reflective film, so Chen Qianqian couldn't see who was in the car, and now she looked very nervous, worried that she had identified the wrong person.

"Tsk, little elf."

Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, then lowered the car window.

"Little, little, Brother Qin, it's really you!"

Chen Qianqian covered her mouth in shock when she saw Qin Tian sitting in the driver's seat of this cool silver sports car.

As soon as she got out of the taxi, she was attracted by the handsome silver Mercedes-Benz at the gate of the electronics factory, which was much more handsome than Li Hai's ghost fire!

Most importantly, she actually saw Qin Tian pull open the door of the scissors car and get in.

At first, Chen Qianqian thought she had misread the person, so she was very careful when she came to knock on the car window.

Now seeing Qin Tian appearing in the driver's seat with his own eyes, Chen Qianqian was indescribably excited.

During the days with Qin Tian, ​​Chen Qianqian also noticed that Qin Tian's family must be very rich.

But Chen Qianqian didn't expect that Qin Tian was so rich, and such a handsome car cost hundreds of thousands!

"Brother Qin, what a handsome car!"

Chen Qianqian lay on the window of the car, as if discovering a new world, staring at the luxurious equipment in the car.

Qin Tian nodded calmly: "Okay, go to work quickly, I have to go to work."

"Huh? Brother Qin, aren't you going to work today?"

Chen Qianqian looked at the gradually rising window in surprise.

"I quit my job and plan to change jobs."

After all the car windows were closed, Qin Tian didn't look at Chen Qianqian's panicked expression, stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

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