Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 148: Arena

On the rock wall, a large piece of blood is so glaring, countless vines, small trees are crushed, and the huge pits on the rock wall are bloody, which is the blood of the people of Gongsun.

The body is as strong as a lion, and the long hair is covered with long hair. Some long-haired hair is unruly and stretches out like a male lion. The male grandson who carries the lion's hair is carrying his hands and standing outside the stone building. He looks at the big one. Pit, looking at the **** color of the big pit.

Just now he is competing with the children of several other ethnic groups in the gladiatorial field. He just surrendered a 12-foot fire magma king spider in a heavy building. Today morning, he won the nine games with this king spider and won. There are countless kinds of cultivation resources, gold coins, and precious stones.

When he was eager to win, Gong Sunyuan suddenly heard that his home was in Shibuya's residence. The whole of Shibuya, except for the most luxurious stone building outside the palace, was actually encroached by a small, infamous character.

He was busy delivering gambling with those who had lost his face. After hearing the news, Gong Sunying and Gong Sunxiong were two cousins... His small followers volunteered to investigate a clear, public Sun Yuan’s disapproval, let They rushed over from the warriors with a dozen or so brave shackles.

When he took all the bets and took them back to the station, he was so hardworking that Gong Sunying and Gong Sunxiong were killed by the life on the rock wall.

I haven't waited for Gong Sunyuan to come back from this ridiculous thing. The soldiers brought by Gong Sunying and Gong Sunxiong, the martyrdom of his grandson, were thrown out of the building one by one. Hard and raw on the rock wall.

He watched the warriors fly out like a fireworks and blasted on the rock wall.

The problem was that he was too far away at that time. He was taking the path of refining the body. He was not good at the mystery, and he couldn’t stop it.

He could only watch the loyal shackles from being killed by the warriors, watching them turn into a mess on the rock wall.

Gong Sunyuan’s body trembled slightly, and a group of hot air rose above his head, as if the blue smoke had risen several feet high.

He, have you ever suffered such a loss?

He has been smooth since the birth.

From the time he was remembered, he was the pride of the heavens that was held, squatted and given by countless people.

Gong Sun Yuan, there is a number 曰 ‘the courage of the grandson’.

For thousands of years, Gongsun Yuan was the most outstanding son of the Gongsun family. He was brave and brave, and he was praised by the ancestors of the Gongsun family.

When he was young, he went to the Sixth Palace and got the first disciple of the Sixth Palace to be named as a disciple. At the age of eighteen, he returned to the Gongsun family from the Sixth Palace. He passed the esoteric secrets of the secretarial family in the Gongsun family and won the glory of the 'Kowloon Jiuxiang'.

Later, Gong Sunyuan spent ten years and traveled a large number of fields. He lost several major families and powerful forces, and many famous old masters were defeated by his pair of fists.

In less than 30 years old, Gong Sunyuan ended his travels and returned to the Gongsun family. He was given the ancestors of the Gongsun family and entered the Shibuya to choose the best niece marriage of the Yi people.

Gong Sunyuan did not participate in the exploration of the ancestral land of the Yi people. He did not feel that he needed to participate in the collective activities of taking chances. He did not need to bring out any treasures from the ancestral land of the Yi people in exchange for the marriage rights of the Yi people.

He is confident that he is famous for his talents, his strength, his origins, and his reputation in several large areas around him. He only stays in Shibuya, and he chooses the best of the Yi people. A prostitute can be able to do what she wants.

Only those who are of humble origins can't get the attention of the Yi people. With their origin, strength, talent, and fame, they can't get the favor of the Yi prostitutes. They need to go to the ancestral land of the Yi people. Take a chance in the middle.

And his grandson, he does not need to do this at all.

However, after the Yi people's ancestral grand ceremonies were held half a year ago, after the Yi people opened their ancestral lands, the squad suddenly became a mother of the Yi people.

Gong Sunyuan heard the inside information from the hustle and bustle, knowing the youngest generation of the Yi nationality, the most outstanding, the most outstanding, who is the prostitute with the greatest potential.

Xiao Xiaoying, the only daughter of Yum, actually has such terrible talents...

Gong Sunyuan has identified the goal and competes with the children of the big family every day in the arena. Like the male peacock, he shows off his gorgeous feathers and shows his glory and excellence to Zum and Xiao Xiao.

