Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 137: Awakening

‘The world is like a tide, and the fate is like a hurricane... People are withered leaves, drifting with the wind...’

The demon king squinted his head, and his face was distorted. The head of the floating troupe was descended from the sky, and the precise and fierce light shattered.

On the side of his ear, he suddenly sang the song that the head of the group had sang at the time of no one.

It is said that this is the origin of the name of the floating troupe, this song, or the head of the grandmother left behind.

The head of the team is not young, nor is it the beauty of the country.

The reason why she brought a veil was because she was born into a folk custom of the tribe. The man who unveiled her veil would be her husband.

She is not strong, it is not the kind of old devil who hides in the red dust and plays the tiger and eats the tiger. She is just a gentle, meek, carefully taken over the troupe of the elders, with a group of poor people in the world. A small woman struggling to survive.

She is very gentle and very warm.

When she dumped the last bit of money in the entire troupe, she bought the medicinal agent to save the seriously wounded king.

She did not know that in the heart of the magic king, she has become a symbol of her mother.

Otherwise, the King of Magic has long left the troupe.

He knows well that he is an ominous person. If he stays in the troupe, he is likely to cause trouble to the troupe. But for the warm smile, in order to listen to this bleak little tune, he stayed in the troupe.

Regardless of his former identity, it is like a rogue, with a group of children eating overlord meals.

Even if he was beaten to death in a state of death, he was happy.

In fact, it is true that it is really uncomfortable to fall into a state of suspended animation, and it is not much worse than real death. Although every time after the suspended animation, his awakened talent will become stronger, but... the **** taste is really uncomfortable...

"Head of the regiment...Don't..." The king of the demon chapter was on the ground, and a dozen or so armed soldiers cheered and rushed up, grabbing him with all his hands.

"Catch it, seize it... The only real blood of Sanliancheng, the legendary descendant of Luo Mo Devil... The fallen prince Gomero of Sanliancheng!" A bearded warrior grabbed the neck of the demon king. The hearty laughter of Yangtian: "We can go home, we can go home... Haha, we caught him."

The body of the sorcerer swayed, letting the guys grab their necks, their arms, and even some people grabbed his two legs, like a group of butchers carrying a washed sheep, ready to get him The grill lifted him up like a grill.

In the sky, more than a hundred three-city court mages fell, they overlooked the demon king, and the thin cheeks were full of smiles.

After more than a decade of pursuit, there is finally a result.

For more than ten years, they have been away from home for more than a decade, just for the **** guy of the demon king.

Now, I can finally go home. Not only that, but they brought back the King of the Medal. They can finally open the ultimate defense system of Sanliancheng, open the secret treasure house belonging to the Sanliancheng royal family, and let the gradually fading Sanlian City regain its splendor and power.

The mission was finally completed perfectly.

As for the dead people... nothing more than some savage savages, a group of squatting nieces, women, thieves, villains, rogues, these people will only make this **** world worse.

They are dead, the air of this world will be much fresher.

More than 3,000 warriors, more than a hundred court mages smiled at the same time, smiling with joy and comfort. Finally, I caught this guy, which is worth the loss of the Sixth Palace.

Only in the 'safe' and 'regular' places of the Sixth Palace, this sinister Gomoro will relax his vigilance, just like a well-behaved child, and let them complete the perfect encirclement. Life is alive and catching.

The most perfect thing is that because of the relationship between these savages and the untouchables, the Gomoro actually gave up resistance and escape.

These warriors and mages who are responsible for arresting the demon king will never forget that in the past they had many companions who discovered this low-powered **** prince, but he was holding the secret treasure of the Sanliancheng royal family, although he was seriously injured again and again, but those responsible The soldiers who arrested him also suffered heavy casualties.

This time he actually did not resist...

Wearing a golden armor, the majestic man with a sly face took a group of subordinates and walked quickly to the side of the demon king. He looked down at the dead-faced demon king and suddenly grinned: "Prince of the Comoros... I have finally seen you, it is not easy."

