"A dedicated team of chefs?"

"We will create a special food list for you according to the energy consumed by your training and your taste habits."

Li Tianci was shocked again.

Is this the treatment of ordinary awakeners?

Isn't this treatment a bit too much?

No, it's more like Ye Qingcheng's special treatment for himself.

Why is he so good to himself?

Ye Qingcheng didn't seem to ask about his talent, right?

Not only that, but he also asked himself not to reveal it to her.

Forget it, Li Tianci couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it.

So he threw himself into training again.

Who cares what she is thinking? Even if she really has other ideas about herself, when she merges the final deck, any conspiracy will be child's play under her absolute power.

Stride into the training square.

After a simple warm-up, Li Tianci has already carried a barbell weighing hundreds of pounds and started squatting.

On the balcony on the second floor of another villa area.

Ye Qingcheng looked at Li Tianci's sweaty back and sighed deeply:

"As expected of Lord Ye Huang, he is gifted yet still works so hard!"

Her eyes revealed an obsessive look.

"As long as Lord Ye Huang is given enough time, when the tide of disaster comes, he will probably be even more powerful than in his previous life!"

"But... Zhao Family……"

Ye Qingcheng's voice suddenly became gloomy.

If the Zhao family covets Lord Ye Huang again, in this life, he will definitely suppress it with thunder!

Just when Ye Qingcheng was thinking about it.

Li Tianci's training has reached a white-hot stage!

The initial template of the deck he fused was Rock Lee, so his training method must naturally be infinitely close to the other party's, so that he can fully integrate the other party's template.

Rock Lee is a training maniac among the Naruto.

So he also has to enter such a state.

In the limit again and again, break through the limit of his own body.

With the talent bonus of God's reward for hard work, his potential is far higher than Rock Lee himself.

So after breaking through the limit again and again, his body is also visibly strengthened.

"Five hundred and thirty-two!"

"Five hundred and thirty-three!"

"Five hundred and thirty-four!"


He held a 100-jin barbell in one hand, and did push-ups with the other hand.

After doing a full 600, he switched hands and started again from the beginning.

Such a crazy gesture stunned the chef team. The head chef added food that was enough to replenish energy consumption over and over again, and his arms were a little sore.

Li Tianci didn't care about the eyes of others.

The tide of disaster is coming, and he only cares about how to become stronger!

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than half a month later.

During this more than half a month, Li Tianci lived completely in a boring three-point line.

Eat, train, sleep, eat, train, sleep.

Among them, training accounts for the majority, because now he only needs four hours a day to get enough rest.

Excluding the one-hour eating and relieving time every day.

All other time, he spent in training, not delaying any other time.

If he could look in the mirror, he would definitely find that he has changed dramatically.

Originally, he was a little weak half a month ago, but now he can't be said to be stronger, he can be said to be a completely different person.

The muscles all over his body bulged, almost bursting his clothes.

Because his hair had not been taken care of for half a month, coupled with the crazy metabolism, it caused this head of black hair to fall wildly on his shoulders.

Even the beard was wrapped around his chin.

The violent masculinity emanated from his whole body.

This was just the outside, and the more terrifying thing was his inner self.

During his crazy training, he, who was originally at level three, once again crossed three levels and reached level six.

The Qi force in his body reached an extraordinary 6,000.

The destructive power caused by the gale and whirlwind was far greater than before.

If he could easily kick over a willow tree as big as an arm at that time, now he could easily kick a stone pillar with a radius of several meters into pieces.

And his body was as hard as iron and stone after being tightened.

Just by touching, he could knock a hole in the wall that was blocking him, and his momentum would not be reduced, and his body would not be injured at all.

In addition, the skills in his character template finally unlocked Drunken Fist and Eight Gates.

Drunken Fist, needless to say, is more like a gain skill.

The most important thing is this Eight Gates.

【Eight Gates of Ninjutsu: stimulate one's own potential, remove physical limitations, squeeze body energy, and thus achieve several times the normal strength.

First, open the door: manifest lotus.

In other words, he can now use the power of opening the door to double his body's strength and use manifest lotus.

In addition, the prerequisite skill of manifest lotus, Shadow Leaf Dance, has also been unlocked.

It's a pity that even he, due to the lack of a sparring partner, is not aware of the destructive power of this skill.

After thinking about it, the only thing he can do is to wait until he has time to find a mutant beast to try his hand.

And just when Li Tianci continued to devote himself to training.

Not far away, a man in a tights was gritting his teeth at Li Tianci.


"Why are you so nice to him?"

"Why does the lady favor him so much?"

The man in tights is named Fang Lai, nicknamed Jackal.

He is also an awakener. Now, because he awakened early, he is already level five.

At this time, he can be considered very strong.

Since he became an awakener, he was discovered by Ye Qingcheng, and since then he has been under Ye Qingcheng's command and has developed a love for Ye Qingcheng.

But all this has changed since Li Tianci came.

Every day, the person Ye Qingcheng wants to ask is Li Tianci, and a special villa is arranged for him, which is actually located on the side next to her.

In addition, a special team of chefs is arranged for him, while he can only go to the cafeteria to solve it.

And when Li Tianci is training, no one is allowed to approach the training square, and no one is allowed to disturb Li Tianci at all.

Such special treatment has never been given to any awakener before.

But now, Li Tianci enjoys all this as a matter of course.


Obviously he is the stronger one!

And today, Ye Qingcheng went out for something, and finally let him wait for this opportunity

"Humph, Li Tianci, right?"

"I want to see what the lady likes about you."Thinking of this, he clenched his teeth, his eyes sinister, and walked slowly towards Li Tianci's position.

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