He is ready to step on the face of a large group of children, proudly appearing in front of Zum and Xiao Xiao, and then asking for a marriage match.

Just when Gong Sunyuan felt that everything was under control... his brother was killed in front of him.

His jealousy from the warrior was killed in front of him.

His resident, his grandson's home in Shibuya, his grandson in the residence of Shibuya, was forcibly occupied.

Gong Sunyuan turned around and looked up at the Wutie standing in the window.

Wu Tie overlooks Gong Sun Yuan, and his eyes are full of blood and look at Gong Sun Yuan: "You are the two waste people? Well, the arena? It's good, just, do you get a bet?"

Gong Sunyuan smirked, and he pointed to Wu Tie, Shen Sheng: "Let's talk, have courage, come... This is Shibuya, we use the rules of Shibuya to solve the problem."

Gongsun Yuanqiang resisted the urge to kill Wu Tie on the spot, biting his teeth, clenching his fists, squatting all the way, and rushing to the arena with the brigade. He tried his best to run, lest he was angry and couldn't help but go back and kill Wu Tie on the spot.

Wu Tie did not hesitate to jump out of the window, regardless of the shouts of Qing Qinger and Xiao Xiaoying, he strode to keep up with Gong Sunyuan.

No one in Shibuya came forward, no one intervened in the sudden conflict between Wu Tie and Gong Sun Yuan.

So, it didn't take long for Wu Tie and Gong Sunyuan to come to the arena.

The arena of Shibuya is just below the valley.

From a downward ramp on the side of Shibuya, the downward vertical height is about three kilometers. The rock layer suddenly splits into a great gap, an olive-like shape, a few miles wide, and a dozen miles long. The gap.

This gap is several kilometers deep, the heat wave below is rolling, the red light is shining, it is a magma river flowing from the rock wall and drilling into the rocky wall on the other side.

A circular stone platform extends from the rock wall and has a blood stain on the stone platform about five miles in diameter. This is the battlefield of Shibuya.

Above the stone platform, on the slightly sloping rock wall, in addition to hundreds of large and small platforms, there are a number of stone table stone chairs, and these platforms are crowded with people.

High position, sitting in a chair, low status, standing on the platform.

At first glance, hundreds of people on the platform are afraid that there are not tens of thousands of people. The heat waves of the magma river below are rolling, the air is fluctuating wildly, the light is distorted, and these excited people look like ghosts in magma hell. .

They are all belonging to the big forces in the big areas around Shibuya.

The children of the big family, the elite of the big gates, gathered in Shibuya for the opportunity to marry the Yi women.

The number of ethnic women in each generation of the Yi people is limited, especially the prostitutes with the highest status and the most noble blood, so there are only such people, so they are all competitors, and they are full of contradictions before each other.

Not long ago, Gong Sunyuan stalked the fire king spider on his head and easily killed several pets raised by the top family members, and won huge resources and wealth from them.

These losers are cursing Gongsunyuan's blood-stained mold... Countless people like to see things happening - Gongsun Yuan, really bloody.

There were sneaky figures on the various stone platforms, and accurate news spread quickly.

The eyes of countless people fell on Wu Tie, who stood on the battlefield. They were curious and looked at the tall and thin witch iron with their eyes.

It’s this guy, just before, killed the cousin Gong Sunying and Gongsun Xiong of Gong Sunyuan?

Is this guy, in the face of Gong Sunyuan, who has killed his cockroaches from the warriors?

‘The son of Tom’!

‘Wu Jin’s crazy younger brother’!


The whispering on the platform is like a gust of wind spreading on the platform, and some people deliberately laughed out.

Laughter points directly to Gong Sunyuan.

Today, Gong Sunyuan made a big splash on the arena. A king spider won a lot of people and fell down. Coupled with the high-profile behavior of this guy on weekdays, he was too arrogant and had no idea how many people had been offended.

It is rare for someone to teach him some lesson, and countless people are looking forward to the follow-up development.


In the magma river below the stone platform, a fire column with a height of 100 meters was rushed out. The large magma rushed up and the temperature on the stone platform suddenly became terrible. Everyone seemed to be wrapped in flames. Immediately, a sweat was swallowed, and then the sweat quickly evaporated by the high temperature.

Yan Qinger and Xiao Xiaoyu breathlessly broke into the arena.

They stood on the side of the arena, but they did not dare to speak.

