Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 128: Breakthroughs and disputes

The hotel is very nice, spacious, clean, boulder building, cast iron with boulder, and engraved with some defensive spells, the entire hotel can be used as a battle fort.

The heavy boulder is extremely soundproof, so every room is quiet and the privacy is good.

Whether it is accommodation or business negotiations, or temporary retreat, it is a good place.

Compared to the wild, I don’t know how much to be comfortable here.

The furnishings in the room also reveal the unique atmosphere and straightforward taste of the Sixth Palace. Beds, tables, chairs and everything are cast in metal, cumbersome, strong enough for many years.

After all, it is a hotel, so these appliances have also made some more fancy decorations. Large and large pieces of crystal are set on metal utensils, polished into a beautiful geometric pattern of crystal stone, but also a bit rich and luxurious. scene.

At least Wu Ting has never seen such a fancy decoration in this life. Dalongyu is indeed richer than other places.

After smashing Shi Fei and others, Wu Tie closed the door and washed it, sitting on a huge bed. The witches stared at the table opposite the Witch iron, and the two calves dangled and hugged a large piece of barbecue.

Wu Tie said a few laughs to the witch, let her play with her own cleverness, then closed her eyes and began to sneak into the mysterious technique of "Xuanshi Jing".

Wu Tie saw the double-coiled sky locks, and thirty-three thick sky locks shone with colorful radiance, exuding the enormous pressure that suffocated him. There was no such feeling before. Since the day when the sky was locked up, every time I saw this thing, Wu Tie felt an instinctive hostility.

This stuff does not seem to exist in general.

The golden light of the eyebrows burned, and the enormous spiritual power was like the flow of water to the first heaven. Under the urging of the "Yuan Shi Jing" Xuan Gong secret technique, the spiritual power has turned into countless sturdy and sharp hairs, like a delicate scalpel with a handle, gently wrapped around the first heavy lock.

Wu Tie instantly sensed some wonderful atmosphere. He carefully distinguished the special fluctuations and rhythms of these breaths and figured out where to start.

He was thinking about what he needed... Gradually, he combined his current ability, and the gossip quickly rushed toward a grand, huge, unruly, awkward atmosphere.

Numerous scorpion silks are wrapped around a blood-colored filament in the first heavy-duty lock.

The spiritual strength is slowly attached to this thick blood-colored silk, and numerous fine and strange runes make up this light. The spiritual power of Wutie quickly penetrates this light, and the spiritual power is continuously injected into it. A rune goes upstream.

Numerous strange feelings are breeding in my heart.

‘Dharma Magic’, this is a wonderful magical power that focuses on the use of power. Before Wu Tie, I still used the fog knife to use it.

However, the practice of the fog and knife is obviously not the use of absolute power. The magical magic that the fog knife always uses is not the kind of grandeur that forces the mountains and rivers.

The blood is boiling, the muscles are squirming, and the bones are squeaky.

A majestic, heavy breath spread from the body of Wu Tie, Wu Tie has already realized all the rhythms on the first **** light, and the sound of his muscles tightening and growing. Strong strength is surging in his body.

Before Wu Ting continued to succumb to the foundation of the Xuanjing, he continued to infuse his strength into the Tiansuo Building. His physical strength increased. According to his own estimation, he simply had physical strength and feared that he had already had three million. Jin up and down.

However, with his understanding of this **** light, Wu Tie's body has changed on his own, his physical strength has increased rapidly, at least a million pounds, and this force is still growing, soaring upwards. .

There was a **** flame rolling up, and Wu Tie felt the unbearable hunger.

As the power increases, every cell is snarling - 'I am hungry!'

Wu Tie took out the last seven crops of grass left by Zhu Zixi from the bracelet. These grasses were shaped like blooming dandelions. The white fluffy flowers flashed a little bit, and they contained huge potency.

It is said that this is the 'Dragon Grass' that is contaminated by the blood of the real dragon. The strength of each strain is at least hundreds of times that of the nine-yuan grass. A total of six dragon grass, Wu Tie did not hesitate to swallow it.

The stronger the foundation of solidity, the greater the benefits of breakthroughs.

"Yuan Shi Jing" is the perfect foundation for Wu Tiezheng. So, the resources he consumes are terrible.

