Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 101: Three robbery

The end of the ramp to the outer domain of the Cangyan domain.

The banner of the longevity teaching flutters in the wall of the war castle jointly built by Lujia, Yanjia and Shijia. The battle castle is full of rich **** smell.

The longevity teaching, the fog knife, and some of the warriors of the three major families searched carefully in the **** battle fort, and any remote corner could not hide their search.

From time to time, the surviving soldiers were found out, and after the fierce screams, they were killed.

More than 70% of the soldiers in the original battle castle were killed, and the remaining 20% ​​of the soldiers were killing the former robe with the longevity and the fog knife killer.

Outside the war-torn gate, which was stained with blood, Lu Jia, Yan Jia, and Shi Jia each had two angry elders with smiles and a respectful standing in front of the door. They squinted, eagerly and enthusiastically looking at the misty road ahead.

The low beast came and heard.

The three-headed giant silver lizard spewed cold and ran over. On the back of the silver armor lizard, there were more than a dozen burly warriors wearing heavy armor.

A special cart was pulled by a silver armor lizard. It was ten meters wide and twelve meters high. A car that was 50 meters long was not so much a vehicle as a moving war fortress, a mobile Palace of the.

The faces of the six elders standing in front of the Fort Wars suddenly changed.

The cart is actually made of precious metals such as gold, silver, and red copper. It is embellished with countless gems of at least a thumb size.

Among these gemstones, there are a large number of luminous gemstones, and the gemstones emit bright and faint light, which makes the whole car colorful and colorful, like a group of colorful clouds.

Such extravagant weather, when Jia Zhengfeng came, there was no such faction. Who sent this longevity teacher?


On the back of the three-headed silver-backed lizard, the three heavy-armed warriors armed with long Ge shouted loudly. The silver-headed lizard, which had risen three heads, reluctantly stopped and walked up slowly and walked up to the six elders.

A silver armor lizard put his head in front of six elders, and two cold spurts in his nostrils.

In the voice of ‘咔咔’, the land of the six elders was quickly frozen, and their bodies were covered with a thick layer of ice crystals. The six elders' faces changed slightly, and the mana's powerful mana was launched, and the body surface frost melted instantly.

"Special envoys." Six elders who are in high positions in their own family and who have great authority do not dare to do anything about this silver armor lizard. They are respectful and 90-degree, pay tribute to the cart.

"Hey!" Inside the big car, one is erratic, can't hear the men and women, and can't hear the voice of the young and old.

An inexplicable pressure came, and the six elders were covered in pores, and they felt like they were surrounded by poisonous snakes. There were fatal crises in all directions.

They squatted on the ground and bowed to the big car.

"It's a bit of a rule... just, how do you let Jia Zhengfeng die on your site?" The voice sighed with a sigh: "Do you know how angry the teacher is? If it wasn't for the recent leader, he had no skills. He has long ruled over the army and destroyed your Cangyan domain."

The cold sweat of the six elders on their foreheads leaked out. They didn't dare to gasp, just squatting there, quietly listening to the reprimand of the voice.

Behind the big three-headed silver lizard, the lizard mounts of the brigade, the giant spider mounts of the brigade, and even dozens of giant rock formations.

A team of heavy armored fighters jumped from the mount and lined up in a neat long array behind the cart.

Generally speaking, this longevity teaches at least 10,000 soldiers to come here, and most of them are powerful fighters such as the bulls and wolves.

What is even more heart-rending is that there are vague fluctuations in the body of these cattle and wolves. Unlike the family warriors raised by the major families in the Cangyan domain, these elite warriors of the Changsheng religion are all elites of cultivation and success.

Such an elite warrior, if it is a warrior who relies on the physical instinct to fight against the major families of the Shangyan area, at least one of the soldiers of the same family can be easily defeated.

There were more and more cold sweats on the foreheads of the six elders, and they felt the terrible breath of this army.

In the eyes of the eternal long-term teaching soldiers, their comprehensive combat power is probably comparable to all the troops that the three families of Lu, Yan, and Shijia can gather.

