Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 985: Sacrifice again

Thirty senior warriors of the Wu tribe were left to stay in the capital of the military.

The smart new battleships, like black evil sharks, lined up in a neat triangular assault formation, hurried through the air.

The sound of drums of war and horns turned into endless thunderous reverberations, which spread to the distance in waves.

The huge army array stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is as mighty as a dark cloud gliding across the air.

In addition to large and small warships, there are also metal battlements made of large iron, which were specially used to cooperate with the giant soldiers in the ancient times. The smallest is a mile, and the largest is a hundred miles long and wide. The metal battle fortress is black, spitting out a long scarlet flare, and swooping southward with the fleet in the air.

Because of the integration of the Western demon country, the Wu country has many strange war beasts and birds.

The generals from the major gates, one by one, are riding various colored iron feather eagles, Feitianpeng, highly poisonous magpies, and even four dislikes, black unicorn, hanging eyes tiger, willow leopard and other birds and animals, spewing colorful demon clouds, Qi Yuxuanang Flying between the fleets.

The large group of large groups is huge, and the birds and monsters built above the fetal Tibetan territory are arranged in dense formations according to their races and follow the fleet.

On the decks of each of the specially made giant transports, a huge monster turned into a mighty giant, wearing various armors, standing in a neat line, standing on the deck, looking around fiercely.

On the huge ship, the giant soldiers were densely packed, and the cabin was full with nearly extreme space utilization.

The Five Elements Elves, as well as the fierce warriors of the underground world, such as the cattle, werewolves, dragons, and pythons, all have bright clothes and high morale standing on the deck, singing the war songs of the Wu Kingdom loudly.

The fighters of the Tianwu Army stood on the deck with the same spirit, under the leadership of their generals, yelling at their throats and echoing with the robes of these aliens, they yelled at the battle song as loud as each other.

Those dwarf ethnic groups such as dwarfs and rat men with petite stature, very weak combat power, and low voices are standing beside the light cannons they are in charge of, or standing on the deck with their rune guns and listening happily. The roar of those powerful fellows.

From time to time, these petite guys would clap and cheer, cheering loudly for a particularly high-pitched camp.

On the huge ship's bow, on the huge platform, Wu Tie stood on the bow with his hands on his back, smiling at the huge fleet which could not be seen in all directions.

Gongsun Baima stood beside the witch iron, looking pale at the mighty army formations around him.

He was not surprised by the large army of Witch Iron.

The national dynasty on the battlefield of the human race ground character, whoever has a stronger national strength, can draw such a huge army at any time.

He was greatly shocked and even horrified because of the composition of the Wutie Tianwu Army.

Giant magic.

Five Elements Wizard.

Humanoid branch of the underground world.

Even those obedient, willing to become the great monsters of the mount.

If only the monsters and beasts in the tibetan realm were pure, those who were ridden by the generals of the gates of the military kingdom were clearly big-headed gods. How can these arrogant and brutal demons be willing to be expelled?

How does the witch iron make these habits, customs, cultures, etc. very different, and even form a complex ethnic group of food chain relationship, so harmoniously attributed to the Wu Kingdom Tianwu Army? How to make them, so harmonious, become comrades-in-arms who can live and die together?

Gongsun Baima stared blankly at a nearby warship. At the feet of a dragon man three feet tall, a gray dwarf was holding a big hammer, hissing and groaning with an ugly war song.

Dragon people, especially this kind of black dragon people with black scales, are undoubtedly the strongest dominant existence in the underground world.

The grey dwarves, for these black dragons, are only the most inferior slaves, and sometimes even their rations.

Gongsun Baima knows how the ethnic groups of the underground world live.

In the presence of the Black Dragons, where do these gray dwarves have any status?

How could they be the same robes standing together?

How can the black dragon man tolerate the gray dwarf jumping around, yelling at the big hammer with a sense of awe?

Gongsun Baima felt a sudden pain in his brain, and he couldn't figure out what was the key here.

Leaving aside these complicated ethnic relations, Gongsun Baima stared blankly at the new battleships in the fleet-their speed was too fast, it was too fast.