As long as the resources are sufficient, the cultivation of the "Yuan Shi Jing" is a boat after the water is completed. There is no difficulty. As long as you are not an idiot, then all breakthroughs are logical and there is no bottleneck.

With the feeling of witch iron, this is not a breakthrough, but a return to a certain state that it should have.

It is not a breakthrough, but a reply. The body and the soul have remembered that state. Therefore, when the spiritual strength of Wu Tie is soaked in the blood of the blood, and all the rhythm of the rhythm is thoroughly understood, the **** light is cracked. It is.

Numerous small characters cultured a little bit of blood, and there was a thunderous bang from the body.

A little bit of light settled in Wu Tie's body, Wu Tie could no longer feel their existence, but he knew that they were there.

Suddenly a light, as if to take off some kind of imprisonment and restraint, there is a kind of extremely light, extremely relaxed and flirtatious.

Dragon Ball has released a huge amount of medicine in the body, and the gossamer of Wu Ting's soul power has been drawn along the rhythm of the first blood-colored filament, and has flowed toward the second blood-colored filament.

The second **** filament collapses, followed by the third, fourth...

Seventy-two **** filaments completely disintegrated, and ‘Strong Magic’ was also completely formed. Unlike the general rule of the fog knife, the fog knife always drives the magic of the gods, but also deliberately recites the spells and mobilizes the blood, in order to drive the magic of the gods in a short time.

And Witch iron broke seventy-two light silk locks, and Hercules magic seemed to be born with nature, and the eternal blessing was on him.

The strength of the six dragonweeds was instantly consumed, and the physical strength of Wu Tie was as wild as the flood of the broken bank. His skinny body began to grow in the horizontal direction, a little bit, and his body was from the shape. It seems to have become more burly.

But... terrible hunger is coming again.

Wu Tie's eyes are a bit green, hungry, unbearable hunger... He uses the "Yuan Shi Jing" to perfect the magical magic from the Tianshou Building, but the perfect version of Hercules magic needs for energy. It’s terrible.

There is no Yuancao in the bracelet. Now Wudong is so hungry that she is so soft that she has no strength to open the door to find Shifei. They ask for Yuancao.

Every cell is collapsing inward, and they greedily extract all the energy around them. The heavens and the earth can continue to gather together with Wu Iron, and become a whirlwind around him and wrap him tightly.

Every cell is crazy in extracting the outside world, but the heaven and earth in the Big Dragon City seems to have been taken away by most of the other places. The number of heaven and earth energy that Wu Tie can attract is limited, and it can not meet the needs of the whole body. .

Seeing, Wu Tie will die because he did not prepare enough resources to 'self-digest' and 'self-phagot' in the first time to break through the heavy realm. Wu Tie’s first index finger of the left index finger lit up with darkness. The light.

I don't know where it came from. Wu Tie took out the three bundles of jade rings that were searched from Jia Zhengfeng, and the four rings that sparkled with strange light. His fingers smashed, three jade rings and four rings smashed at the same time. A huge wave of Yuan energy rushed from the jade ring and the ring, and madly injected into his body along the phalanx of Wu Tie.

The energy of these two ancient treasures is 10,000 times larger than the six dragons.

Dragon Ball Grass is just a seven-characteristic grass, and the energy contained in it is limited. These three jade rings and four rings are the ancient treasures of masters and masters, and then forged by ancient means. In addition, the generations of generations have been warmed up for generations, and the energy is terrible.

Ninety percent of the energy is in the bones of Wu Tie. His bones make a subtle squeak, energy is absorbed by the bones, and the strength of the bones is increasing with extremely horrible efficiency.

10% of the energy is in the body and flesh and blood, and the energy of this is the swell of the body cells of the witch iron. Every cell is emitting a dazzling glare, and a layer of crystal blood is sprayed on the surface of Wu Tie. It is eight feet and one inch thick, and crystal clear as a blood-colored crystal.

The power of the flesh is constantly improving, and it is constantly improving with an extremely terrible efficiency.

‘咔嚓’ a loud noise, pure physical strength broke through a level, and reached a million pounds from the level of millions of pounds.

Then there are 20 million pounds, 30 million pounds, 40 million pounds...

In the sorcerer's scorpion, the golden and **** flames flickered. After he thoroughly realized all the mysteries of the Hercules magic, his simple physical strength stabilized at a level of about 100 million jin.

