"In terms of physical strength, he is stronger than me, in terms of speed, he is stronger than Pian Pian, and in terms of strength, he is stronger than anyone I know."

Pan Shi also claimed to be a leader among the awakened ones, but now it seems that he is just a joke.

On the other hand, Pian Pian had already stood up with difficulty and walked slowly towards Li Tianci's position.

At this moment, her clothes were worn out in the battle and were tattered, but she had an indescribable charm.

After all, as the saying goes, a beauty is still a beauty even if she wears a torn sack.

"Are you all right?"

Li Tianci restrained his murderous aura and turned into a warm boy next door again, but now this warm boy is really a little wild. With bronze skin, strong body, and naked upper body, his masculine charm is beyond words, and his sense of security is overflowing.

Even Pian Pian couldn't help but lower his head and asked in a low voice:

"I'm fine, um...are you the Night Emperor?"

"That's right."

Li Tianci nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are here to look for me, right?"

"Yes, it is"

"I'm sorry. In a sense, it was because of me that you were trapped."

After hearing what Li Tianci said, even Pian Pian was stunned.

She didn't expect that someone as powerful as Ye Huang would not be so arrogant and apologize to them first.

You know, many awakeners in the bureau are obviously half-baked, but they are arrogant just because they have become awakeners.

She thought that the other party would despise the three of them mercilessly, but it turned out that she was judging others by her own standards.

Just when Pian Pian was distracted, Pan Shi limped forward.

"Hello, Ye Huang, I am Panshi. Thank you for saving me just now. I will remember your life-saving grace in my heart."

Then, he made a move that surprised Li Tianci.

He was as strong as a calf, but he fell to his knees with a plop, clasped his hands together and said:

""Brother Ye Huang, just now, I secretly said bad things about you behind your back. Now I feel particularly disgusted with my actions just now. I beg you to punish me!"

Li Tianci glanced at this honest man, then pulled him up.

"I won't take that kind of thing to heart. After all, you were imprisoned because you were looking for me. I can understand that you feel a little resentful.

Seeing the wounds on Panshi's body, he shook his head again and again.

"Do you have bandages? Help Panshi with his wounds."

Then he looked at Panshi and said again:"It may hurt a little, but you have to bear it."

After that, he took off the wine gourd from his waist and poured the remaining wine on Panshi's body.

This was to use alcohol to disinfect and prevent Panshi's wounds from further deteriorating and becoming infected.


The wine poured over the wound, and even Panshi couldn't help but grimace, but in his heart he was extremely grateful to Li Tianci.

"Okay, help him bandage it."

"You have come here after a long journey, and it must be hard. Let's find a place to camp and rest. Tonight we will have dog meat hot pot, oh no, wolf meat hot pot."

The night gradually deepened.

The four people sat around the campfire, and a copper pot was placed on the campfire. This was the only thing Li Tianci brought. He brought it for hot water.

But later, after eating enough barbecue, he developed another way to use it, which was to use it directly for hot pot.

The only drawback was that there was no sauce, but there were some wild fruits picked by Li Tianci, and the taste was not bad.

Eating wolf meat hot pot, the four people soon became familiar with each other.

Pian Pian and Pan Shi were both martial arts awakeners like him, while the white-faced scholar was a word spirit awakener, codenamed"Jade-faced Scholar". There was nothing remarkable about his ability, but this codename was really low-brow. After eating half full, Pian Pian finally spoke:

"We came to look for you this time because, firstly, the bureau is worried about you, and secondly, we have received news from above that the first round of disaster tide is coming soon, so the above asked us to return as soon as possible to resist the coming disaster."

"Now, we awakeners have come to the fore. As long as we are in the city, the people will not panic."

As they spoke one after another, Li Tianci nodded.

In fact, in addition to what Pian Pian said, Li Tianci also learned more information from Ye Qingcheng.

For example, when the disaster tide arrives, the magnetic field of the entire world will change.

At that time, many signals will fail, and even airplanes will not be able to take off. Even daily human communications will become a problem.

Putting the awakeners' affairs on the table in advance can indeed help stabilize the people's hearts.

"It is indeed a very good decision to popularize the disaster tide and the awakened people in advance."

Li Tianci exclaimed.

This is also thanks to the decisive decision of the big man above.

After all, this requires courage.

Inadequate publicity will cause the people to panic in advance.

And if there is no publicity, and the difficulty of popularizing science after the disaster comes, it will increase exponentially.

However, what Li Tianci did not know was that behind these policies, there was the shadow of Ye Qingcheng.

As a reborn person, she did play a big role.

You know, in another timeline, the official blindly concealed the fact of the awakened, but it was counterproductive. The disaster tide has not yet arrived, and the whole society has become insecure and suspicious. When they want to popularize it later, the official authority has been greatly reduced.

"Especially putting the Awakeners' affairs on the table, this is indeed a good thing"


Pian Pian nodded.

"This is the best thing for a strong person like you."

"After all, awakened people like us can only be considered top in the city at best, but you are different. With your strength, you can be ranked among the best in the whole country."

"With your current strength, as long as you show it, you will definitely be given key training from above!"

Pian Pian was right. This so-called key training was not just talk.

Titles like the Seven Wonders of Yancheng and the Five Heroes of Qinchuan were not simply for show, but meant a tilt of resources in a region.

If Li Tianci could also make a name for himself, it would also mean that the country's resources would be continuously delivered to him!

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