Gongsun Baima was able to be sent to the battlefield No. 5 on the battlefield to become the frontline warlord. He is undoubtedly one of the most knowledgeable and talented handful of elites.

Under the appointment of Jingdao, he once walked around the battlefield and saw the armaments of hundreds of people's nations.

The speed of His Majesty's Majesty's warships is a bit ridiculously fast. Compared to the standard warships he has seen in other nations, the fastest ones are a dozen times faster.

What made Gongsun Baima even more shocked was that these small battleships with a length of one hundred and fifty feet were so fast that he could accept them.

Those transporters that are thousands of feet long and even thousands of feet with a bloated belly like a blue whale actually have such a fast speed?

Generally speaking, warships are several times faster than transport ships.

Based on this inference, these warships of the Wu State did not reach their maximum speed. They were only maintaining the formation of the fleet in accordance with the speed of these transport ships and moving forward ‘slowly’.

These transport ships, battleships, do n’t count, those huge floating battlefields can easily keep up with the entire fleet!

Gongsun Baima's scalp was tingling.

He has only seen this in a few dynasties that are extremely powerful and have unified the battlefield where he lives.

Those battlefields all rely on the excavation of sites in the Archaeological Mythology, obtained a part of the production line and production technology, after deduction and restoration, combined with today's formations, runes, foundry way to build a big killer.

The floating battlefield that Gongsun Bailong has seen is very powerful and defensive, but it is all swollen and swollen, flying at an extremely slow speed, and can fly thousands of miles in an hour, which is a very good speed.

And these war fortresses of the witch iron, regardless of size, can actually follow the fleet speed forward at a speed of tens of thousands of miles an hour?

War Fort is the slowest.

The speed of the transport ship is centered.

The battleship is the fastest.

According to this calculation, if the speed of these floating battlefields is their extreme, then these transport ships should be able to be several times faster, and the speed of those warships should be dozens of times faster than now.

One hour, speeding millions of miles?

Gongsun Baima's muscles were tightened, and a large amount of cold sweat was exuded subconsciously in the pores. Looking at the back of the witch iron, he could not say a word for a long time.

After a long, long time, Gongsun Baima was talented and said, "You guys, you have found a complete archaeological myth ... the ruins of the foundry?"

Wu Tie curiously looked back at Gongsun Baima: "Tao Island, you should retain the complete knowledge of the ancient times, right? I think you are always staring at the warships and fortresses of the Wu Kingdom. Do you need such fuss?"

Gongsun Baima didn't say anything, he just sneered and stared at Wu Tie.

Wu Tie spread his hands and shook his head with a smile: "It seems that you still believe that we have committed heinous sins in the Wu State? Hehe, let me see you today, how are these respects of our Wu State appeared."

The huge fleet was vast and overwhelming, like a dark cloud, and slowly approached the encircled Supreme Eight Kingdoms to conquer the demon army camp.

The sharp horn sounded, all the **** magic lights rushed into the sky, and then exploded violently, and quickly exploded into a huge blood light, which can be clearly seen within tens of thousands of miles.

On the ground, countless magic cavalry came and went, and a small cavalry quickly gathered together and turned into a large cavalry army.

In the air, a large number of magic warships with thousands of feet began to converge to one place. On the ground, the height of the magic wands with thousands of feet also swelled. In the call of the magic generals, they were like mountains moving toward the witch iron The fleet's direction greeted.

In all directions, countless giant soldiers raised their spears at the same time, neatly assassinating forward.

Large groups are attacking the defensive positions formed by these giant soldiers. The demon soldiers who roared like madmen fell to the ground and were easily assassinated by the giant soldiers.

In all directions, a large group of giant soldiers began to counterattack, defeating the magic sergeant who wanted to break out, and the scattered army array quickly ran away in the direction of the Eighth Army Camp.

The eight major conquests, such as Yin Wuzheng, made each of the subordinates' main forces elites hundreds of millions, and other auxiliary soldiers, servants, forcemen, and general service personnel were dozens of times more elite than the main forces.

The barracks of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party stretched out for more than 100,000 miles, and the darkness was like a piece of pus spread on the fertile ground.

