Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 172: prophecy

The blood rushes, and the **** serpent rushing out of the blood of the sky is more like a living creature from the misty shape of the cockroach.

A squirming **** viper snake bites on Wu Tie.

One bite is the four sharp blood holes.

More terrible blood poisons invade through the wound, as the blood of Wu Tie flows to the whole body.

Wu Tie's skin was red, and he screamed in a low voice. The mana burned rapidly. The magical power of the Dingjia Shenmu, which was realized when he was blessed in the past few days, began to squirm his skin.

A layer of faint golden light emerged from the depths of the flesh and blood, and instantly the skin of the witch iron became a yellow and clear like brass.

A trace of divine spirit exudes, and under the skin of Wu Tie, there is an ancient passage of flowing strokes. His flesh becomes abnormally strong, and the skin is like iron, and the meat is like copper ingot. It is solid and unusual, and is inflexible.

A **** viper flew in, and four sharp fangs in his mouth flashed red.

The fangs were tied to Wu Tie, and the fangs were torn apart, and they could barely break the skin of Wu Tie. They could no longer penetrate into his body as I had just.

The Dingjia Shentu, also known as the Liuding Liujiao body, can greatly enhance the physical defense force once it is applied, and at the same time enhance the qualities of strength, speed and reaction.

The speed of Wu Tie forward was suddenly abrupt, his breathing was low, and the magic of Hercules was fully motivated. There was a deep roar in his body. The white tiger cracked him and waved with all his strength. The cold light stabbed Lu Yan.

After Lu Yan’s body, the three knives shook and screamed.

Three short-skinned, slender strips of soft armor flew in, their blood in their eyes was faint, and they saw the knife light coming to Lu Yan, and they screamed at the same time.

The three knives suddenly exploded, and within a few hundred meters of the circle, there was a **** knife flashing. For a time, I didn’t know how many knives smashed from all sides to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan screamed.

He bit his teeth, took a sharp long bone from his sleeve, and held the long bone with one hand and licked it.

A sharp and horrible whistling sound erupted from the long bones, like a long red-burning iron needle licking into the eardrum of Wu Tie and others. The painful everyone smoked at the same time, and the illusion appeared in front of the brain. It seems that someone has poured a pot of hot vegetable oil, and his eyes are dark and he can no longer see anything.

Countless blood-colored snakes flew up, madly tearing and biting.

Wu Tie closed his eyes and blood was sprayed out of his eyes. He used his image to shoot a spur, and then he felt the white tiger crack pierced a special touch of the flesh.

The wrists were in a good position, and the white tiger cracked a low tiger whistle.

The sharp whistling sound from the long bone was shattered by the white tiger whistling sound, and the smoldering eyes suddenly lit up. The white tiger cracked the fruit and had already stabbed the chest of Lu Yan.

The three thin people behind him trembled a little, and countless large and small **** snakes wrap around their bodies. The horrible snakeheads lick their flesh and blood, and the three people simultaneously screamed in pain. .

The three-handed blood scimitar was deeply immersed in Lu Yan's back. The three-foot-long, palm-wide machete almost cut into his body. The dense blood-colored lines on the scimitar squirmed like a viper, crazy extraction. Landing the plasma in the body.

Lu Yan slammed his eyes wide openly. He glanced at Wu Tie and smiled awkwardly.

Wu Tie’s heart was tight, and the homeopathic spurt of the white tiger broke back. There was a very thin electric light around him, and the speed of his backwards was astonishing, and he jumped back and forth three or four miles.

"Let's die together..." Lu Yan was helplessly watching Wu Tie escape so far in such a short period of time.

A **** serpent was entangled in Wu Tie's body, pulling the action he wanted to delay him. However, Wu Tie was too strong, and these **** snakes were easily torn off by him.

Lu Yan's body swelled and quickly expanded into a huge meatball.

"Damn little-heterogeneous--" Lu Yan looked at the fussing witch iron curse and whispered, he muttered in a deep voice: "The guy said, it is true... our killing this time, I will really get into trouble."


Lu Yan’s body exploded, and his body exploded into a thick **** fog, sweeping the ramp in the square.

