Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 115: Half step

Break the entrance and see the heavy building.

Any one of the repairers, when he excavated from the very subtleties of his own, excavated the Tianshou Building, which was formed by the creation of heaven and earth, and showed his projections outside the body. He even stepped into a heavy building.

Re-construction, thirty-three days of lock, one heavy and one landscape, one layer of heaven.

Every heavy lock has infinite mystery, hiding the incredible things of the human body, the creation, the universe, the origin, and so on.

Thirty-three heavy-day locks, each heavy-day lock, consist of more than three billion filaments of varying lengths.

Each light filament is a password, which is a key.

Every heavy lock, even if it only unlocks the mystery of a light, can be solved by unlocking a heavy lock, you can get a benefit, you can add a mana, you can realize your own, get a copy. Heaven and earth mystery, you can climb to a higher heaven.

In other words, the simplest monk, as long as he breaks through thirty-three pieces of light and gets thirty-three pieces of heaven and earth, can become the ‘master’s power’ of the thirty-three heavens.

However, such a 'master' can't go any further.

The most demanding monks, such as the "Yuan Shi Jing" of Wu Tie's cultivation, must break all the more than three billion filaments, perfect, complete and complete, breaking the thirty-three heaven locks, which is considered to be the real summit.

Thirty-three, and more than three billion, of which the power gap can be imagined.

Each different practice method is a different means of opening the door, that is, different decoding secrets, that is, different ways to climb the sky. There are simple, complicated, easy, difficult, some jumping forward, some step by step...

More than three billion light filaments, more than three billion heaven and earth mysterious machines, thirty-three heavens locks, but derived from the almost endless road to the sky, the world has endless practice methods.

Wu Tiemo swallowed the second flame and robbed the fruit, then the third...

The huge energy rushes in the body, and the horrible power is constantly filled into the body of Wu Tie, into his cells, and finally turned into a faint filament, projected behind him in a way that Wu Tie cannot understand, let thirty-three days The lock is more and more crystal clear, and the thicker and thicker.

The repairer arrived at the final stage of the Xuanjing. When he was half-step, the more solid the thirty-three heavens were, the more powerful the energy contained in each heaven and earth was, the more the energy was broken, the better the benefits of the heavens and the earth. Big.

Wu Tie is not eager to climb the heavy building and break the lock.

He is using the secret method of the "Yuan Shi Jing", a little bit of the power of the flames of the three robbers into the lock of the sky, a little bit of growth to enrich the Tianshou building behind the building.

He maintained the level of half-step and heavy building, and the Tianshou Building was in front of him. He never took that step.

He just looked at the tall buildings, looked at the sky locks, and felt the kind of arrogance and divineness that gradually accumulated in the lock of the sky, full of the magical power of the ingenuity that he could not understand.

Some of the deeper knowledge fragments are freed from the knowledge of the old iron heritage.

Witch iron is vaguely screaming... "Gene... Genes are... shackles..."

"The original intention of cultivation... the true meaning of cultivation..."

"All power is an appendage, it is a vain... The process of unlocking is the root of everything..."

Wu Tie saw a chaotic ocean.

In the boundless chaos, countless golden light points circling rapidly, full of endless vitality, and possessing the power of infinity.

Suddenly, incredible Wei Li descended from the sky. The agile and vivid golden light suddenly became stiff, gradually pieced together, and gradually became a very thin light...

The light spots condense into light filaments, and the light filaments condense into light rays, and the light rays are intertwined with each other...

The incomprehensible change of Wu Tie took place. The intertwined light condensed into a huge double-helix light pattern, which traversed the void, and it was like a hole in time and space. It dominated all the tangible things that Wu Tie could understand and could not understand. Invisible existence.

Wu Tie’s body is stiff.

On top of his head, a very weak, but extremely terrible atmosphere quietly emerged.

This air machine is slowly patrolling in the mine, seemingly looking for the coordinates of Wu Tie.

Gradually, with the rapid tempering of the flames taken by Wu Tie, with the smashing heights and breath of the thirty-three-day locks behind the Wushi Iron, this extremely weak atmosphere is rapidly enhanced. It will soon be enhanced to the extent of Zhu Zixi.

