Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter 89: I Can't Sleep Alone

When Qin Tian drove back to the community, it was almost 12 o'clock.

The neighborhood was pitch-black, with no street lights, and only a few tenants' windows were still lit.

After opening the door, Qin Tian found that the light in the bedroom was still on, and the sound of the mentally handicapped quiz program on the TV could be heard in the living room.

"I don't know if I slept or not."

Qin Tian tiptoedly closed the door, and opened the bedroom door softly and slowly.

I saw He Sinan leaning sleepily on the head of the bed, still hugging Qin Tian's pillow in his arms, his eyes slightly squinted, his naive head drooping, looking extremely sleepy.

The air conditioner in the room has also been turned off, and the mentally handicapped quiz show is still scrolling on the big-ass TV.

"Live in the grass during the day, swim in the sky at night, the golden light is shining, and you can't see the end."

"The host is here to remind everyone that this thing is a flying insect.

"Viewers in front of the TV, anyone who thinks they have guessed the correct answer can boldly send a text message or call the contact number at the bottom of the screen."

"Friends who have guessed correctly will receive a grand prize of 10,000 yuan in cash as a reward, hurry up and participate enthusiastically!"

"Hey, don't you know how to sleep when you're sleepy?"

Qin Tian sighed softly, turned off the light in the bedroom, gently put the mobile phone shopping bag beside him, the dog took off his coat and climbed onto the bed, and then lifted He Sinan's upper body leaning against the bed, wanting to Put her down.

As soon as Qin Tian reached out to touch her, He Sinan blinked his tired eyes and woke up.

She first glanced at Qin Tian blankly, then with a happy smile on her face, she said in a soft voice, "Brother Qin, when did you come back?"

"just came back."

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's head: "It's really stupid, don't you know how to sleep when you're sleepy?"

"I can't sleep alone."

He Sinan complained with some grievances: "I want to sleep with you when you come back."

"Okay, go to sleep."

Qin Tian turned on the air conditioner, turned off the TV, and lay down holding He Sinan.

It may be what happened this morning that made He Sinan feel a little scared.

As soon as the two of them lay down, He Sinan, who was so sleepy and dazed, took the initiative to burrow into Qin Tian's arms, more clingy than usual.

A huge softness spread crazily in Qin Tian's arms, and at the same time, because of the collision with Qin Tian's chest, it turned into a big pancake shape, and the faint fragrance from her body lingered constantly at the tip of Qin Tian's nose.

Qin Tian also hugged her soft and fragrant body in his arms, and whispered in He Sinan's ear: "Sinan, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

Qin Tian is going to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow to apply for a health certificate, and he plans to have a medical examination with He Sinan.

In fact, Qin Tian has already looked at He Sinan's body with the pupil of appraisal, there is no major problem, the body is very healthy.

There are only a few hiccups due to size that need to be addressed.


He Sinan's sleepy voice returned a nasal sound without even raising his head, as if subconsciously responding to Qin Tian.

"It seems that I am really sleepy."

Qin Tian rubbed He Sinan's hair, and teased lightly: "It seems that I won't be able to hand in my homework tonight."

Soon, Qin Tian also fell asleep unknowingly amid He Sinan's kitten-like magnetic breathing.

Early the next morning, Qin Tian woke up and turned around to see that He Sinan was still not by his pillow.

The faint movement in the kitchen came as usual.

"It seems a bit cold today."

Qin Tian looked at the fleece jacket that He Sinan helped prepare, and turned his head to look at the gloomy sky outside the window, a bit like the inexplicably quiet weather before the rainstorm.

The hot summer is coming to an end, and the cool and rainy autumn is coming soon.

Qin Tian's body is very healthy now, it doesn't matter what clothes he wears, unless the temperature changes greatly, he won't feel cold at all.

Reaching out to pick up the clothes that were within reach on the bedside table next to him and put them on, Qin Tian went directly to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Qin Tian came to the living room refreshed.

As usual, He Sinan obediently sat on the chair and waited for Qin Tian to come over for dinner.

"Brother Qin, it seems to be raining today."

He Sinan glanced at the gloomy sky outside, and frowned, as if he didn't like rainy days very much.

"It's okay, just take an umbrella when we go out, let's eat."

Qin Tian smiled indifferently, sat next to He Sinan, subconsciously looking at the things in the bowl.

egg noodles again

"I said Sinan."

"Huh? What's the matter, Brother Qin?"

"Um nothing."

Seeing He Sinan's innocence, Qin Tian still swallowed his words and forced a smile: "Let's eat noodles, we'll go to the hospital after eating."


He Sinan quickly put down the bowl, and looked at Qin Tian worriedly: "Brother Qin, are you sick?"

"No, I'm fine."

Qin Tian explained: "Let's go for an examination to see if there is anything wrong with the body, early detection and early treatment."

He Sinan breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded reassuringly: "Okay."

After eating the noodles, Qin Tian packed up the dishes and went to wash, while He Sinan hurried to the balcony to put away the previously washed clothes, lest it rain when they went out.

After packing everything up, Qin Tian drove He Sinan to the most famous Ruijin Hospital in Jianghai City.

After parking the car in the hospital parking lot, the two came to take the elevator upstairs together.

Entering the hospital, Qin Tian took He Sinan to the thoracic surgery department directly, so there was no need to waste time on the rest.

Qin Tian didn't believe that the hospital's equipment could match his own ability to identify pupils.

Just when Qin Tian took the x-ray and took He Sinan to find a female expert.

The female expert turned over He Sinan's documents and X-rays with a serious face, causing both of them to feel their hearts hang in unison.

"Are you really from Sichuan and Chongqing?"


He Sinan responded nervously.

The female expert took a few glances at He Sinan's report, then looked at He Sinan's X-ray, and asked doubtfully, "Are your parents also from Sichuan and Chongqing?"

"Yes, it is."

He Sinan became even more nervous, and held Qin Tian's hand nervously, worried that the doctor would reveal what incurable disease he had.


The female expert looked at He Sinan's body information sheet in amazement, and then stared at He Sinan's body data list for a moment, with a puzzled expression and a hint of inconceivable smile.

"Your girlfriend has a good figure, but you have to pay attention, her figure is prone to chest tightness and shortness of breath."

The female expert said to Qin Tian solemnly: "If you don't pay attention, she will easily cause other symptoms. In daily life, you should help her relieve it more, and try to make her wear more suitable underwear."


Qin Tian asked confusedly: "How can I help her ease?"

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