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Chapter 86: Are We Worthy Of Others?

Back home, Chen Qianqian took the initiative to hand over the more than 2,000 yuan Qin Tian gave her to Sun Qimei.

This amount is too exaggerated for Chen Qianqian, and it is impossible for Chen Qianqian to use the money as pocket money.

The poor family that the mother and daughter are now maintaining together needs money to support many aspects of their daily life.

But when Sun Qimei heard that Chen Qianqian came back with so much money from Qin Tian, ​​she immediately became angry.

"Qianqian, how do I usually educate you!"

Sun Qimei looked at the more than 2,000 yuan Chen Qianqian handed over, without a hint of joy, but asked angrily, "How can you just ask for money from others?"

"Yes, Brother Xiaoqin insisted on giving it. What can I do?"

Chen Qianqian was also a little helpless, Qin Tian drove away after giving the money, without giving her a chance to refute.

"Xiao Qin insisted on giving it to you, so you accepted it?"

Sun Qimei sighed helplessly: "You child, you asked me to tell you what's good about you. You thought you had become better these days, but you are still so ignorant in the end."

"Then I'll just go back tomorrow."

Chen Qianqian muttered depressingly, went back to her room, put the wad of banknotes in a drawer, and fell asleep on the bed.

Sun Qimei is not in the mood to sleep now.

Today, my daughter brought such a powerful boyfriend back, and there is no man in the family to help check and review. As the head of the family, how can Sun Qimei sleep?

So, Sun Qimei sat by the bed thinking for a long time, and after much hesitation, she still called Chen Qianqian out.

"What's the matter, Mom?"

Chen Qianqian came out wearing crystal slippers, with a sleepy voice: "I want to sleep."

"Qianqian, tell me the truth, how did you know Xiao Qin?"

Sun Qimei still doesn't believe that her daughter can find such an excellent boyfriend. She wants to ask the ins and outs of the two from their acquaintance to their love.

"It's in the electronics factory."

Chen Qianqian sat lazily by the bed, collected her thoughts, and elaborated the whole process of her and Qin Tian's acquaintance.

But in the process, she ignored all the things about He Sinan being Qin Tian's girlfriend.

"I see, from this point of view, Xiao Qin is really a good person."

Listening to her daughter's statement, Sun Qimei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Then Qianqian, tell me honestly, do you have anything like that?"

Sun Qimei still asked with some concerns. After all, she was her own daughter and there was no man in the family. She still cared about such things.

Chen Qianqian was stunned for a moment before she understood Sun Qimei's meaning, her sleepiness dissipated in an instant, and she muttered coyly.

"Not yet, brother Qin and I have only known each other for a long time, what are you thinking, Mom?"

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

Sun Qimei's mood is a bit complicated.

She didn't know whether she was happy or disappointed with Chen Qianqian's answer.

Be happy, it means that Qin Tian treats his daughter sincerely.

Disappointed, I just feel that Qin Tian's character is not good enough, and he started messing with his daughter after only knowing each other for a few days.

"Okay, go to sleep, don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

Sun Qimei stroked Chen Qianqian's beautiful hair, her eyes were full of tenderness and doting, and there was a trace of reluctance that could not be concealed.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: I didn't expect that the little girl who I raised with one hand has reached the age to talk about marriage.

"Mom, I don't work in that electronics factory anymore, I resigned today."

Chen Qianqian explained: "Brother Qin said he wanted to open a milk tea shop in China World Mall, and he planned to ask me to help."

"China World Mall"

In addition to being surprised, Sun Qimei showed such an expression.

Since the death of her husband, Sun Qimei brought Chen Qianqian, who was only a few years old, from southern Shonan to Jianghai City to make a living.

Sun Qimei naturally knew how exaggerated the housing prices in the China World Mall were, and the prices of the shops were ridiculously high, and there was still a price without a market.

Xiao Qin has the ability to buy a shop there to do business, so his identity and assets are absolutely extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Sun Qimei couldn't help but feel a little headache.

What are the conditions of the family, to find such a rich second-generation rich boyfriend as a boyfriend!

Of course, her daughter has found a handsome and rich boyfriend. Logically speaking, Sun Qimei, who is a mother, should be happy before it's too late.

But the family conditions of the two are completely different.

Even if the two of them really reached the point where things are going to happen naturally, can Qin Tian and his parents agree?

After getting married, can the relationship between the two be stable?

"Hey, this damn girl has never given me peace of mind."

Sun Qimei glanced at Chen Qianqian complainingly, and didn't want to say anything: "Go to sleep, it's getting late."

"Mom? Do you agree with me helping Xiaoqin's milk tea shop?"

Chen Qianqian asked overjoyed.

"Can I still disagree?"

Sun Qimei tapped Chen Qianqian's forehead angrily: "All of you have been brought home for me, do I dare to say no?"

"How do I know you're home"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Ahem, let me tell you, Mom, do you really think Brother Qin is okay?"

Chen Qianqian asked in a panic.

"Well, I think Xiaoqin is pretty good. He gives people a very down-to-earth feeling. He is handsome, has a good temper, and is very polite."

Sun Qimei murmured thoughtfully, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Well, that may disappoint your old man."

Chen Qianqian muttered in embarrassment.

Qin Tian had said that he was going to marry He Sinan, and Chen Qianqian had also promised that he would not get involved in the relationship between the two of them, as long as he could stay by Qin Tian's side.

"Okay, go to sleep, I'm sleepy too."

Sun Qimei rubbed her eyes tiredly, planning to rest.

She was fired by the owner of the Cantonese restaurant today, and Sun Qimei has to get up early tomorrow to find a job.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Sun Qimei stopped Chen Qianqian: "Well, you should keep the money Xiao Qin gave you, at least it's his wish."

Sun Qimei already recognized Qin Tian in her heart, as long as the two of them really made it to that point, Sun Qimei would definitely support Qin Tian with all her strength without complaint.

The money given by Qin Tian should be kept logically. This is a tradition in southern Hunan. When a man comes to a woman's house for the first time, he has to give some money.

"Well, I see."

Chen Qianqian went back to the room, took out the money again, and put it on Sun Qimei's desk: "Then you keep it, it's useless to put it on me."

"That's fine. Mom will keep it for you. When you get married in the future, it will be a dowry."

"Everyone, I listen to you."

Seeing Sun Qimei's satisfied expression, Chen Qianqian felt a little guilty, and hurried back to the room.

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