Moreover, this breath is constantly increasing.

Wu Tie is being shocked by the huge and full of double-spiral light patterns in front of him. His entire soul is stiff and all thoughts are stagnant. He completely ignores everything inside and outside the body.

A shouting, powerful, and screaming shiver was heard at the same time.

In the boundless chaos of the darkness, two golden light and shadows spiral out.

It was a man and a woman at the end of the human body. They held a dazzling light group in their hands, and they came from a source of incomparable time. Their long tails are entangled, and they are intertwined with the double spiral light.

The pair of men and women are almost the same size as ordinary people, but the two long tails are long and traversing the whole void, and they don’t know how long.

A man and a woman spurted the golden light, and slammed into the double spiral light across the void.

The double-helical light pattern was smashed, and the Tianshou building behind the Wu Tie body violently swayed. Many thunderous sounds rang in the mind of Wu Tie, and his body suddenly slammed and suddenly woke up.

The terrible crisis hits my heart.

When the "Yuan Shi Jing" broke through from the Xuanjing to the half-step, the secret of a compulsory one came to the heart.

Wu Tie took a deep breath and he closed his eyes.

His whole body suddenly collapsed and contracted, and all the spirits, all the flames of the body surface, and even the fascinating Tianshou building behind him collapsed into the body. A trace of breath is not leaking, and all the air machines are reduced to the depth of every tiny cell.

At this moment, Wu Tie’s body is dead, like a stone without vitality.

The stock is getting stronger and stronger, and the horror that is already a hundred times stronger than Zhu Zixi suddenly stagnate. It has been in the void for a while, and then the breath slowly weakens.

Silent, a group of grayish white smoldering fires from all sides.

These smoldering fires have no temperature, but even those hard ores are instantly turned into fly ash.

Witch iron curled up on the ground, there was no smell in the whole body, and occasionally there was a smoldering fire passing by him. This smoldering fire was like oily muddy, passing through the body of the witch iron and passing through his body. Blood vessels, meridians, passing through his internal organs, passing his skin muscles.

Where the smoldering fire passes, the powerful physical energy of Wu Tie is quickly burned.

His flesh became dry, his skin became pale, and his skin cracked a bit like a crack in a weathered boulder.

The first phalanx of Wu Tie's left index finger quietly lit up, and then the skeleton of the whole body of Wu Tie lit up a dark and secluded light. A grayish-white flame hit the bones of the witch iron. This time, these grayish white smoldering fires did not invade the skeleton of the witch iron.

Not only that, the iron skeleton of Wu Tie still seems to be a thief, sneaking, a little bit, and constantly swallowing a little yin.

Every group of smoldering fires passing through the body of Wu Tie, will take away a lot of his flesh and blood, constantly weakening the physical strength of Wu Tie, only the skeleton of Wu Tie constantly draws a trace of power from the passing smoldering fire, careful Conversion, hoarding.

The smoldering fire raged and wandered around Wu Tie for two hours.

The mines originally cultivated by Wu Tie were only a dozen meters away. Under the arduous processing of the smoldering fire, the surrounding rock walls were continuously turned into fly ash, and the mines continued to expand.

Two hours later, Wu Tie has been buried in a thick white ash, the original mine has become a very regular, spherical cave with a diameter of more than twenty miles.

The original flesh-and-blood, crystal-clear witch iron was plundered by a lot of flesh and blood. At this moment, he became wrinkled, his hair was pale and ruined. He was almost uncultivated, and the old man who was 100 years old was still old.

The smoldering fire quietly dissipated as if it did not know where it came from. After it disappeared, it did not know where it actually went.

Wu Tie quietly curled up in the ashes, after a long time, for a long time, he dispersed the "Fire Robbery" in "The Three Classics" in the "Yuan Shi Jing", spurting a decaying gray from his mouth gas.

He stood up and stood up.

The flesh and blood are almost completely refining by the smoldering fire. Because of this, the flesh and blood tissue left in the body today has reached the limit of 'perfectness'. That is the essence of these terrible smoldering fires that can't be melted. It is a treasure of heaven and earth.

Wu Tie took a deep breath and burst into a huge amount of energy in the bones that shimmered in the light.