After all, the Cangyan domain is only a remote area, and it cannot be compared with the powerful forces of the outer domain.

"Special envoys..." The elders of a stone family groaned.

After the terrace on the middle floor of the cart, the gorgeous curtains made of gold wire were opened by two beautiful girls. A handsome man wearing a red robe and jeweled with his hands carried his hands and slowly walked out.

The man was born tall and straight, and the word 'Yushu Linfeng' seems to exist for him.

His face is like a crown jade, his eyebrows are like a sword, he is handsome and extraordinary, and he is very aggressive.

He carried his hands and walked step by step from the inside of the car to the terrace. He was graceful and calm, as if he was born to be superior. Everyone was born with a short stature.

Surprisingly, the man’s face looks like a young man of seventeen or eight years old, but his long hair is pale and snowy, and the white hair that can be dragged to the ground is like an icy waterfall, neatly Disappeared behind him.

"Look up," the man whispered.

His voice was very erratic and empty. He spoke in front of the six elders, but the sound seemed to drift from far away. If you use your ears, you can hardly tell whether this is a man's voice or a woman's voice. You can't tell if he is old or young.

The six elders looked up and looked at the man.

"This seat, Zhu Zixi." The man said indifferently: "Jia Zhengfeng, this is a small disciple who is closed... He is dead, and this seat naturally comes to him to seek justice."

A touch of sorrow flashed in the eyes of Zhu Zixi, and he whispered: "No matter what his death, is it related to you... In short, you can't escape responsibility."

The six elders sang together: "I am waiting... I am willing to be punished... I am waiting, I am ready..."

Zhu Zixi sneered.

After Jia Zhengfeng’s death, the elders who had been relying on the longevity teaching in Yanjia, Shijia and Lu’s families immediately sent letters to the longevity teaching. During the correspondence, the longevity teacher already knew the decisions of these fearful old guys.

Because of Jia Zhengfeng’s death, because of his longing for the longevity, these old guys are ready to dedicate the three major families to the longevity.

This battlefield, which is used to guard against the ramps leading to the outer domain and used to prevent outsiders from invading, is the name of these old guys.

The three warriors who were loyal to the family in the War Fortress were killed. The rest were either long-lived believers or fog-killers who also depended on the longevity, or the confidantes of these elders.

"What about the three of you... is it better than the life of this disciple? Not to mention that he is the third assistant of the Longevity, how noble is it? You don't take it when you break the iron and iron. It’s a shame to come out.”

Zhu Zixi said indifferently: "If you can't take out the compensation that makes your seat and the satisfaction of the church... Do you want to live forever?"

Zhu Zixi sneered, his eyes suddenly became red.

In the battle fort, the blood that flowed out of the dead soldiers suddenly violently boiled, and the plasma turned into a thick blood to the sky, and then circled and turned into a palm of the hand with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Zhu Zixi gently waved his right hand, and the palm of his blood was gently photographed from the sky.

The sound of ‘噗’ is like a stone giant slap on an egg.

He defended the entire martyrdom and spent a lot of manpower and material resources in the three major families.

The soldiers in the city were not damaged, but the entire battlefield disappeared completely.

A great palm print appeared on the ground.

The vast palm prints are deep in the ground for more than ten meters.

All the surviving warriors in the city stood at the top of the palm prints, completely ignorant, how suddenly they went to the pit of a dozen meters deep.

They were all up and down, without any damage, and even the hair did not fall off.

Such a blow is horrible and fearful.

The six elders were scared.

The master of a heavy building, the full blow can cause more damage than this.

But with such subtle power control, there is no direct force to leak, and the soldiers within the attack range have not been implicated.

This kind of extreme power control... This Zhu Zixi is definitely a master above the heavy building.

Life pool?

Or, higher?

The entire Cangyan domain can not find a life pool master... In other words, Zhu Zixi is the first master of the Cangyan domain.

"Special envoys...we, we...we must...must..." The six elders themselves are just repairs to the realm of the realm, and they have reached the end of their lives, old and weak, **** and ruthless, all mana Constantly leaked out of control.

