Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 79: I Won't Make You Angry Anymore

"Don't easily believe other people's words in the future, you know?"

Qin Tian turned the steering wheel with both hands, glanced at He Sinan who was looking at him with dependent eyes, and said solemnly.

"People in the city are very good at deceiving, especially people like us who come from the mountains, they are easy to be deceived."

"Only I will not lie to you. I really love you, and I am still your fellow villager."

"Otherwise I wouldn't be so nice to you, do you understand?"


He Sinan nodded confidently.


Qin Tian smiled playfully: "Then tell me, what do you understand?"

He Sinan thought for a moment, and said seriously: "People outside are all bad people, only Brother Qin, you are a good person."

"Haha, there are so many bad guys."

Qin Tian smiled and said: "You have to learn to distinguish, there are many good people, especially in this age, there are still more good people than bad people."

"Well, I see."

He Sinan answered affirmatively, like a student who listened carefully to the class.

Soon, Qin Tian drove a Mercedes-Benz into the community.

But at this moment, He Sinan suddenly noticed that Chen Qianqian was squatting under a big tree on the sidewalk outside the community.

Obviously, Chen Qianqian also saw Qin Tian's silver Mercedes.

It's just that Chen Qianqian's face was filled with disappointment when he saw the Mercedes-Benz driving into the community without stopping.

"Small, Brother Qin, it's Qianqian!"

He Sinan looked back at the rear window and said in surprise, "I saw Qianqian, right under that tree."

"Well, I see it."

Of course, Qin Tian also saw Chen Qianqian, but he didn't expect this girl to be so clingy that she could find her here.

"Hey, this girl is really a muscle!"

Qin Tian secretly sighed.

After stopping the silver Mercedes-Benz, Qin Tian handed over the room key to He Sinan: "I'll go and see her first, you go back first."

"Can I go with you?"

He Sinan asked with some trepidation.

"No, I'll bring her up right away. You go back and make something to eat first, and I'll bring her up for dinner later."

According to that girl's temper, Qin Tian might have to cry again in the past, and might say something terrible in front of He Sinan.

Qin Tian had just coaxed He Sinan well, but he didn't want to cause another bloody drama.

"Well, I see."

He Sinan took the key and nodded heavily: "Brother Qin, you have to come back quickly."

"Don't worry, it will only take a few minutes."

After watching He Sinan go upstairs, Qin Tian calmly came to the gate of the community, just in time to bump into Chen Qianqian's lonely back.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Tian stopped Chen Qianqian: "I saw my car going in, but come to say hello."

Chen Qianqian turned her head to look at Qin Tian, ​​her nose suddenly became sore, and her body twitched, which was the rhythm of crying again.

Qin Tian waved to Chen Qianqian: "Come here."

Chen Qianqian hurried over, but kept a certain distance from Qin Tian, ​​looking at Qin Tian nervously.

She thought that the reason why Qin Tian stopped working in the factory was to avoid herself.

Chen Qianqian is now very afraid that Qin Tian will be angry and come to her door, and want to say something to her to separate from her.

She also knew that she was annoying, but she just couldn't bear to be separated from this man who took care of her and loved her everywhere, even though he was pestering him with a shameless face.

Qin Tian asked in a flat tone: "Did sister Sinan tell you in the morning that we live here, so you came here?"


Chen Qianqian pursed her lips, her face was full of grievances, and she was afraid that Qin Tian would say something to drive her away next.


Qin Tian sighed helplessly, seeing this girl's aggrieved appearance, she didn't want to blame anything.

I can only complain in my heart: This girl is really one-sided.

"Have you eaten yet? Tell the truth."

"No, no."

As soon as Chen Qianqian opened his mouth, tears flowed out immediately.

She was also afraid that Qin Tian would say that she was crying again, so she hurriedly wiped her tears with her sleeve in a panic.

"Don't cry, let's go."

Qin Tian held Chen Qianqian's wet palm after wiping his tears: "Go to my house for dinner, and I'll drive you back later."

Being held by Qin Tian, ​​Chen Qianqian throbbed violently. This was something she had expected for a long time.

But thinking that Qin Tian was going to send her back after dinner, Chen Qianqian wiped her tears with the other hand, and reluctantly said: "No, don't, I don't want to be separated from you."

After Chen Qianqian finished speaking, she suddenly hugged Qin Tian from behind, pleading with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Qin, I won't call you daddy anymore. Don't drive me away, and I won't bother you anymore. Qianqian will listen to you in the future and won't cause trouble for you anymore. Don't hate me, okay?" it is good!"

"Fortunately, I told her to go back first."

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

If He Sinan heard these words, he might not be able to coax them until when.

"Let go of me first."

"no, do not want"

Chen Qianqian shook her head in fear: "Brother Qin, I beg you, don't drive me away, I won't make you angry again in the future!"

"If you don't let me go, I might really drive you away."

Chen Qianqian was stunned for a moment, then quickly let go of Qin Tian, ​​and looked at her blankly.

At the same time, she also expected in her heart that what Qin Tian said next was what she was most eager to hear.

“I recently opened a milk tea shop in China World Mall”

Qin Tian sighed for a long time, and finally gave in to this difficult problem girl: "When the shop is renovated, you can go there with Sister Sinan to help."

"Brother Qin, I"

Chen Qianqian smiled through tears, and wanted to rush over so excited.


Qin Tian hurriedly held down Chen Qianqian who was about to pounce, and reminded him seriously.

"I've made an agreement with you for three chapters now, and I will only let you go if you agree."

"Hmm, no problem,

Chen Qianqian nodded without hesitation.

"1, don't call me dad again!"

"2, don't get too close to me in front of your sister Si Nan!"

"3, I let you go to work, not to play, you have to support your sister Si Nan to run the milk tea shop, and I will give you salary and so on."

"Yeah, no problem, Brother Qin, I'll do whatever you want, you can ask me to do anything!"

Chen Qianqian nodded without hesitation, with a bright and overjoyed smile on her face.

"You'd better not break your word."

Qin Tian dubiously took out the tissue from his pocket that he had put in the restaurant at noon: "Wipe your face, what does it look like, go to my house for dinner after wiping, and I'll send you back after dinner."

"Brother Qin!"

Chen Qianqian caught the tissue Qin Tian handed her, and rushed forward again, hugging Qin Tian's waist, confessed resolutely and bravely: "You are such a good person, I like you!"

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