Although these mutant wolves were only about level one or two, the ten of them came together, which still put a lot of pressure on He Luoluo.

She was about to say something else, but Li Tianci had already rushed up.

He suddenly jumped up.

A swift whirlwind kick was kicked out.

The wolf that rushed up was directly kicked in the waist, and the lumbar vertebrae were all broken. It flew out, and even affected the two wolves behind it!

Other wild wolves flew over one after another.

However, Li Tianci kicked it away with a shadow dance leaf, and then the chain wrapped around his fist, smashing it down from top to bottom!


In the huge dust!

Another wild wolf was crushed into meat!

""Go to hell!"

Li Tianci yanked the chain violently!

All the wolves that rushed up were thrown away!

The battle became completely one-sided!

Li Tianci moved rapidly among the remaining six wolves.

With every punch, a wolf's head was smashed into the ground, all with devastating skull fractures, and brain matter splattered from the ears!

"Ding, kill the second-level mutant wild wolf, experience value +200!"

"Ding, kill the second-level mutant wild wolf, experience value +200!"

"Ding, kill the second-level mutant wild wolf, experience value +200!"


The system's prompt sound kept ringing in Li Tianci's ears.

In just this moment, Li Tianci had already slaughtered nine mutant wild wolves!

Following the last mutant wild wolf rushing forward.

The chains on Li Tianci's hands were immediately wrapped around his arms, and his hands pulled the wolf's upper and lower jaws up and down.

After a loud shout!

Blood rain poured down!

The whole wild wolf was directly torn into two parts!

The bloody internal organs were scattered all over the ground!

This scene made He Luoluo gasp and was deeply frightened.

Tearing the wolf with bare hands!

Who is the mutant beast?


It's really too shocking!

At this moment, Li Tianci was completely standing at the top of the food chain.

Kill gods if gods get in the way, and kill Buddhas if Buddhas get in the way.

From beginning to end, Li Tianci did not use the Qi power of a martial arts awakener, but only used the most primitive power to violently slaughter these mutant wild wolves.

Like toys, he tore these wild wolves into pieces!

How strong is this guy!

If she remembered correctly, she had heard Ye Qingcheng mention that he was only level three at that time. With this performance now, is he level four or level five?

Or has he reached level six?

While she was thinking, Li Tianci actually took off the wine gourd from his waist and gulped down the strong liquor.

The strong liquor went down his throat like a sharp knife, rolling directly from the throat to the stomach.

It was extremely refreshing.

And He Luoluo widened her beautiful eyes again.

Because she clearly felt that after Li Tianci drank the liquid in the gourd, his aura changed again and became even stronger.

If he is level six now, then the extent of this improvement is just like stepping up to level one again.

"Brother Tianci, what...what is that?"

"Something that can improve strength and restore physical strength, do you want to try it?"

Just as the two were talking, a figure suddenly attacked and killed. It turned out to be a mutant monkey, holding a branch and stabbing towards Li Tianci's back.

""Not good! Be careful, Brother Tianci!"

He Luoluo warned immediately.

However, just when the sharp branch was about to pierce Li Tianci,

Li Tianci suddenly made a strange move, and his body staggered as if he was drunk, barely avoiding the monkey's sneak attack.



Accompanied by a series of strange sounds.

On the tree branches, groups of mutant monkeys appeared.

The mutant monkey in the lead was actually at level three.

Just when Li Tianci was killing the wolf pack, these monkeys had already secretly hidden in the trees and watched.

These monkeys after mutation are obviously different from those wild wolves.

Compared with the enhanced flesh and claws of the wild wolves, the most enhanced thing about these monkeys is their intelligence. They have not only learned to use weapons, but also know to launch sneak attacks when the awakened are off guard.

However, this is completely useless to Li Tianci.

Under the command of the leading monkey, the other monkeys also swung up vines and attacked Li Tianci together.

However, every time their branches were about to pierce Li Tianci,

Li Tianci would dodge them safely. His steps seemed to be chaotic, but in fact, it was more like no move was better than a move.

And this is the so-called drunken boxing.


The leading monkey was obviously a little angry.

He was gesticulating and directing on the branch.

However, the next second.

Li Tianci's wrist suddenly exerted force.

The chain wrapped around his arm stabbed out like a swift black snake.


With just one move, he tied it up tightly and pulled it in front of him!


Another punch fell down fiercely!

The monkey was sent to see God on the spot!

However, he soon regretted it, because after killing the leader of the monkeys, the other monkeys were all terrified and scattered in all directions.

Until the end, he only killed five of them and failed to catch them all.

But this was also It was enough to shock He Luoluo again. Of course, she was no longer shocked that Li Tianci could kill the Monkey King in one move, but she was shocked by Li Tianci's seemingly ambiguous steps just now.

It seemed that he would be hit every time, but he always managed to dodge it.

Could it be the magical drink in the gourd?

Yes, it must be the magical drink!

It was because of drinking the magical drink that Li Tianci's fighting style changed and he possessed that kind of treacherous body movement.

Thinking of this, she became more curious about the drink in the wine gourd.

Li Tianci seemed to have noticed her curiosity, so he handed the wine gourd over with a sly smile.

"Where was I just now?"

"I said, there is something in my gourd that can improve strength and restore physical strength, do you want to try it?"

Seeing Li Tianci handing over the wine gourd.

He Luoluo didn't care about the so-called difference between men and women, and immediately took a sip of the"magic drink".


The next moment, she instinctively felt a strong spicy feeling in her mouth and spit it out.

" the hell is this?"

Li Tianci's evil plan finally succeeded, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.


"This is a wine gourd, so of course it’s filled with wine!"

"You, you, you... you big bad guy!!"

He Luoluo's pretty face flushed red!

Looking at her expression, she almost wanted to eat Li Tianci alive!

But at the same time, a doubt lingered in her heart.

Why could ordinary wine bring him such a significant increase?

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