Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 1107: Lime conditions (3)

Wa Huang Temple, underground.

The light was dim and filled with countless imprisoned prisons, Wu Tie quietly looked at the lime tied to the bronze pillar.

Lime hung his hands weakly on the heavy metal ring, and saw Wu Tie quietly snuggling in, she grinned: "Ha, ha, ha, you really have stepped out of the law of fusion as I thought That step. "

"No wonder, you can run in sneakily without disturbing those old guys."

With a cough, Liming said coldly: "They started, but they were far more ruthless than the female demon called Blood Prison ... Hiss ... They are both Pangu relics, or are you the" Orthodox human races "in exactly the same form as Pangu. ruthless."

"Kaka" smiled a few times, Liming narrowed his eyes and said, "But, it's useless to me. How can a woman like me, insidious, fierce, ruthless, and vicious, be tortured severely, how can I lose it? ? "

Wu Tie's eyes narrowed, and the glimmering light in his eyes grasped the situation of Lime's injury.

He shook his head: "You're running out of time. If you have something, say it quickly."

Liming smiled dryly: "What are you afraid of? Before I am put to death in public, they will not let me die ... Hey, if I say, let you kill Qingwu's ghost girl, and the Wisdom Protoss who shelters under your hands. The cubs are all killed, is it possible to close the deal? "

Wu Tie shook his head: "They are now, life and death are in my mind ... they will become the future, and the new force of my Wu Kingdom understands the model of the Protoss ... unless they do something stupid, I will not kill them. "

Liming nodded and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

She was silent for a while and said in a deep voice: "Then, this matter is all right. You will find that the clans of the Wisdom Protoss are a group of **** white-eyed wolves. You keep them alive. Sooner or later, they will do something harmful to you. . "

"However, this is fine. For a person like you who is self-confident and confident, it is good to keep them harming you."

Wu Tie shrugged his shoulders: "Can I think that you are making a difference?"

Liming's words had been taken seriously in her heart, but Wu Tie's tone seemed to not take her words seriously at all.

Lime grinned: "So, let's talk about the next thing ... Let Yaoer survive, let Yaoer out, have children, and have children. This is my only condition."

Wu Tie was silent for a while, and he looked at Liming curiously: "If you can give me the conditions that make my heart move, and let me rescue your family, even the tribe of the Gongsun family, it is possible. "

Lime laughed: "Will you do this?"

Wu Tie said very honestly: "It depends on whether your conditions make me tempted."

Liming was dumbfounded, and then thought about Wu Tie's words seriously.

After a long, long time, she sighed sighlessly: "I can't do it, I can't do it, my conditions can change for Yaoer to live alone, it's your limit ... if we all live, this Conditions are too great for me to do. "

Wu Tie looked at her very gently: "What you can do, I don't care what method you use, before the little guy dominates the past and sends me letters ... There are people like him in the human race, right? Put them Leave it all to me and you will live. "

Lime gasped violently.

She gritted her teeth fiercely and looked at Wu Tie fiercely: "Even if I gave you their list, what would you do? I, or the other gods, did not buy them at all, and Or intimidate them, or even seduce them ... "

"They, just because of the weakness of your human race itself, they took the initiative to admit us, recognized us, began to admire us, worship us ... They took the initiative to kneel down, make us cattle and horses, willing to expel ... "

"There are many, many of these people. They seem to be magnificent on the surface, and they speak for the human race ... But secretly, they are willing to kneel at our feet, and when we have no demands, they voluntarily offered everything !!!"

"Their dignity, their pride, and even their net worth ... what they are asking for is just a little bit of soup left in our fingers!"

"They took the initiative to break their backbones and took the initiative to kneel down!"

Liming smiled bitterly: "They are ... they kneel at the sight of God, they worship, allegiance, and even not just a **** ... they respect me only because of my identity, even if I am an idiot, they also I would kneel down and lick my boots because of my identity and my blood! "

"Such people, I don't even know how many they are!"

Lime shook his head: "I can't do it, I can't give them all to you ... Unless you can make them stand up willingly, otherwise, they will always kneel in their hearts!"

"I don't know how many such people are. I can't give them to you."

Wu Tie remained silent for a long time. He looked at Lime. No matter what she said was true or false, it seemed that she could not get anything from her.

He sighed: "It seems that you are very powerful ... you, very powerful ... regardless of whether you say it is true or false, I temporarily believe your words."

"Oh, in just a few words, you are here with me and buried two nails in a row ... well, really powerful, it is worthy of the Royal Highness."

Wu Tie's tone became a lot colder: "So, your condition is just to let Gongsun Yao live?"

Lime pondered for a while, then nodded: "Let Yao'er live ... I can't get enough chips to save you all of us. In your heart, do you still want me to die? I see Come out, you will not allow me to live. "

With a sigh, Lime said helplessly: "I'm too good at doing things. I should leave those old mistresses who are related to you to keep them alive. While I wiped them out, I had already Have you wiped out all my hopes of living today? "

With a bitter smile, Liming You said: "Since that is the case, then I am going to die, of course Brother Jun will accompany me to die together ... Since Brother Jun is dead, his relatives have received so many benefits from us on weekdays , Of course, to accompany us to die. "

Liming looked at Wu Tie with a smile: "Am I a bad woman?"

Wu Tie asked her headlessly: "You really fell in love with Gongsun Jun ... Are you really looking forward to Jackie Chan for Gongsun Yao?"

Liming was dumbfounded and asked Wu Tie: "Do you believe me?"

Wu Tie nodded: "Of course, Jing Jiu can fall in love with a human girl ... even if you behave so crazy, so crazy ... But I believe that as long as they are intelligent creatures, they will never be born evil. Right? "

Liming widened his eyes, looked up and down at Wutie for a long time, and then laughed with a "poof": "If you still have this idea ... Sooner or later, you will die very badly. There are really some Ethnic groups, they are born and evil, and they are not born with any kindness. "

"But ... I might be a special case of the Protoss of Wisdom?" Lime murmured a little insanely: "For a man, for his son ... I'm really, evil."

"Come on, listen well, you still have the standard time of about 1,000 years." Liming looked at Wu Tie with a smile: "About a thousand years later, when immortality comes."

Wu Tie's body suddenly stiffened and looked at Liming in horror.

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