Whether it is the members of the Killings of the Golden Undead or the Raiders of the Blood Curlers, their body is like a piece of snow thrown into a hot water in the moment when Lu Yan’s body bursts, and it melts in an instant. disappear.

Only the raids of several **** knives, they mourned with pain, and everyone had strange brilliance flashing around them, which barely helped them block the terrorist killing caused by Lu Yan's self-explosion.

The blood fog spread all around, and even the rock formations of the ramp were eroded by the blood fog to a thick layer.

Lu Yan's self-destruction, the simple explosive force is not strong, but the blood smog caused by his self-destruction is poisonous and devastating.

Qin Yi and Luo He were also enveloped in the blood fog.

In the face of the raid of the blood curving knife, and a targeted raid, Qin Yi and Luo He were also besieged and seriously injured in several interlaced areas.

Lu Yan blew himself up, and they also screamed at the same time, and the body suddenly expanded into a ball.

嘭嘭 两 两 , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

"I said, your life and death, I am dominated."

"I said, I let you live, you can't die."

A low and majestic voice came from far away, and a soft white light shrouded the blood. The thick **** fog is rolling, and the three large blood-smog vortexes appear out of thin air. The blood fog is rolling around the **** mist that swallows around, and the faint whistling sound can be heard from three vortexes.

After about a tea time, three **** figures condensed from the blood.

After another quarter of an hour, the self-destructive Lu Yan, Qin Yi and Luo He reappeared. They opened their mouths and swallowed the **** blood that was scattered around them. ‘Boom, Boom, Boom’, three powerful breaths rushed out of their bodies, and they shook around and shouted.

A tall, handsome, blond man in a golden robe walked slowly.

He embraced a thick, gold-skinned animal book, and dozens of thumb-sized golden light patterns fluttered around the animal book like fireflies, setting the youth to be sacred and majestic as a god.

With a slight smile, the man whispered to the surprise and inexplicable Lu Yan: "Experience the horror between life and death, you should have a more thorough understanding... You, do you still doubt what I said?"

Lu Yan, Qin Yi, and Luo He glanced at each other. Qin Yi Shen Sheng said: "If we want to believe you... You said that you can do anything, then let our men live, can you?" ”

The young man indulged for a while, then whispered: "This will cost me a lot of power..."

Luo He stepped forward. He looked at the youth deeply: "We are all masters of the life of the pool. We blew our flesh, but the life pool is not damaged... So even if we ourselves, we can reshape the body... as long as Give us enough resources, we can reshape the body ourselves."

"But if you are really as powerful as you brag, let our people come alive."

Luo He Shen Sheng said: "In this case, we can also prove your words to the leaders... We will also... trust you, and..."

Luo He grinned.

The young man looked at Luo He with a deep look. He slowly nodded: "So, in the name of my Doria... I will give you the opportunity to be born again."

Out of thin air, a strip of people emerged in the air.

Those who were killed by Lu Yan’s self-destructive annihilation of the Golden Undead have reunited their flesh and returned to the world after the resurrection.


Even Wu Ting broke the soul of the soul with the evil spirits, and actually slowly re-agglomerated the body in a white light.

But it is clear that because of the broken relationship of the soul, Sun Zuo re-aggregates much more slowly than others.

Doria frowned. He snorted and raised his animal book in his hands: "Well, when I know my name, I will always recite him in my heart... but whoever praises my name, It must be born."

A rushing white light rushed out of the golden cover of the animal book, and injected the body of Sun Zuo re-aggregated.

Sun Zuo’s mouth sighed, and his breath continued to increase. He broke through from the beginning of the first time, and Sun Zuofu’s mind sat on the ground, letting the white light in the animal book continue to inject into the body, but he himself It is the secret of the murder, and begins to use the power of white light to cultivate breakthroughs.

The second most important day, the third heavy day... the ninth heaven, the tenth heaven...

The speed of Sun Zuo’s breakthrough is terrible.

The practice of his cultivation is obviously not high, and every heavy day locks the building. His broken day lock is only a few thousand levels.

White light washed his body, his breath gradually improved, gradually strengthened, and gradually became stronger. Soon he broke through the thirty-three heavens in a row, and became the top master of the thirty-three heavens. '.