The blood of the Wu Ting head is looming, and a whole body that constantly releases a huge, majestic, awkward, and overbearing sacred shadow is roaring. Wu Tie knew that as long as he truly activated the magic of Hercules, as long as he had enough mana to burn, he would be able to explode a billion pounds, billions of pounds, hundreds of billions of pounds and even more terrible power.

As long as his mana is adequately repaired, his strength is enough to be the same as that of the ancient Hercules. He picks up the stars and swallows the sun and the moon. In front of him, there will be no more 'heavy' words. There is nothing he can do. moveable.

The energy of the three jade rings and the four rings is still flowing in, and the whole body cells of the witch iron are full of energy. Then the sky locks and the building trembles. The energy of the road constantly washes the sky locks and rebuilds the building. Clear and radiant.

The feedback from the crazy infusion of the lock-up building suddenly came, and a golden mana screamed and grew from the body, constantly blending into the eyebrows. Wu Tie’s entire brain has an oversatisfied sense of dizziness, and his mana is constantly improving and is rising wildly with a terrible efficiency.

Wu Tie condensed God's internal vision, his head is still the same size, but the golden light group in his eyebrows, already has the size of a water tank.

The golden light glory lingers, the closer it is to the core of the light, the higher the density of the golden mana, and the more refined it is.

The heavens and the earth are flushed down by the waves, and the mana of Wu Tie is constantly tempered to be more pure and more condensed.

"Hercules magic." Wu Tie stood up and walked twice in the room with bare hands.

Very good, perfect method, perfect foundation, perfect power, perfect control, hundreds of millions of pounds of physical strength hoarded in the body, nothing to control, accidentally dismantled the house.

"Witch, how many days have I practiced?" Wu Tie looked at himself with a huge bronze full-length mirror in the room.

The original thin and tall man, now the skeleton is a little longer, the flesh and blood on the body is a bit more, a little bit more burly, no longer as thin as the wind can blow away.

Overall, the appearance of Wu Tie is now very similar to the original appearance.

"Three days!" The witch licked her finger, the piece of roast that was half her body size, long gone: "Hungry, hey!"

"Go to eat meat." Wu Tie patted the dry stomach, picked up the witch, and placed her on the shoulder.

"When I go to eat meat, I am also hungry." Wu Tiecao's white tiger cracked, his hand trembled, and a majestic mana was injected into the white tiger's crack, urging a mysterious and mysterious array of white tiger cracks.

The white tiger cracked a low sound of tiger whistling, and the weight suddenly increased to 3.6 million jin.

The white tiger, which had become unremarkable in appearance, split on the shoulder, and Witch iron carefully opened the door and walked out of the room.

Shi Fei, Lao Bai and others also heard the movement, and they came out from their own rooms. They immediately felt the horrific change in Wu Tie. Before Wu Tie was like a mortal, now Wu Tie gave them the feeling that it was just a moving World of Warcraft.

The whole body is full of terrible power.

“Re-building?” Shi Fei, Yan Hanlu and others stared at Wu Tie at the same time.

In three days, Wu Tie was so relaxed and relaxed. There was no breakthrough in the movement. What is more terrible is what is the practice of his cultivation? How to make people feel so horrible after breaking through the heavy property?

If you deliberately release mana and soul to oppress people, Wu Tie did not do this at all. His mana and soul fluctuations are completely introverted. It is entirely the smell of his body itself, giving everyone a great sense of crisis. .

It’s like a group of chicken scorpions stunned to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex, yes, that’s the feeling.

"I realized the first magical power, Hercules magic. The strength has increased, not to make a fuss." Wu Tie laughed and explained to a few people.

This magical power that purely strengthens the physical power, there is nothing to hide, just to say.

‘Dharma magic’? Shi Fei and others still can't understand... They are surrounded by people, relatives and friends. After they stepped into the heavy realm, they realized the magic of the gods. Especially the stone family has the blood of the giants, and the people who get this kind of magical power are the most.

But ordinary people can get the power of Hercules, the physical strength can be hundreds of thousands of pounds, a million pounds is very powerful.

No witch iron is so scary.

Wu Tie led the team, and the group walked toward the hotel's dining hall. Before the entrance to the dining hall, a snoring sound came: "Kill him and fight to death."

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