If the disaster tide had not arrived, the plot of the X-Men movie would have been staged there.

But Li Tianci was still unaware of this.

He was now training at full speed.

After finishing the last two sets of dumbbell presses, he sat on the ground and began breathing training.

Perhaps because of the system, his efficiency in converting supernatural energy was particularly fast. The supernatural energy converted by ordinary people in one hour of practice was not as good as the supernatural energy converted by him in ten minutes.

"Now, I should be considered the number one awakener in Dragon Country."

Li Tianci said to himself.

The awakeners in the big cities, such as the Five Heroes of Qinchuan, Hangzhou, and the Seven Heroes of Kyoto, are now at level eight at best.

But he is actually level nine.

More importantly, due to the integration of Rock Lee's template, his combat power is even more extraordinary.

Even if the opponent is an awakener of the same level as level nine, he can't last more than three rounds.

And once the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu are opened, his own strength will increase dramatically. Not to mention the awakeners, even those cross-level mutant beasts will be killed instantly when they encounter him.

Therefore, he thinks he is the number one in Dragon Country, which is beyond doubt.

But he will not stop for a moment because you know that in the new era when awakeners are as numerous as cattle hairs, In the meantime, cultivation is like rowing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Moreover, human technology is still very powerful. At his current stage, he still can't fight against some missiles head-on.

After he merges with Saitama's template, then, even nuclear bombs may not be able to do anything to him, after all, Saitama can smash a meteorite with one punch.

And the power of the meteorite impact is equivalent to dozens of nuclear bombs.

By then, he will be the strongest man, even if a god comes to the world, he can only be killed by his punch.

Thinking of this, Li Tianci couldn't help but curl his lips.

I'm really looking forward to it!

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt that the power in his body surged again.

With a bang.

The mighty power shook the surrounding buildings three times again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Rock Lee for reaching 50% of the fusion level of the template!"

"Start the first medium baptism!"

"Your physical strength and various indicators will increase by another 200%; your power, speed, and physique will all be greatly improved!"

In the cold prompt sound of the system.

Li Tianci intuitively felt a vast power pouring into his head, like a revelation.

His body couldn't help but tremble.

All the bones in his body seemed to be broken by this force.

Every inch of muscle in his body seemed to be torn apart.

The intense pain made his heart shrink suddenly.

But before he could react, those broken bones and torn muscles seemed to start healing themselves and reorganized again.

Then, he felt unprecedented joy.

Because his body has become stronger now.

This is the beginning of transformation, the beginning of completely leaving the human category.

This medium baptism has given him a level of strength that is comparable to the Transcendent Realm, or even far beyond the Transcendent Realm.

Generally speaking, an eleventh awakener can rival a seventh or eighth level awakener with his physical body alone, which is already considered powerful.

But Li Tianci has not yet entered the Transcendent Realm, and his physical body alone is enough to withstand the destruction of the Transcendent Realm.

This shows how terrifying he is now.

The baptism is not over yet.

Black relics are constantly discharged from his body through his skin, while the density of bones and muscles is still soaring.

Even the ground where he is is deeply sunken.

After a long time, a long breath sounded.

The baptism is finally over.

Li Tianci stood up slowly.

And the ground couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed further.

His strength is obviously more than twice as much as before.

Seeing this, Li Tianci was also quite helpless.

Just after the baptism, he found that he couldn't control the surging power.

He threw a punch out of thin air.


The friction between the air and the fist actually erupted into a shocking air wave!

A long crack appeared on the entire ground.

This unreserved punch was mediocre, but the power of the fist wind alone had reached such an outstanding level.

Li Tianci was quite satisfied.

Then, he jumped up and ran towards the mountains again.

Obviously, he was going to test his strength further.

Not long after, in a mountain somewhere in Qinchuan


A roar resounded through the sky, and a huge brown bear more than five meters tall suddenly stood up.

The whole body almost blocked out all the sunlight.

This was a level five mutant brown bear lord.

It seemed to be completely enraged, waving its huge bear paw and slamming towards the figure not far away.


The figure not far away did not dodge or even block.

He let the bear paw hit his forehead, but he stood still, without moving a step, as if he was a sculpture made of gold and iron.

Even the giant bear seemed to be a little scared by this scene.

But Li Tianci just sneered.

He did not expect that his physical strength had reached such a level that the giant bear's powerful attack did not even scratch a strand of his skin.

""Okay, now it's my turn." As soon as the words fell, before the giant bear could retract its paw, Li Tianci had already raised his hand and locked the giant bear's arm tightly.

""Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The giant bear struggled to break free, but it was of no use.

The force that was restraining its arms was too great. Under such a force, it was like an ant.




There were crisp bone-breaking sounds. Li Tianci suddenly exerted his strength, accompanied by a shrill wail. Li Tianci actually twisted the opponent's arm into a twist!

The flesh and blood turned outward, and the bones were crushed!


The intense pain drove the giant bear to blast out its other arm again.

But before its left palm fell, Li Tianci's fist had already hit its head!


Blood gushed out like a fountain!

Looking again, the giant bear's head had been crushed into powder, leaving only an empty, headless body!

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