Choose It, Hit Worker!

Chapter Nine: Unparalleled Money Ability

Sure enough, when she heard that Qin Tian and He Sinan belonged to Sichuan and Chongqing, the girl sighed helplessly: "Oh my fellow, I have all the beds made here, it's so troublesome for me to move around."

"Oh, what's the trouble?"

Qin Tian calmly took out a red note, and thrust it into the girl's hand with his back turned to He Sinan: "My fellow, please help me, my girlfriend is not used to sleeping on the upper bunk."

Qin Tian originally didn't want to use money skills, but the bed was almost made, and the miscellaneous daily necessities were also arranged neatly.

Tell her to make room now, and if she doesn't give some sweetness, I will feel a little bit sorry.

Seeing a red note stuffed into her hand like that, the girl's eyes widened immediately, and then she nodded her head vigorously.

"Don't bother, don't bother, my fellow villagers are teary-eyed when they see fellow villagers, I'll make room for your girlfriend right now."

Just kidding, she originally went to work in a factory to earn money, but now she can get a day and a half's salary just by changing a bed, and a fool would refuse this good job.

"What a rich young master."

The head of the dormitory naturally saw Qin Tian's little move just now.

She didn't expect that this guy would be willing to spend a hundred yuan just to change a bed.

But this boy should like this girl very much, right? Otherwise, they will not be willing to spend a lot of money to buy a bed.

And looking at the fellow villagers whose attitudes changed so quickly, the cute and dull He Sinan felt warm in his heart.

It turns out that this is how the allusion of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land came about.

At this moment, Qin Tian winked at He Sinan again.

He Sinan nodded nervously in response, and then carefully placed the snacks in his hand on the long table in the dormitory, tiptoeing like handing in protection money.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Chen Rou looked at such a big bag of snacks and asked curiously.

The introverted He Sinan is not good at communicating with strangers, he hesitates and doesn't know what to say.

In the end, she simply put her head down, lowered her head, raised her eyes, and looked at Qin Tian as if asking for help.


Qin Tian sighed helplessly, sometimes thinking that this girl is really silly and cute.

"It's nothing, just some snacks, bought to satisfy everyone's hunger."

If it was a normal girlfriend, Qin Tian would never do these dog-licking behaviors to take care of this group of strangers, and might not even come to the dormitory.

But He Sinan's personality is too special, if she had come by herself just now, she might have obediently slept in the unfamiliar upper bunk position.

The dormitory of the factory is a miniature society. If the relationship between roommates is not handled well, with He Sinan's personality, the next days will definitely be difficult.

"Thank you then."

Chen Rou smiled knowingly at He Sinan.

This girl looks naive, and she doesn't know how to speak.

So don't even think about it, this bag of snacks must have been bought by this girl's boyfriend, probably because she was afraid that someone in the dormitory would bully her.

Chen Rou couldn't help feeling a little lucky, this girl really found a considerate and considerate man.

With He Sinan's introverted and kind personality, if he finds a boy with a bad personality, the end will be terrible.

He has worked in an electronics factory for more than ten years, and he has seen too many scumbags who play with girls' feelings.

"No, you're welcome."

He Sinan responded in a low voice, and walked behind Qin Tian with small steps.

The fellow just now had already moved all his belongings to the upper bunk.

He Sinan also began to take care of his bed in an orderly manner, with patience and delicate movements.

At first glance, the girl who often does this kind of housework reveals a sense of sight of a good wife and mother from the beginning to the end.

After the bed was made, Qin Tian took He Sinan to familiarize himself with the environment of the dormitory.

"This is a water heater. On the left is hot water, and on the right is cold water. Turn this on when you take a shower, and water will come out of this."

"You should have brought a cup, right? I'll buy you a water heater later. If you're thirsty, just boil water to drink. Don't drink directly from the tap."

"Is your quilt too thin? It's going to be cold soon. After dinner, I'll take you to buy a thicker one."

He Sinan obediently followed Qin Tian, ​​patiently learning everything Qin Tian taught her.

However, when Qin Tian wanted to spend money to buy her this or that again, He Sinan would always show a distressed look.

The other three roommates watched Qin Tian leading He Sinan around the dormitory, feeling envious in their hearts.

As girls, they also came to Jianghai City from other cities to work hard, and they also wanted to find a boyfriend who was equally gentle and considerate in this unfamiliar place.

After taking He Sinan to familiarize himself with the dormitory, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Qin Tian took He Sinan into a taxi and planned to go shopping in the night market far from the factory.

The night market in Jianghai City is very lively, full of people, there are feasting shops everywhere, and there are various food stalls in the streets beside the road.

The laughter of the crowd, the sound of car horns, and the smell of oily smoke from various foods, one after another.

He Sinan is socially phobic and doesn't really like this kind of lively place. She still thinks the cafeteria would be better.

As soon as she got out of the taxi, she took the initiative to stick to Qin Tian's side, her delicate face was unavoidably nervous.

Qin Tian didn't let go of this good opportunity, and took He Sinan's tender little hand, and took her to visit various shops.

Gradually, He Sinan became less afraid, and began to slowly appreciate these lively environments that he had never seen in the depths of the mountains.

The bustling downtown and various high-tech electronic products gradually filled the curiosity of this kind girl from a remote mountainous area.

But she still didn't dare to take half a step away from Qin Tian, ​​and held Qin Tian's hand tightly, for fear that if she was not careful, she would get lost with Qin Tian in the crowd.

After shopping for more than two hours, Qin Tian helped He Sinan buy a new quilt and a quick warmer, as well as some daily necessities.

Originally, Qin Tian was thinking of buying a mobile phone for He Sinan and himself.

In this way, at night, the two can also chat on the mobile phone, increasing the relationship between each other.

But thinking of He Sinan's terrified and cute look when he took out the money just now, Qin Tian also gave up this idea.

When dealing with a girlfriend like He Sinan, the attack must not be too violent, and you don't need to buy her too expensive things as soon as you come up.

She is just an ordinary girl from a remote mountainous area. She has never seen much of the world, so she doesn't need to live a material life.

If I bought her a mobile phone just now, the frugal she would definitely be terrified by it for several days, and thus gradually reject any contact with Qin Tian.

So you have to learn to go step by step, work hard on the small details of life, buy what she needs now, and use these small details to express your feelings for her.

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