The demon king whispered a bleak little tune: "The world is like a tide, the fate is like a hurricane... People are withered leaves, drifting with the wind..."

Over and over again, tears continued to flow from the eyelids.

Dahan looked at the demon king with horror. He reached out and patted the cheek of the demon king. He whispered: "Well? Scared? But it doesn't matter, we want your blood, just take you alive. Just go back, as for the rest... no one cares."

The demon king opened his eyes, his heart was cramped, and tears continued to flow from his eyes.

He was surrounded by darkness, and only the familiar faces of the floating troupe continued to emerge in front of his eyes. The blue, purple, black, and green rings of his white skin continued to emerge, and his skin became colorful and looked very strange.

"Damn? You are, do you want to wake up the magical powers?" The big man suddenly looked at the magical king. He smiled and shook his head. "No, no, Prince of the Comoros, you are still asleep, waiting for you to wake up. We have returned to Sanliancheng..."

"So many years, you don't want to read Sanliancheng?" Yan Dahan laughed. He pulled out the sabre, reversed the sword, and slammed into the back of the demon king with a hilt.

The hilt is heavily hit, and the normal person has long passed out.

In the back of the head of the demon king, his bones are like melted gums, and the soft collapse of the sword follows the strength of the hilt.

When the big man slammed hard, he actually fell into the empty space, and wherever the hilt was, there was no real feeling at all.

He was shocked and suddenly shouted: "Come, wait for the Lord Gomoral to take the medicine."

A group of court mages have landed at a height of 100 meters from the ground, and some of the oldest mages have fallen from the air, hurried to the side of the demon king, and pulled out a pale black jade bottle, which opened the magical king. chin.

"Beauty Crisp..." A triangular face old wizard smirked: "I heard that the former prince of the prince was in Sanliancheng. I liked to let the woman drink this baby and then have fun with them... as long as they drink the beauty crisp, they are soft. Powerless, let the prince of the prince enjoy it, even the masters of the life pool can not hold this potency..."

"His Royal Highness, do you have a life?"

The black-red, scented beauty of the scent poured into the mouth of the sorcerer's mouth and flowed into the stomach along the throat.

In the invisible place of the outsiders, in the belly of the Magic King, a ring of blue, purple, black, and green rings is constantly appearing. This bottle of beauty has not played any effect, and it is circled in a circle. The shape of the runes is decomposed and absorbed, turning into a strange heat flow in the body of the magic king.

The rings of the various colors under the skin of the King of the Kings became more and more dense, and gradually his whole body became colorful, like a poisonous ring octopus caught in the water, which looked full of strange danger.

In the Dragon City, Wu Ting shouted, and the rifle swept the last six disciples who had daring to rush to block the road and swept them into two sections. He suddenly stopped and turned, and the white gun was behind him. Avenue one finger.

嗷呜 一 一 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎 虎

Li Wei was killed, and a few of the half-step pools of the Zhike Temple were killed. So many elders of multiple floors were killed. So many of them were killed as powerful brothers... These big cats and cats were three and two Only the six-way palace disciple has been stunned and chilled, and there is no courage to stop the witch iron.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Wu Tie looked at the six-discipline disciples who had escaped, and in the shadows, Laobai looked over in a panic.

After the old white body, two black rats, four blue lizard people are chasing after, it seems that there is no goodwill to the old white.

Wu Tie looked at the chasing soldiers behind the old white body, the invisible force field suddenly spread, and there was a large piece of fire rolling in the invisible force field. The six palms of the flames swelled fiercely, and the slap in the old The body behind the white body.

Two black-skinned rats and four blue-skinned lizards were burned to ashes without any slamming. The old white looked back and saw the smoke of the iron.

"Floating troupe is completely destroyed... The magical king of the yellow-haired boy was arrested... Yeah, is he still a prince? The caravan from afar is actually going to chase him... and they have already been with the Sixth Palace The high level negotiated the conditions."

The old white news is very well-informed. In such a short period of time, Wu Tie and his party just rushed out of Dalongcheng, and he actually found things almost the same.