"You are a you should get more." Doria smiled, and there were two white chains in the scorpion that flashed away. His low-minded prayers were inexplicable and more turbulent. The white light of condensedness constantly emerges from the faint skin of the beast.

Sun Zuo gasped deeply, and he jerked his head up. There was a shrill crack in his body, and then a fascinating light rushed out of his body. About a hundred thousand filaments hovered over his head. After that, he slammed into his eyebrows.

In the eyebrows of Sun Zuo, a little black light emerged quietly.

Then the black gas continually emerged from the black light, and his eyebrows circling rapidly, and a more solid atmosphere gradually spread from Sun Zuo.

A few miles away, Wu Tie grabbed a stalagmite with one hand and hung it on the dome nearly ten kilometers off the ground, staring at Sun Zuo with a big eyes.

The person who was killed by him personally came alive.

The soul that was broken by him reunited.

What's even more incredible is... This guy, actually directly from the level of the first-time building, has become a big master of the 33rd day of heavy construction, and is concentrating on the life pool, trying to break through the life of the pool. .

"But, such a weak heavy building is the thirty-third heaven!"

Wu Tie was a little messy looking at the Sun in the breakthrough.

Thirty-three heavy heavens lock the building, thirty-three heavens and earth shackles, one heaven and earth shackles, probably one hundred million light wires, one hundred million roads contain the shackles of infinite secrets.

For each heavy building, the more light wires that are broken, the more shackles that break through the heavens and the earth, the more insights you get from the heavens and the earth, the more opportunities you have in the heavens and the earth, the stronger the repairs will be, the stronger the mana, the richer the sentiments, and the more cohesive. The bigger the life pool, the bigger and stronger.

Wu Tie was blessed by the Yi people's ancestral spirits. He worked hard to lay a solid foundation. He only locked up the first floor and locked up the 70,000 light wires. The power of the Yi people's ancestral spirits was all used. Quenching the flesh and soul, used to cultivate the magical magical skills such as Hercules magic.

Sun Zuo actually ... broke through thirty-three days.

But every single day he only broke through thousands of filaments...

When he saw his life pool, the hundreds of thousands of filaments that emerged from his body... This is nowhere stronger than the Wuyi Iron, which is the first heavyweight in today's heavy buildings. This kind of life pool is called the weakest life pool?

However, it seems that you can't blame Sun Zuo.

After all, when I first played against Lu Yan, Wu Tie found that Lu Yan was not so strong.

Lu Yan is also the real power of the life of the 'big power', but don't say that compared with the powerful masters of the Sixth Palace, Lu Yan's mana repair is probably three or five times stronger than Wu Tie, in the flesh He is far worse than Wu Tie in strength.

Not to mention the magical secrets of the gods, Wu Tie's evil spirits and gods perfectly restrained Lu Yan's **** viper.

This is the gap between the foundations. This is the gap between the foundations.

Sun Zuo and Lu Yan’s practice of cultivation is really bad.

Wu Tie stayed staring at Sun’s left disk and sat on the ground, hovering with countless thoughts in his mind, he could easily figure out the mystery inside. His eyes are staring at the Sun Zuo in a few miles, what is the value of such a lifeline?

Of course, he still has to do a lot better than the ordinary heavy property.

And after all, it is the existence of the life pool, the life pool is condensed, the speed of the soul weakness will be greatly slowed down, and the life will be greatly extended.

Life pool, after all, is the life of the pool.

The weaker life pool, that is also, the life of the pool!

Wu Tie shook his head, and this life pool, he now has a shot to death.

However, that Doria is really bad.

Wu Tie was deeply glanced at the beautiful and beautiful Dolly, who was born with blond hair.

Doria actually felt the peek of Wu Tie. He jerked his head up and yelled at Wu Tie: "There are enemies over there... This is the right lord who is looking for your revenge this time... Go, kill him!"

After a pause, Doria Shen said: "The three people join hands, you can kill him."

"Never separate, if you accidentally separated, I saw your death..."

Doria said deeply: "Believe my prophecy... If you don't separate, you can kill him; if you separate... you three will die."

Lu Yan, Qin Yi, and Luo He looked at each other and rushed to the Wu Tie side.

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