Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 177: Home

The white ghost old nine was killed.

Killing his half-long gunman, he has already stayed at the Blood Curve headquarters.

The blood curving knife is the first old knife wind, and is receiving the gun master. The blood cursing knives are all present.

The gossip is like an undercurrent in the sea, whistling through the entire Great Snake Cave, and then quickly passed to other grottoes in the Black Snake Field.

The size of the news was all overwhelming.

Although Bai Gui Lao Ji is not strong, but it is not so easy to deal with the characters, I heard that he was actually killed by people?

The blood curving knife got such a fierce battle... The golden undead is afraid of trouble.

Black lacquer, boulder mixed with hot metal built in the stone fort, Wu Wu ironed up in front of the old knife wind.

The **** knife is the first old knife wind, a senior life-class master, and has been controlling the blood-curving knife for three or four hundred years.

He is not tall, but extremely strong, bald, eagle hook nose, thin lips, triangle eyes, his appearance is completely in line with the appearance of the sultry sturdy male.

A **** curved knives with a length of nine feet and a large bending angle, almost semi-circular, suspended in the top of the old knife wind, silently rotating slowly.

There are dense sawtooth and barbs on the blade. Each sawtooth and barb has a small **** rune, which is sinister and sinister. It has a thick **** smell.

There is no doubt that this is a killing of countless murderers. And look at the casting technique of this scimitar and the quaintness it exudes. This should be an ancient treasure, not a forged by a contemporary foundry.

To be honest, contemporary founders, their level is much worse than those of ancient founders.

They have lost too much casting heritage.

The old knife was wide-eyed, and the blood of a pair of pale red scorpions flickered. He looked at Wu Tie for a while, and then he laughed with a hoarse voice: "Gunny? I don't care about your origin." The origins, no matter what you did before... you can kill the white ghosts and old nines, which proves that you are very powerful."

Gently patted his hand, the old knife sighed: "I like the powerful young man... So hey, give you a home security fee that is worthy of your strength, and it is also the cost of killing the white ghost and the old nine. ""

Several iron dwarves gasped deeply and pushed a pile of bricks with a four-wheeled cart.

Casting beautiful bricks and squares, they are together, just a cube with a length, width and height of one meter.

A whole piece of pure gold bricks is a big sum of money.

Then several gnome girls walked up, holding the trays of warm jade in their hands, and there were thirty-six six-piece grasses in each tray.

Then, six girls with beautiful faces and beautiful faces walked up. They lowered their heads and carefully stood behind Wu Tie, and even dared not speak loudly.

Wu Tie smiled.

He put away the gold bricks, put away the Yuancao, and nodded hard. "The six gimmicks are also mine? Well, Tang Qi did not lie to me. Sure enough, there are money, there are Yuancao, there are beautiful people... Hey."

The old knife wind saw Wu Tie's generous collection of these things, and he was very satisfied with the smile.

He nodded his head and whispered: "Now, you are our own, I want to know, your cultivation is..."

Wu Tie said very calmly: "Re-building, the first heaven."

The mouth of the old knife wind was pumping, and the high-rise faces of the blood-curving knives in the hall became extremely weird.

"Re-building, the first heavy day?" The old knife wind slowly spit out a breath, he sighed: "That, let me see your strength... The talent of the dragon family is so outrageous? We Inside the blood curving knives, there are also a few strong bones and strong hands, and a good professional refining body."

A height of nearly three meters five, all-body dark, black lacquered skin under the faint golden stripes looming, a golden stripe on his chest condensed into a strange bull head totem, the bulls stand up, step by step Got to the witch iron.

"Niu Man, blood curving knife dare to die the leader." Niu Man looked at Wu Tie, snoring and said: "I am very powerful, when I was very young, I activated the blood of the Wutuo demon cattle. When I regained the realm, I realized it. Hercules magic, the method of opening mountains and mountains, the method of arranging mountains and seas, and changing the way of moving stars... are all kinds of vigorous magical powers."

I touched my chest with both hands.

A loud noise, the entire stone fort was swayed.

Niu Man looked at Wu Tie, and his eyes flashed with fierce fierce light. He was very excited and said: "The blood curving knife, including the boss, is a group of soft eggs... No one dares to fight with me... do you dare?"

Wu Tie feels the atmosphere of Niu Man, this guy is also a life, but his breath is much stronger than Bai Gui Lao Jiu.

