Chronicles of Daoist Fan

Chapter 38 - Gang Wei Versus Zuifan

"These, these and those three items," I arrogantly ordered, pointing my forefinger at Gang Shan's belongings. I was hiding behind Gang Bing's corpse right now.

Behind my back, I played with five poisonous needles. Rea's way to use the poison with needles was ingenious. With just a pinch, it could kill a person.

"Bring everything outside. All of you, get to work or she dies." I put Gang Bing's pale neck near my sword's edge. Her long hair covered her frozen expression.

I had the face of a big bad villain, those seen in movie posters. My directions were evil and selfish. Gang Wei gritted his teeth in frustration. Sooner or later, he was going to attack me.

I had created a mess inside Gang Shan's abode. Every drawer, every cupboard and bed was ransacked clean. Two bags as big as adult chickens laid on the floor. They were filled with hundreds of golds.

There were more things in the storeroom downstairs but I wasn't interested in those. I wanted money, rare herbs, pills and weapons. Gang Shan had the money but the rare things were somewhere else.

"Treasury!" I shouted, "Throw me the family treasury's key, little Wei. I know you're entrusted with it."

"Don't go too far, Benfang..."

"You guys will attack me if I'm not this far at least." I grabbed the needles in a tight bundle and covertly stored them in my pocket.

Maybe provoking Gang Wei this early was not a good idea. He went silent and took out a long key. From the corner of my eyes, I saw one of the guards nod to him. Did they really think I wouldn't notice?

As expected, that guard attacked me. I acted as if I was caught by surprise and moved a bit to the left. The guard's sword plunged deep into Gang Bing's dead body.

Red blood leaked out and streamed down the edges of his sword. He was horrified until he realised that the blood was not warm at all.

"Wha- Gang Fung!" others shouted. He had killed their young miss!

"No, he is carrying a dead body. Missy's blood is cold as ice!" Words spewed like red flames from Gang Fung's mouth.

I threw Gang Bing's corpse at them and picked up the treasury's key. I didn't have the time to grab the bags as Gang Wei was already offering me a sword slash.

I parried him with my own swords and jumped from the right window. One storey high, it was nothing. I rolled on the ground and stood up with no injuries.

"Go wake up the elders!" I heard Gang Wei order from above. He also jumped along, tightly chasing me as I ran towards the treasury.

"Stop, you scoundrel!"


I suddenly turned around and swiped my swords at him. It cut his outer robe and some blood appeared there. I had scratched his shoulder. Gang Wei changed his sword stance and faced me in a fight for death.

Indeed, I was going to kill Gang Wei tonight. As long as he was alive, he would always be a hindrance for me. Although I didn't really like fighting with those ranking above me, one rank was nothing at body tempering stage (for me at least).

"Little Wei, your nose seems more longer than the sword you're holding." A little taunting would keep him hotheaded. Gang Wei seemed to me like a cool-headed person. It wouldn't go well for me if I let him think calmly.

"Vengeful blow!" he shouted. I didn't know that he had such a quirk.

I couldn't disregard that move though. I had to sidestep three times and block the forceful attack which was aimed directly at my kidney. A little lower and that would've been more deadly.

The sounds of swords clashing - first like that of glasses clinking, then like of bells ringing - resounded from our moves. While I evaded his attacks, Gang Wei chose to directly block mine. That was his fighting style, he rarely moved his legs and if he did, then he was having some trouble.

Gang Wei stepped forward. He bent down and started quickly slashing, aming my belly. This was the time, I jumped up lightly and deployed my movement technique.

'Silvery snake movement!' I recited internally, for this name was too embarrassing to speak out loud.

I glanced at Gang Wei's form in this darkness. There wasn't much to see and the only way I could see the swords moving was because they reflected the nearby lamps' lights. Gang Wei could use this to his advantage and so could I.

I suddenly moved back and sheathed one of my swords. The sheath was not as polished as the sword itself. I abandoned my other sword and went on to fight with the sheathed sword.

Gang Wei was confused but then a forceful kick came for legs. He hurriedly jumped up and slashed at my chest. This time, it would hit...


A blunt edge blocked his sword. It was rough and heavy. Both of us were quite high at body tempering but Gang Wei had greater strength, agility and overall stamina than me. If I wanted to defeat him, I had to be quick and precise in my movements.

A punch suddenly came for his cheeks and he grabbed my fist with hand. However, that allowed me to push him with my sword. Heavy weapons weren't good for quick fights but in this night, almost half of our attacks were missed. Even if I was a little slow, that didn't matter.

Gang Wei had to voluntarily step back this time. His fighting style was disrupted. I didn't give him a moment's rest and kept attacking. Kicks and punches were effective distractions when he didn't have a shield with him.

Fifteen minutes and then half an hour went by. During this time, I never let him have an advantage over me.

"Kuh! How? You're one rank below me," Gang Wei grunted. He had realised that I was slowly overpowering him.

"Nothing is impossible little Wei, you just have to believe in yourself." Oh such a cliche line, this time fitting as MY next reply. When people said this, it meant they were winning.

"Bow down to this young master's sword!" I was getting more narcissistic by every passing second.

Gang Wei became serious and focused on the hand with which I held my sheathed sword. He couldn't see the sword itself. He tried getting near the houses for more light but I was always threatening to critically injure him.

Gang Wei got into a defensive position and that was his mistake. Instead of slashing, I directly threw my sword at him. It was random and totally unexpected. Why would I even do that?

I deftly took out the poison needles from my pocket. The posion would only react with blood but I was still careful to not touch the needles' tips. While Gang Wei hit the heavy sword like a cricket ball, I quickly stepped near him.

Gang Wei attempted to stumble me but silvery snake movement provided an impressive balance. I grabbed his collar and injected the needles on his neck. He managed to stop my hand before the first three needles pierced his skin, but he wasn't quick enough to stop the other two.

As soon as I inserted the needles in his neck, the posion entered his blood stream. Even so, he punched me hard on my stomach before he fell. He'd put every ounce of his strength on that last punch.

"You despicable..."

"You persistent..."

We both fell. He was dying while I was temporarily pained. After eating so much, taking a punch on my stomach made me vomit. I felt lightheaded after throwing up. By that time, white foam was already leaking out of Gang Wei's mouth. He was dead.

I stood up and looked behind me. Gang Shan's house was silent. The guards had gone to the hall and they hadn't exited at all.

'Their shock must be huge, heh,' I thought, picking up my swords. I headed straight for the treasury. This time, there was no one to stop me.. Even if the remaining 5 guards came, I wasn't worried about them.

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