Countless magic soldiers are divided into an attack team, are attacking the solid line of defense of the giant soldiers in all directions, trying to make a living.

However, the giant soldier suddenly launched a counterattack. The attacking teams of these demons immediately disintegrated. Outside the barracks of the Eighth Conquest, there were hundreds of thousands of miles of magic soldiers running away. The black squatters looked like ants in a nest. Same, densely packed together.

The huge fleet brought by the witch iron spread out in all directions.

Tens of thousands of spirits jumped from the battleship. According to the order of the witch iron, these spirits' bodies suddenly expanded when they fell. After they landed, their bodies began to extract the power of the earth. Originally, the sperms who were ten feet to one hundred feet away quickly swelled to ten thousand feet, and became giant rock giants.

These rock giants shook their throats and made a deafening roar: "What is the reason for the eighth conquest of Supreme Demon Kingdom? Surrender quickly and spare your life!"

In the sky, the Tianwu Army brought by the witch iron shouted in unison, "What are the reasons for the eight conquests of the Supreme Demon Kingdom? Surrender quickly and spare your life!"

There are a lot of ghosts, such as old crickets, old nets, old saws, old hammers, and even relic bone bones. Dozens of honorable monsters who have turned to Witch Iron all fly up to the sky, emitting a huge tsunami-like overwhelming sweep across Earth.

Countless soldiers of the Supreme Demon Kingdom fell to the ground, one by one lying on the ground trembling.

Hundreds of witch clan's honorable powers also shouted, and at the same time released their huge breath.

These Wu Clan Erlang rose into the air and activated their bloodline.

Gonggong, Zhu Rong, Kuafu, Xingtian, Xiangliu, Houtu ... Hundreds of Wu Clan children, they have activated more than 20 kinds of ancient witch gods.

Their bodies became tall and tall, their bodies shone with the light of water, fire, wind and thunder, and their hands were grasped toward the void. All the giant celestial elements could tide into lifelike colored dragons and big pythons, entangled in their bodies, even more empty. Adding a hundredfold majesty and annihilation to them.

Gongsun Baima gritted his teeth and stared at Wu Tie: "You, how many Li Mins have been slaughtered to achieve these ... these ... you, you ... you are the" Dragon Rebellion "of the dragon family Someone? "

"Donglong's? I haven't heard of it." Wu Tie looked at Gongsun Baima suddenly: "What about them? They said that for the future of the human race, the human race must have a respectable strong person, so they insisted on ... using sacrificial means, Break through the ranks? "

Gongsun Baima hissed: "Donglong, has been destroyed ... you martial arts ..."

Wu Tie calmly said, "We have not harmed any good people."

Gongsun Baima sneered: "So, how do you break through the honor?"

The witch iron pointed at the boundless Supreme Demon Slayer soldiers below, and said coldly: "Look at them, have you cultivated the heavenly eyes with Buddhist gates, or the magical eyes of Taoism? Look at them, you look at them, look See if they **** it? "

Gongsun Baima stayed, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly. Two lotus 4D Buddha seals appeared in his eyes, and two golden lights spewed out, sweeping towards the endless magic soldiers below.

Into the eye, the blood is turbulent and the injustice is endless.

Every demon army warrior has endless injustice, these demon army soldiers, at least one of them, have slaughtered more than a thousand people.

Gongsun Baima's body flickered, and he took a step backwards. The golden light in his two Jinchancan Buddha's eyes flickered, his pupils were faintly shattered, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and two **** waters blew out.

Buddhism and magic wickedness were originally extreme opposing forces.

Gongsun Bai Matthew is no more than half step, among the demons below, are there more than tens of thousands of half step trolls?

The magic and resentment on them was like substance, turning into a blood-stained sword across the void. Gongsun Baima didn't have any precautions, so he glanced at them in the past, and the two eyes were almost crowded by the monstrous magic and evil spirit.

"They ... they are not people!" Gongsun Baima hissed and snarled: "They are demons, they are demons, they are demons!"

"Since you are not a human, you can take advantage of it!" Wu Tie opened his hands and stared at Gongsun Baima with clear eyes. "Of course, we must admit that, from the perspective of ethnic classification, they are human ... but they are not human ! "

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