Chronicles of Daoist Fan

Chapter 52 - Stealing, Once Again

"Who? Aaaaa-"

The guards in the storeroom screamed as I broke their fingers. Working together, me and Feng Yi injured them and made them temporarily unable to stand. Chasing the servants and a few other practioners who also had the intention to steal from the store room, we met up with Chunu.

I'd given her the token so that the guards would let her enter. I'd thought Lin Siyun the auctioneer would be here but no, she'd really disappeared.

The 23 items inside all had numbered stamps on them except for three last items. I had thought the dark scroll would appear at last and didn't have any plan of stealing. But, as the opportunity presented itself, there was no reason not to hoard the more expensive items.

"Quick, Feng Yi and Chunu, pack that and that, those six and this as well. Be fast! Lin family elders might come here anytime. They'll soon realise that the storeroom is unguarded," ordered I hurriedly while running towards the caged Craoca.

It looked fat and had a long body. Its tough skin covered by dark furs, the beast stood taller than me. This Craoca had two horns lined up at the front of its head just like a Rhino's. This adult beast had a large white mouth and slippery noses.

I spotted the medicine at the top of the steel cage. This large monster was docile because of its effects. I didn't know how long this effect lasted though.

I climbed up this four-wheeled cage and took the wooden bottle full of dark green liquid. It's odor was extremely thick so I quickly corked the bottle and got down. Sensing the smell of the medicine, the beast uttered a long cry. It was similar to the mooing of a cow.

"Where's the key!?" I shouted and came before the guards groaning in agony. The cage was too sturdy and I didn't have the time to break it open, if I could even do that.

"Big brother, she has it!" Chunu pointed at a servant who'd just came inside to check on the beast.

She was at rank two and seeing the guards all down while three suspicious practioners inside, she suddenly screamed. It was to notice the other people.

Before I could get to her, Feng Yi immediately punched her stomach and that servant also joined the groaning guards.

Passing me the key, Feng Yi went on to pack the bags. There were many empty sacks inside this storeroom and 2 sacks were more than enough. We didn't have to take the bigger things with us.

While Chunu helped Feng Yi, I quickly inserted the key inside the lock. The cage's door creaked as I opened it. I was a little intimidated by the beast's size but knowing that this Croaca was tame, I kicked it.

It had no reaction and kept sitting there. The medicine made this beast inactive and I had to repeatedly hit its horns with my sword to make myself noticed.

The beast uttered another cry and moved its hooves. It was coming outside! I hastily left the cage and waited for it to exit.

"Hurry, go to the doors! Are you two not done yet?!" I shouted once again.

"Ok just some moments!" Feng Yi and Chunu both replied.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead and sheathed my sword. I then mounted the beast which had just came out from its cage and took out my fan.

"I can't find the arrows for this bow!"

"Leave it, there's not much time."

The girls' voices resounded inside the hot room as they ran for the doors with a full sack each in their hands. I hit the beast on its head with Silverite and it lazily moved ahead.

"Come! Throw me the sacks!"

"Take it!"

This happened quickly. After I got the sacks, I tied them with a rope and hung each on the beast's sides. I gave one hand to Chunu and she stepped on Craoca's belly and sat ahead of me. Then we both helped Feng Yi get on the beast.

The room's entrance was tall but we still had to completely bend our upper bodies when the beast passed through it. Panicked, the guards and the servant girl crawled away to not get stepped on.

"What is that!?"

"Wha- apprehend them!"

People around us ran away while the elders of Lin family hurried to catch us. I took out my sword and hit at the Craoca's horns. Those were very sensitive and now that it was hit once again, it felt challenged. The beast cried and bulldozed it's way through a crowd of people.

"Take this! You thieving fiends!"

"Hah! Brick breaking punch!"

Came the attacks of various people, either hit by the beast or trying to stop us from escaping. The chaos amplified as the girls began using their weapons. Chunu had a thin rapier and Feng Yi used a spear instead. It wasn't a weapon she'd usually wield but it had a long reach which we could use at the moment.

Our bodies jerked over the Craoca's back as it violently ran through the cluster of people trying to flee. Chunu, who was sitting ahead of me, made sure the beast went straight towards the hall's exit.

The Lin family guards tried everything to stop us and most of them cunningly targeted the sacks instead. Leaning on the left, I protected one sack while Feng Yi protected another.

Sometimes suddenly forward and sometimes to one side, we were having difficulties holding onto to the beast. Our free hands tightly held its resilient furs while blocking the hands and weapons of the pracitioners below.

Gang Ju's front would collide with my back while mine collided with Chunu's back. It was messy but the Lin family elders were quickly overtaken by Dou and Chae family old mens who also wanted to snatch the sacks from us.

We would have lost the items if they cooperatively attacked us but in this chaos, it was getting difficult to recognize who was on whose side. They only hindered each other by trying to selfishly snatch the goods for themselves.

People flooded out of the auction house when we exited it. I told Chunu to keep hitting the beast's horns and to direct it towards the marketplace.

"Catch them!"

"How dare these thieves!"

The chasing continued, though there were way less people coming for us this time. The Viscera Purifying pracitioners had been held on. I think I heard Dou Peng's voice somewhere in this mess.

There were still two rank 9 Body Temperers in the group trying to catch up with the beast. Rank 6 and 7 practitioners followed them from behind.

"Look! The girl sitting at the front had poisoned the young master!" Someone pointed at Chunu. Thankfully, we were out and they were the only Chae family members still behind us.

If they'd said that inside the hall, all of Chae family pracitioners, including the Clan head would've come after Chunu for blood. Maybe they did speak out but their voices went unnoticed in the shouting and screaming inside.

Through the wide street beside lake Pinchu, the Craoca smashed the stone paving in its fury. We went past Lin family residence and quickly entered Hai long street. Left, there was the residental area and right, there was the marketplace.

We could go through the alleys of clay houses from the further back of this street to not make a commotion all over the town. However, words travelled faster than winds here and people should've already noticed the anomaly that spread from the auction house.

"To the right!" I bellowed and Chunu again hit the Craoca. It's cries made people scatter all around. The inertia of movement jerked us backwards as we held tightly on it's hide.

The earth shook when this heavy beast imposed upon the town's property with no restraint. People behind us mercilessly slashed at its tail and that made the beast run even more faster.

"Everyone dock!" I shouted and the girls immediately obliged. A longsword went straight over us and got pinned on the ground far ahead. That was thrown by the rank 9 practitioner and if I didn't have my spirit sense, we would have died there.

Despite their huge size, adult Craocas were vey fast that even rank 9 pracitioners failed to catch up to it. Staying on the back of this beast while it ran was pure strain. Only those who had tempered their body could do it.

Soon, we reached the marketplace and I immediately called out to her who was waiting for us.

"Ling'er! Quick, pass us the gallons!"

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