"Of course, in addition to this, we also have a sufficient amount of special potions. These potions were developed by our Qinchuan internally, and they can greatly increase the speed of awakened people's cultivation."

Old Liu said tirelessly, and at the same time, he became more and more confident.

He has plenty of separate places for cultivation. As the news of the coming of the disaster tide spread, many factories that knew about the trend have been abandoned.

As long as these factories are transformed, they will be a particularly perfect place for cultivation.

And there is no need to say more about the training equipment.

As for the special energy potion, it is the trump card he wants to leave behind by Ye Huang.

He has shown his sincerity to the maximum extent. For a potential stock like Ye Huang, he had made up his mind last night. It doesn't matter if he spends tens of millions or even hundreds of millions on Li Tianci.

Hearing what Old Liu said in one breath, Li Tianci took a sip of hot water and suddenly smiled:

"Mr. Liu, since you said so, I don't seem to have any reason to refuse.���"

Hearing Li Tianci's words, Liu Lao was instantly overjoyed.

Obviously, Li Tianci had accepted his conditions and decided to join Qinchuan's branch.

"Don't worry, young man, you will never regret joining our Qinchuan branch."

He raised his hand and patted Li Tianci on the shoulder, suddenly thinking of something, and continued:

"Oh, by the way, Ye Huang, what I just said is only the most basic treatment. As long as you can make a series of contributions, we Qin Chuan will naturally not hesitate to give you any reward."

"The competent ones are given the positions and rewards are given according to their merits. This is our consistent style at Qinchuan."


The treatments that Elder Liu mentioned were indeed very good for Li Tianci. It could be seen that the other party had invested a lot of money.

And what he wanted to do was very simple, that is, to continue on his current path.

Become stronger, become stronger.

Then, during the attacks of the beast tides, try to protect the people as much as possible.

But then again, before completely accepting these treatments, he still needed to show his strength.

Elder Liu already knew the strength of Li Tianci, but the other awakeners did not know it yet.

So, in order to convince the crowd, he had to show it, so as not to let the people below poke Elder Liu in the spine.

Li Tianci also understood this.

"These are all trivial matters, and I will leave it to your arrangement."

Li Tianci also gave Old Liu enough face. Old Liu's eyes flashed with relief, and then he said calmly:

"It's simple, you will go to our branch's headquarters to register, and then someone will arrange an awakener for you to verify your strength."

Then, Elder Liu slowly stood up.

"This small room is indeed a bit too much for you. You can move tonight. There is an abandoned factory next to the origin, which can be used as your temporary training base. I will send someone to take you there when the time comes."


Li Tianci accepted it without hesitation.

Just as Liu Lao said, this small place is indeed hard to deal with, but if it were a factory, he could deal with it as he pleased.

After chatting for two or three sentences, Liu Lao led a group of senior executives and left.

Only Pian Pian stayed.

"Brother Ye Huang, don't worry, the opponent you will be assigned later won't be too strong."

Because the air was a little quiet for a while, and there were only two people left in the space, Pian Pian randomly found a topic to talk about.

"You should not be worried about me, but the opponent assigned to me."

After hearing what Li Tianci said, Pian Pian immediately reacted.

She was already a leader in the Qinchuan Branch. Even she did not have the courage to face Li Tianci head-on. Who else could compete with Li Tianci?

Seeing Pian Pian speechless for a moment, Li Tianci smiled with relief:

"Don't worry, it's just a friendly exchange, I won't lose my sense of proportion"

"Yes, I know, Big Brother Ye Huang."

She nodded, and finally thought of something, and quickly stretched out her right hand:

"Oh, Brother Yehuang, congratulations on joining our big family and becoming a member of our Qinchuan Branch. We will be partners from now on!"

"Thank you."

Li Tianci also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Pianxian.

Pianxian's hands were white and smooth, and they didn't look like the hands of a warrior at all.

This was something Li Tianci had never thought of.

However, in a moment of shock, Pianxian's cheeks were flushed, and she actually lowered her head.

""What's wrong?"

Li Tianci asked, and then he suddenly realized that he had been holding the girl's hand for a long time.

Thinking of this, he finally let go.

After two dry coughs, he finally broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Come on, Pianxian, come with me to the branch headquarters to register, and then find someone to assess me."

After two hours of registration, Li Tianci also arrived at the assessment location.

On a square in Qinchuan City.

At this moment, the square is already surrounded by people, and many awakened people have gathered here. They are also discussing

"Another awakener has come to take the test"

"I heard that he came from Yancheng."

"Yes, it's called Night Emperor."

"It is said that he went alone into the mountains to practice for more than half a month!"



Li Tianci didn't care about other people's judgments. Among hundreds of people, only five of them were worthy of his attention.

One of them was a man in black, who was quite powerful and one of the five heroes. His code name was said to be the name of the spear he carried on his back, called Duan Yue.

Pian Pian introduced Li Tianci calmly, and then turned to look at another person.

He was a bespectacled guy in a white suit. He kept coughing and looked a little sick, but there was no one around him. It seemed that everyone kept a distance from him.

"He is Wu Xie, codenamed Card……"

Wu Xie, Cards, this name, Li Tianci had heard the staff mention when he arrived.

The talent is locking, everything thrown out will definitely hit the bull's eye.

This ability is indeed quite terrifying.

Just as Li Tianci and Pian Pian were communicating, footsteps were heard not far away.

Step, step, step...

Everyone turned their heads to look, and then made way for him.

The person who came was not someone else, but the director of the branch, Mr. Liu. Mr.

Liu waved his hand to stop the people around him from greeting one after another, walked into the center of the crowd, and slowly said:

"Today, the person we are going to test is Ye Huang."

"You may all be unfamiliar with this name, but I believe that after the assessment, you will all remember this name in your hearts!"

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