As Li Tianci walked, he soon arrived deep in the mountains.

Compared to the outside, the energy here was obviously more intense.

Along with the rustling sound of his footsteps, the sharp roars of tigers and wolves came from the forest from time to time.

It was very eerie and terrifying.

But Li Tianci felt like he was going home again, like a dragon returning to the sea.

He took a long breath of turbid air using ordinary breathing methods.

Suddenly, the rich energy was transformed into Qi through his Dantian.

"With such a strong energy, as long as I keep going from place to place every day, hunting, training, and practicing breathing techniques, I will be able to break through again in a few days, right?"

Li Tianci murmured to himself, his heart leaping with joy.

This trip to Qinchuan was really the right one.

Moreover, there was no one living in the mountains, so he didn't have to be restrained.

Tap, tap, tap!

Thinking of this, he directly used his razor at full power, and the whole person started hunting in the mountains at a very fast speed.

This time he was very lucky, or in a sense, his luck was actually extremely bad.

Because, even though such mutant beasts repeatedly appeared in the mountains, he only hunted a low-level wild wolf after searching for half an hour.

"Forget it, just stay here and wait for the opportunity."After making a new decision,

Li Tianci found a relatively open area and started his daily physical training.

"Let's start with 8,000 push-ups."

As soon as he said it, Li Tianci began a frantic training, doing push-ups at an extremely terrifying speed.

Of course, these 8,000 push-ups don't have to be done in one go.

He divided them into four groups, each with 2,000, interspersed with sit-ups and squat frog jumps. He also found two huge rocks to act as weights.

Since these mutant beasts can't be found for a while, starting physical training directly is undoubtedly the most efficient method.

He can feel that his current physical strength has long surpassed that of the martial arts awakeners of the same level.

However, he has not found a mutant beast worth fighting as his touchstone.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

After these few days in the mountains Through training, Li Tianci gradually adapted to this ascetic life.

Hunting mutant beasts during the day, using the morning to eliminate most of the mutant beasts in the range, and then using the afternoon to do physical training, and practicing breathing techniques at night.

Three meals a day are naturally barbecued various kinds of beasts. Occasionally, he will catch some fish in the mountain springs, and dig some wild vegetables and seaweed to change the taste.

Life can be said to be very fulfilling.

But today, he finally ushered in another breakthrough.


With a loud bang like an explosion, the strange energy surrounding Li Tianci quickly gathered around him. The

Qi force in his body once again reached a critical point.

The breath in his body is also rising like a bamboo joint.

""It's coming."

Suddenly, Li Tianci opened his eyes, and a bright light burst out from his eyes.


He slowly exhaled a breath of foul air.

Finally, he broke through again.

He was stuck at level 7 a few days ago, but now he has entered level 8.

And he has unlocked another core skill.

Now his Eight Gates are enough to open the three gates of Kaimen, Xiumen, and Shengmen.

As a result, the inner lotus was also unlocked.

After opening the Xiumen, he will completely remove the fatigue limit of his physical strength and be able to overload the body's functions. Compared with the opening gate, the improvement is not significant, but after opening the Shengmen, he has truly broken through another major barrier.

The ability to further attack with a stand and speed is also the last safe zone in the Eight Gates.

The most worth mentioning is of course the newly unlocked inner lotus.

Compared with the forced control of the outer lotus, which requires the shadow dance leaf as a prerequisite skill, the inner lotus does not need to be limited by this.

After releasing it, it can directly release high-speed attacks at an extremely fast speed, and can even step on the air and fly around in the sky, instantly splitting into countless real bodies to attack the opponent thousands of times.

Its power is self-evident.

In addition to the shaving he has learned now, he can control the power and loss to perfection, enough to launch an attack several times stronger than the original one.

Twisting his neck, Li Tianci slowly stood up.

He was ready to try to see how much his power would grow after breaking through to level eight.

However, just as he slowly stood up

, the ground under his feet suddenly sank, and countless cracks spread in all directions.


Li Tianci finally realized that his weight had increased again.

Although his body shape was very normal, his bone density and muscle density had been gradually increasing.

From a distance, his body was only 150 to 160 kilograms at most, but in fact, his weight had exceeded 200 kilograms.

The horror of his body can be imagined.

He threw a punch casually.

There was a loud bang.

A big hole suddenly sank in the mountain wall in front of him, and the ground shook, as if it was frightened by his punch.

Li Tianci felt particularly satisfied with the increase in strength.

Then, he exerted force on his feet and jumped up suddenly.


Amid the huge explosion, dust rose up, and the ground where he was just now suddenly sank.

And relying solely on the physical strength of his legs, Li Tianci jumped to a height of more than ten feet. With such an amazing jumping ability, it can be said that he has now become a complete monster, with huge destructive power in his every move.


The huge noise he made startled the mutant vulture on the cliff!

In an instant, the mutant vulture flapped its wings with a span of more than three meters and rushed over!

"Just in time!"

The mutant vulture's body flew over but missed.

The next moment, Li Tianci appeared on the mutant vulture's body.

He raised one foot high, swung it like a giant axe, and slammed it down on the vulture's body.

In an instant, he fell rapidly like a helicopter carrying a huge gun.


A huge hole was smashed in the ground!

The blood mist from the explosion of the vulture's body spread in all directions along with the dust stirred up. The mutant vulture, which was still roaring just now, died on the spot in just one fight, and there was no possibility of survival.

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