Don't say that they are six. They have sixty more such heavy realms, and they can't stop Zhu Zixi's blow.

They were kneeling on the ground, stuttering and trying to say something, but they were unable to say a word in a panic.

"Old ancestors, what are you talking about? Yeah? How are they lying on the ground?" A beautiful sound of a silver bell came from inside the big car, a girl dressed in a pale green dress, born with a bright tooth and a youthful gratitude. The car was smashed out.

Not coming out, not running out, but happy and happy, directly knocked open the curtain and smashed it out.

The girl is not tall, that is, one meter and five feet, and she is slender and even. It is like a small pendant made of jasper, revealing a natural flavor that people like to love.

Zhu Zixi is graceful and luxurious, hiding the evil of the sky behind the noble air.

This young girl is derived from the youthful nature in the bones, not the slightest evil.

She and Zhu Zixi are simply two extremes.

Zhu Zixi showed a hint of love. He gently stroked the girl's head and smiled lightly: "Oh, I didn't say anything... They were lying on the ground, it was their bones soft, standing for a long time, low back pain."

Putting his hand, Zhu Zixi whispered: "But it is, since it is said that it is up, let's get up? Is it difficult to do it, or do you want to help you personally?"

The six elders stood up in earnest and fear, and they respectfully and bowed to the girl: "We, see Miss Yan Mo."

Zhu Zixi smiled lightly and pointed forward: "Take the way, go to the sword city, this room is to see how Jia Zhengfeng died."

After a strange silence, the green skirt girl snorted 噗嗤 噗嗤 一 laughed.

"The ancestors... Is this slap in the palm of your hand? Hey, the whole road was hit by such a big pit, don't fill this pit, how do we go?"

"Oh, even if we passed... How did the teaching soldiers behind us go over? Is it difficult to let them jump first and then climb to the opposite side?"

The six elders pulled their eyelids and didn't say anything.

Zhu Zixi laughed a few times and rubbed his head with a strong force: "Oh, really smart, just follow the way you said... Hehe, the rock wall more than ten meters high, it is hard to beat the soldiers of this religion."

When the eyes were turned, Zhu Zixi looked at the six elders: "The speed of the people is mobilized, and the martyrdom is filled. I can't do it, but I still have to do it myself. This seat has always been..."

Looking at the ink and ink that stood by the side and smiled, Zhu Zixi swallowed back the words of "killing and burying".

The longevity warriors of the brigade squadron, along with their mounts, jumped off the huge, palm print across the ramp and climbed up from the opposite side.

This handprint, which was slapped by Zhu Zixi to show off the martial arts, did not cause too much trouble for the longevity.

The brigade was rolling forward, and went straight to the Cangyan domain along the winding road, and went straight to the sword city.

The six elders were called into their own car by Zhu Zixi. He and Yu Mo quietly listened. The six elders, 1510, reported all their homes to Zhu Zixi.

There are several rare veins in the house, how many secret acupoints, how many hidden military forces, how many strange treasures in the warehouse, family members, and several treasures that may make Zhu Zixi look...

Unexpectedly, an elder of Yan’s family just finished, Zhu Zixi’s eyes suddenly spurted out the blood of Sensen: “Burning fruit? Idiot, it’s the flames of three robbers... that’s the flames of three robbing... Waiting for the backcountry, actually there are such treasures?"

Zhu Zixi suddenly looked at the ink, laughing and slap her head: "虞墨, these three flames and three robbers, enough to help you break through the number of heavens, so that your cultivation is soaring ten times... This is really , your creation."

Yan Mo picked up his eyebrows and laughed with interest.

In the Yuan Cave, Wu Tiezheng took off three flames surrounded by fire, and sealed it with a special metal container.

Laobai was carrying a group of rats and rats and grandchildren, and dug out the fruit trees of the flames and the fruit of the three, and carefully placed them on a large cart.

The Rats who went out of the old white sent a message back to the outside, and the search team sent by the knife city had already withdrawn.

Wu Tie took the opportunity to break, and the brigade left the Yuan.

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