Liujiazhai Village is located in the south of Anyang.

In the past, it was considered to be a prosperous place.

However, since the disaster, Liujiazhai has been shrouded in a thick haze.

"Haven’t the people from the bureau arrived yet?"

"These damn beasts!"

"Oh my god, our donkey got mutated this morning. Fortunately, we found it in time and pinned it down for us."

"Your situation is still considered good. At the east end of our village, a chicken in a family mutated and actually gained consciousness. It imitated humans and wore overalls. After discovering it, it killed two members of my sixth uncle's family!"

"These mutant beasts should all be killed!"

Amidst the discussion, all the young people in the village gathered together. Some of them were holding hoes, some were holding sickles, and some even took out their homemade hunting rifles.

They patrolled around the village because they had to guard their families, women, the elderly and children, behind them.

At this time, one of the alert young men seemed to have discovered something and immediately shouted in panic:

""Here it comes, here it comes."

As he said this, he quickly pointed to the woods not far away. There was a rooster about two or three meters tall. It was frantically flapping its wings, looking a bit crazy.

Beside this mutant rooster, there were already many mutant animals gathered.

Among them, there was even a mutant centipede.

After noticing the villagers at the entrance of the village, its eyes suddenly turned red.

"coo coo……"

In an instant, this mutant rooster flapped its wings and led a group of mutant animals to rush towards the mountain village.

The only thing to be thankful for is that these mutant species are not very strong.

At most, they are preliminary mutations.

If they are secondary mutations or even tertiary mutations, then let alone these villagers, even ordinary awakeners can't stand it.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that it is not only these poultry Wuzong mutations.

Even many humans have awakened their abilities overnight during the disaster tide.

Even if they don't have awakened abilities, their physical fitness will also increase to a certain extent.

Just like this mountain village, the young man who led the group is an awakener who has awakened initially.

His innate ability is"elephant power".

The strength is greatly improved, and he has the strength of an ordinary elephant.

This simple and crude ability is still very useful in the early days of the disaster era.

He raised his hand and picked up a huge rock, and threw it fiercely at the small mutant beast tide that was rushing towards him!


With a loud noise, many mutant poultry were hit by this huge rock and flew away.

But it couldn't stop all the mutant poultry from moving forward. Of course, the mutant rooster was not affected at all.

As it spread its wings, sand and rocks flew everywhere. In an instant, it rushed into the crowd, and its beak was filled with terrifying power!


There was a crisp sound, and it used its beak to pierce the leading villager on the spot.


With a shrill scream, the poor villager looked at the fist-sized bloody hole in his chest with despair, and slowly fell to the ground, his life force fading and his consciousness blurring.

However, this was just the beginning.

"Roar, roar……"

"Roar, roar……"

More mutant beasts rushed over amidst the roars, and the roars resounded through the forest.

More villagers fell down one after another, and just when they were almost in despair, an off-road vehicle roared along the mountain road not far away.

""Oh no, something's wrong."

Suddenly, Li Tianci, who was resting in the car with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

Obviously, he smelled it.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, and the further he went, the stronger the smell of blood became.

Moreover, it was far more than that. There was also a violent fluctuation of the energy unique to the mutant beast.

"What is this?"

Li Tianci and Duan Yue behind the car looked at each other in tacit understanding, then slammed the car door and said in unison:


With a loud shout, the two jumped out of the car first.

Then, they rushed along the mountain road at full speed.

This village was on the hillside.

The mountain was steep.

However, it did not stop the two people's speed at all.


With continuous exertion, Li Tianci and Duan Yue flew up the hillside at a high speed, just like the legendary Qinggong. It was nothing more than flying over eaves and walking on walls.

And this is a senior martial arts awakener.

He has mastered the use of Qi power.

The physical strength has been greatly enhanced.

They are no less than the martial arts masters among martial artists.

Especially Li Tianci, who has stepped into the realm of transcendence, and is even no less than the innate realm among martial artists.

And not long after that, Li Tianci and Duan Yue finally arrived at their destination, Liujiazhai.

However, what caught their eyes was a tragic scene, with corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river.

The entrance of the village.

One by one, the villagers were fighting with the mutant animals with weapons.

These mutant animals include mutant hens, mutant centipedes, and mutant rat snakes.

Although, they did not seem very strong to Li Tianci and the others.

But for these villagers, they were already a big worry.

At this moment, they were actually slaughtering the villagers.

"Quick, save us!"

"No, Jianping, Jianping, you can't die!"

"I, I, I don't want to die yet……"

Amid the desperate wails, the villagers fell in a pool of blood, gradually losing their vitality.

"Have a good journey."

Li Tianci sighed softly.

He had come to the side of a villager who had died without knowing when, squatted down, and stroked his eyes that were unable to close.

Then, in the next moment, he completely exploded.


A storm suddenly arose, and the world suddenly changed!

Li Tianci was like a high-speed train, sprinting towards the center of the battlefield.


In the sudden roar, in the unbelievable eyes of another villager, a mutant rat snake that was about to kill him was suddenly kicked into the sky.

With a loud bang, the huge body exploded, and the blood mist in the sky splashed down in all directions.

One blow, destroy it.

"What's going on?"

Stunned, this villager was also dumbfounded.

At this time, not only him, but many other villagers were also stunned.

Because, at this moment, Li Tianci made a move.


His aura, which seemed to be materialized, suddenly burst out, and the breath of killing spread violently, which actually shocked many low-level mutant beasts.

Some even fainted directly, and some low-level ones died on the spot.

Now, he slaughtered thousands of mutant beasts, and the substantial killing intent he exuded was like the domineering aura of the king. He didn't even need to make a move to suppress all these low-level mutant beasts!

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