The smoldering fire burned the flesh and blood of Wu Tie, but the smoldering fire itself was swallowed up by the bones of Wu Tie, which is a hundred times more powerful than Wushi Tie's own flesh and blood. After the transformation of the Wu iron skeleton, these energies are quickly added to Wu Tie's body.

Using the perfect body as a template, these new supplements can quickly generate new flesh and blood.

A drop of gold-plated plasma continues to flow out of the bone marrow, and the layers of dead and dead skins are steadily falling off. The sorcerer's mouth is blown up into ashes, and crystal clear teeth grow.

The cheeks are slightly creeping, and the new big teeth are full of thirty-six, and all of them are radiant and white, like a jade carving.

A fragrant scent of Lange floated out of the witch's mouth, and the fragrance was forever, so that Wu Tie couldn't help but be a little intoxicated.

The more affluent fragrance is born from the pores of the witch iron.

Such as Lan Ruzhi, naturally clean, with a lively air movement of a newborn child, the Wushou mouthful of breathing, the internal organs squirming rapidly, the huge vitality is like the seeds of the spring underground wood, 'Hulonglong' It’s all over the body.

Power, terrible power erupts in every cell.

Wu Tie’s hands were slightly weak, and he jerked forward with an inch of punch. The loud noise of '啪', the pure physical force squeezed the air, and a white boxing smashed out ten miles, leaving on the rock wall ten miles away. Under the sea bowl size, deep up to 100 feet, the whole body is as clean as a mirror.

It’s just a half-step, and the mystery of the magic has not yet been used. The power of this punch has been dozens of times greater than the power of many masters who have entered the heavy realm for many years.

"Yuan Shi Jing", the perfect method of practice.

Wu Tie looked down at the gray-white ashes on the ground, whispering to himself: "Fire, wind, thunder, three robbers... This fire, if it doesn't pass, the whole person will be burned into a group of ashes. The more the foundation The strong people, the more horrible the disaster."

"It seems that it is intended to limit the emergence of masters."

Wu Tie looked up at the dome at the height of twenty miles. He slammed his eyes open, and the eyes flashed in his eyes. He clearly saw the faint traces left by the smoldering fire on the 20-mile-high dome. .

Three flames and three robbers, if any one can take it, if you can kneel down, you can easily get the talent of three flame attributes.

Wu Tie took three flames and three robbers. Perhaps it was his relationship that was too strong. Perhaps his cohesive Tiansuo Building swallowed the essence of three flames and three robbers. He only got a 'glare fire eye'. Little magical power.

‘Glare fire eyes’, as the name implies, can sight the fire, stinging the enemy’s eyes and making people lose their sight for a short time.

This kind of lethality is equal to Wu Tie.

However, the additional attribute of glare fire eye is a great increase in Wu Tie's vision.

Even if there is no light, Wu Tie can see things as white, and he can see that the seven or eight miles is already the limit. Now he can easily see the traces of twenty miles away.

This kind of vision is very useful.

Wu Tie took a deep breath and he jumped silently and returned to the mine road leading to the outside world.

He had just set foot on the mine road and heard the terrible cracking sound from the surrounding rock formations.

Centered on the punches that Wu Tie just punched, countless cracks appeared rapidly and spread rapidly in all directions.

This rock formation was hollowed out by the Shijia miners. The geological structure was not very strong. The smoldering fire burned a spherical space of 20 miles in diameter. This rock layer lost its support and collapsed. It is inevitable.

Wu Tie was even more shocked to see that in a crack in the rock wall above the slope, there was a little bit of magma.

The hot magma slid down like a raindrop, and the witch screamed and turned and ran.

This is the most terrible place in this rock-wrapped world.

You never know what is behind you behind a rock wall, maybe a hole in the sky, or a poisonous nest, or simply a surging underground river...

The above is okay, the most terrible thing is to hit the underground magma layer.

Underground magma reversal, basically dead and no life.

Wu Tie ran away with the fastest speed. He flicked to the mine where Shi Meng and others rested. He grabbed the stone and grabbed the witch. He lifted the old white and tied his tail to his belt. And then run away with the fastest speed.

There was a horrible sound in the mine behind him, and a heat wave rushed out.

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