"It’s really a group of foreign dog scorpions..." The old white cursed cursed: "The two black skins are the scouts of the three city, but they don’t even talk about each other. If they meet, they will kill them. If it is not a big dragon. Several brothers in the city are covering, and old white can be planted in their hands..."

The old white face was a little weird. He whispered: "When did the rats have a master of heavy realm? Since it is already a rat in a heavy building, what do you do with the scout?"

When Wu Tie started killing the guys who chased the old white, he felt that the guys were all rebuilding the real estate.

Can the rat be able to reach a double or double heaven?

Wu Tie looked at Lao Bai, reached out and poked his head, and then looked at the direction of the floating theater.

This is a big trouble.

There is no doubt that this is a big problem.

Being able to send such a huge team, spending years and crossing the distance of so many large domains, just to chase down a person... such a force...

"The demon king, people are good, I like it." Wu Tie Shen said: "Be able for a group of children..."

"That kid is good..." Shi Fei groaned vaguely, and he whistled and robbed his mount back. He dressed a whole set of armor and sat on the back of the limestone lizard, setting the posture of the charge.

There was no snoring in the cold dew, she just took out a bottle of rotten bone marrow, thickly coated on the machete layer after layer.

"Dry them!" Only the reckless height of the Wu Tie waist waved a short-barreled double-barreled shotgun, and the eyes were shining.

"Dry them..." Wu Tie snorted deeply: "The big sword, I am going with you, you... go to the intersection of Shibuya and ambush. Especially the reckless, those things you made these days, full On the top, can we get out of it, it will depend on you if you are not good."

What Shi Fei wants to say, Wu Tie quickly interrupted his words: "They can talk to the Sixth Palace on an equal footing. In their ranks, there may be life-giving monks."

Shi Fei’s face was slightly white. He nodded hard. “We will meet... you, be careful... if not, we will look for a chance to start.”

Tie Dajian held a heavy sword in both hands, and his eyes flashed a cold light: "Even if they are life-giving monks, they can't destroy the rules of the Sixth Palace... They, and the six scums that collude with them, they all damn... ”

Iron Sword does not know that this matter has been allowed by the six main palace owners, he thought this is just Li Wei's conspiracy.

According to the route given by Tie Dajian, Shi Fei and others quickly rushed to the path to Shibuya.

Wu Tie took the little head of the witch, took a long gun, and strode to the station of the floating troupe.

He sang the ancient battle song of ‘no clothes, no hatred with his son’, and a fierce killing in his body, brewing, accumulating, becoming more and more powerful and more and more magnificent.

At each step, his heart kills one point.

At each step, the white tiger crack in his hand is more and more pale.

At each step, the wind that swirls around him becomes more and more cold.

The station of the floating troupe is only two miles away from Dalongcheng. The Wutie step is a dozen meters. He strode from the other side of Dalongcheng to the station nearby, and only used a short tea time.

The Iron Sword is like a big mountain. Immediately after Wu Tie's body, he left a half-foot mark on the ground every step of the way. There was not much and a lot of points.

"Happiness!" The big man with the golden armor raised his big sword. He looked a little worried and saw that the skin became colorful. The whole person was soft on the ground, and finally ordered the whole army to celebrate the feast. .

After so many years, I finally got a result. The nervous nerves of the soldiers should also relax.

The king of the demon chapter curled up on the ground, and the soft collapsed as if the whole body bones were interrupted.

He suddenly whispered: "I always thought that I can live as long as I can avoid it... I have never been gutsy to do anything because I am afraid of death, because I am afraid to fight with you..."

"But I am wrong."

"This **** world, sometimes, you don't fight, you will die even worse... and you will be more people."

"If you must separate a life and death, why can't you die?"

The magic king suddenly opened his mouth, ‘咕’, and a thick black-red smoke spurted from his mouth.

The smoke quickly tumbling and spread rapidly to the entire camp, covering more than 3,000 warriors and more than 100 mages.

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