The arena of Shibuya is used by the Yi people to gather wealth... Of course, it is also used to select the true talented elite and to choose the real place that is qualified to represent the powerful forces of the Dai marriage.

There are rules that belong to the arena. Even if the Yi people are in power, they can’t violate the rules. Otherwise, the means that can block the acquisition of the materials from the warehouse by the 娲m can not prevent the witch from passing. The battlefield of the arena is exchanged for the soul.

Gong Sunyuan stood on the battlefield, his eyes gradually turned red, and his body became violent and uneasy, just like the magma river that broke out below.

Wu Tie stared at Gong Sun Yuan, seemingly calm and indifferent, and his heart was equally angry.

Suddenly, Wu Tie and Gong Sunyuan spoke at the same time.

"You killed A Ying and Axiong."

"Wu Jin is my brother."

"They are my brothers, my ancestors of the Gongsun family."

"You want to kill him in the arena."

"No one can kill the people of my grandson's family, and I can still be innocent."

"You also sent people to the ancestral homeland to chase him."

"You dare to occupy the residence of my grandson's family. This is a provocation to my grandson's family."

"You also obstruct the big brother refining the soul, you want to kill my father completely, my second brother, my third brother..."

"My grandson's family is inviolable, dare to offend, must die..."

"No one can hurt my family, I am not a big man, but the man is angry..."

Gong Sun Yuan and Wu Tie screamed loudly, and then they moved at the same time.

They did not use the weapons. The golden sun of the Gongsun Yuan surface rushed out. He strode to Wu Tie one step and punched the head of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie was squatting low, and the magic of Hercules was fully launched. There was a low roar in his body, and the same punch smashed into the head of Gong Sunyuan.

The speed of the two is almost fast, but it is obvious that Gongsun Yuan’s punch is faster than Wutie.

Gong Sunyuan flashed Jinguang’s fist and slammed it on Wu Tie’s head. The large piece of flesh on Wu’s forehead blew open, revealing that his color was slightly darker, and the darkness shone with a layer of radiant bone.

‘咚’, Gong’s fist slammed on the door of Wu Tie’s head, and the sound made was like a roaring bell.

Wu Tie's body slightly stepped back. He also slammed the fist of Gong Sun Yuan's forehead and rubbed the left face of Gong Sun Yuan.

Gong Sunyuan’s left face suddenly flesh and blood, and half of the skin was shattered by Wu Tie’s fist, revealing the gums and cheek bones under the flesh and blood.

Both of them had blood spattered on their heads, and the blood sprinkled like spring water. The upper body's clothes were instantly dyed red.

Yan Qinger and Xiao Xiaoying exclaimed at the same time.

On the platform, there were over 10,000 people watching the crowds at the same time, and some young people with big influences applauded and laughed, and even others blew a sharp whistle.

A burly young man with no hair on his head snarled loudly: "Wu Tie...kill the grandson, I will give you 100,000 golden snake stones!"

Another young man with a slim body and a sullen screaming body is screaming and screaming: "Wu Tie... Just like this, punching Gongsun Yuan with one punch and one punch, what is the 100,000 Golden Snake Stone? I will give you five Ten plants and six yuan grass!"

There are a few more fearful guys who are not chaotic in the world. They are excited and mad at Gongsun Yuan. "Gong Sun Yuan, you won't lose? No? Ah? No? Hahaha! First time I saw it. You are bleeding!"

Wu Tie brain giant earthquake, Gong Sun Yuan cheek pain.

The two men stepped back dozens of steps at the same time, the body swayed slightly, and the eyes of the bloodshot eyes stared at each other.

Wu Tie took a look at his head and a large piece of blood splashed from his forehead.

He looked at the arrogant hair like the lion's grandson, and sneered: "I heard that this arena should bet something... So, what do we gamble?"

With a wave of hands, all the Yuancao, Yuanguo, and all the valuable objects in the Wutie Bracelet flew out and piled up a hill around him.

I have to say that Zhu Zixi’s savings are still quite rich.

Then Wu Tie solved the waist koi and left it on the pile of pearly hills.

Wu Tiexiao looked at Gong Sunyuan and sneered: "Besides these things, I am gambling with you, do you dare?"

Seeing Wu Tie throwing out a lot of wealth, Gong Sun Yuan looked disdainful.

However, Wu Tie said the word 'gambling', and the face of Gong Sunyuan suddenly became stiff.

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