Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Seventy-Seven: I'll Support You

Su Yuwei didn't give up, and almost stepped on the gas pedal to the end.

The sound of the Ferrari's engine, which was originally calm, was deafened by her, and the speed of the car suddenly increased.

"Yu, Yuwei, why don't we slow down so that the cylinder doesn't explode later."

Gu Xixi held on to the seat belt tightly, looking at Su Yuwei who seemed to be in a trance with a pale face.

At such an exaggerated speed, Ferrari's back push is full, and the scenery outside the window is all flashed by.

If it weren't for wearing a seat belt, Gu Xixi felt like she would be floating.

"Don't worry, it's steady."

Su Yuwei smiled calmly, and made a graceful arc on the road, speeding up again to catch up with the silver Mercedes that entered the newly built asphalt road.

Qin Tian's sports car is the best among sports cars of this era in terms of configuration and speed.

A sports car with average performance like Ferrari is unmatched no matter where it is.

Soon, Qin Tian's silver sports car drove into the newly built asphalt road behind the electronics factory, and the speed also slowed down.

"Tsk, are these two girls' brains okay?"

Qin Tian glanced at the rearview mirror, the pink sports car was actually still following behind him.

"I'm not a big star, so it's enough to find a handsome guy and spend money!"

Qin Tian spat irritably.

This asphalt road is narrow and has a lot of curves. Both sides of the asphalt road are farmland cultivated by surrounding farmers. From time to time, passers-by will appear from the turning.

Usually car drivers driving on this road will slow down and drive slowly, otherwise they will not be able to brake at all when they encounter a turn.

Even Qin Tian, ​​a talented old driver, had to slow down when entering this asphalt road.

But now there are two other men chasing after him, if they chase all the way to the electronics factory and He Sinan accidentally sees them, it will not be much fun.

So, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, brought out the old driver's natural ability to the extreme, and galloped on this asphalt road like a silver lightning.

"Yu, Yuwei, why don't we just forget about it!"

Gu Xixi was dizzy from the complex and twisting asphalt road, and she felt extremely nauseated.

"My God, is this guy really not afraid of death?"

Su Yuwei was also a little apprehensive about this complicated asphalt road, but seeing the silver sports car in front that had no intention of slowing down at all, she complained again in shock.

Naturally, Su Yuwei can also achieve the skill and speed of that silver sports car.

But driving so fast on this route is completely risking your life, and if you are not careful, you may drive into the farmland.

Su Yuwei likes exciting things, but she doesn't like courting death, let alone sitting next to someone.


At this moment, Gu Xixi shrank her pupils and screamed hysterically, without even having time to say anything.

At the corner right in front of them, an old woman carrying two buckets was slowly coming out of the corner. With their exaggerated speed, they would definitely not be able to stop.

Su Yuwei was also frightened and panicked by this old woman who appeared out of nowhere, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

But she reacted very quickly, she slammed the steering wheel, and the Ferrari headed straight into the farmland in front of her, and then slammed on the brakes.

A series of screeching brakes sounded, and the Ferrari braked dangerously and dangerously directly in the farmland full of vegetables, leaving two long brake marks on the dark farmland.

After the car stopped, there was a dull bang from the hood of the Ferrari, and the Ferrari worth more than one million exploded!

"Okay, it's dangerous!"

Su Yuwei was trembling with excitement, but there was a smile of surprise on her nervous face, as if she had discovered a new world.


Gu Xixi panicked and patted Su Yuwei, and immediately cried out of fright, she thought the car was about to crash and people died just now!

"Oh, don't cry, it's okay!"

Su Yuwei smiled angrily, then quickly pushed open the car door, looked at the silver sports car that was still galloping on the criss-cross asphalt road, and smiled unsatisfactorily.

"Ms. Ben must find this guy and learn his driving skills!"

At this moment, the old lady carrying the bucket just now walked over slowly.

Seeing her vegetable field being ruined like this by this car, the old woman frowned immediately, and looked at the two girls who were dressed like aliens, speaking the local dialect out of anger.

Su Yuwei is a native of Jianghai City, so she can naturally hear the old lady's dialect.

She first looked at the farmland that she had ruined so badly, and then quickly apologized with a smile: "Grandma, don't worry, we will compensate you no matter how much it is!"

There was a steady sound of brakes, and Qin Tian drove the silver Mercedes-Benz to get rid of the Ferrari, and came directly to the gate of the community.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Qin Tian ran towards the electronics factory with brisk steps.

Soon, Qin Tian came to the door of the workshop where he had been before, and his eyes were directly locked on He Sinan.

He Sinan was still crying, but he was afraid that he would affect the progress of the assembly line.

She could only be busy with the work in hand while her tears were in her eyes, and wiped away the tears that were about to fall with her sleeves from time to time, with a sad look that I felt pity for.

It was at this time that the employees in the workshop who were immersed in their work raised their heads and glanced at Qin Tian at the door in surprise, and then lowered their heads and discussed with each other.


Qin Tian shouted.

He Sinan, who was burying his head in his work, moved his ears, his peach eyes filled with tears widened instantly, and he quickly raised his head to look at Qin Tian at the door.

Qin Tian smiled, and couldn't help but tease loudly: "Can I not go to work in the future, I will support you in the future!"

Seeing Qin Tian whom he hadn't seen for a whole morning, He Sinan's eyes filled with tears, and he quickly got up and ran towards Qin Tian.

"Little Brother Qin!!"

He Sinan almost rushed over, hugging Qin Tian tightly with both hands, and thrust his head into Qin Tian's arms desperately, crying heartbreakingly, not at all the charming and charming look before.

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's head: "Okay, don't cry, am I coming back?"

He Sinan didn't speak, just kept crying in Qin Tian's arms, his hands didn't show any signs of loosening, just strangling Qin Tian's waist like that.

He didn't know how long he cried, but the employees in several workshops were startled by He Sinan's cries, and they all ran out at a loss, looking at the two of them in bewilderment.

"Okay, everyone is watching you."

Qin Tian touched He Sinan's hot earlobe from crying, and said softly: "You want Brother Qin to really be a scumbag?"

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