The blood of the penguin demon?

Also realized so many great powers?

It can be seen that when this guy is in a heavy building, his foundation is playing very well. It is much stronger than the waste of Bai Gui Lao Jiu and Sun Zuo.

Wu Tie grinned and nodded. "Where, it is more powerful."

The high-level face of the old knife wind and the blood-curving knives are very ugly, and the boy of the cattle actually said that they are all soft eggs...

"Don't care about the bastard." The old knife wind glanced at the high floor and sighed.

The cow slammed a hand to the witch iron and laughed.

Wu Tie also extended a hand to Niu Man, and the palms of the two men jerked together.

Subsequently, the two men's arms swelled at the same time, and the roots of the blue ribs bulged from the skin like a snake. With the sound of '咔咔', the heads of the two men rushed into the hot air, and the metal juice mixed with the magma under their feet was cast. The whole ground suddenly shattered.

咔咔咔 几 几 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The crack rushed out of the hall and spread out to the ground around the stone fort.

The land outside the hall was slightly swayed, and the ground visible as the waves of water rippled a circle of ripples.

Wu Tie and Niu Man did not use any mana, and did not use any magical mystery. They only used the brute force to fight.

After the blessing of the Yi people's ancestral spirits, they consumed the resources of astronomical figures, and the growth of the Wu-Wu mana was the last growth. The growth was also the realm of re-building the realm of the realm. There was not much increase in the realm.

But his body was extremely horrible, especially his bones and bones changed a lot.

He was only the first section of the left index finger, the second section of the phalanx completed the change, and completely changed into the same material as the broken bone.

After the blessing of the empowerment, the skeleton of the entire left arm of Wu Tie completed the same variation.

And even with it, the strength of his whole body and muscles suddenly soared a lot.

The biggest improvement brought about is that the pure physical strength of Wu Tie has reached a billion pounds.

Do not use any magical secrets, do not use any auxiliary secrets, simple physical brute force, reached a billion pounds.

Wu Tie and Niu Man’s palms are clenched, ten fingers are entangled fiercely, and a root vascular on the back of the hand is raised and raised. Their palms are deformed and discolored, and the palm of Wu Tie becomes red. The cow's palm is a bit whitish.

The whole stone fort was trembled fiercely, and a wave of horrible power rushed into the earth along the bodies of the two men, and the foundation of the stone fort was broken.

The old knife wind couldn't help but stand up. He suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the palm of the palm and the cow.

The power of Niu Man is unstoppable in the entire Great Snake Cave. He alone can cope with the siege of two or three people in the same realm. With his strength, he can completely replace the Green Skull and Tang dynasty and become the owner of the battle hall.

Just because his mind is too simple, simple and a bit stupid, even the simplest things are not handled well, so the old knife wind has no choice but to let him do the camp of the death camp, with a group of equally simple embryos responsible for the embryo Fight and kill.

The strength of the cattle, that is, the old knife wind is not daring to confront.

And Wu Tie, actually on the pure brute force, and the cattle are quite the same?

Of course, the cattle are not using magical powers. If both of them use magical powers, then Wu Tie must not be the opponent of Niu Man.

Even if they also comprehend the magical powers of various kinds of increasing power, the cows in the life of the pool will use the magic of the gods, and they will definitely be more powerful than the power of the world.

Therefore, in terms of combat power, Wu Tie should not be an opponent of Niu Man... but this is also amazing enough.

"It's another fierce!" The old knife wind laughed loudly and applauded.

He is very satisfied with the performance of Wu Tie. Now he is only a heavy day in the realm of the building. When he cultivates to the life of the pool, he will be stronger than the cow. After all, everyone has determined that the talent of the dragon family is inherently stronger than the cattle.

The blood curving knife is one more fierce, and the right to speak in the Great Snake Cave will certainly become stronger.

The old knife wind is about to stop the contest between Wu Tie and Niu Man. Wu Tie and Niu Man are screaming at the same time, forcing the last bit of physical strength.

The palms of the two men simultaneously made a loud noise of joint friction.

Everyone saw that the flesh of the palms of the two men was squeezed out of the fingers like a mud, and a lot of blood splashed. The palms of the two men became fleshy and fuzzy.

The palms of the two men smashed together, and they squeezed each other hard.

Wu Tie's phalanx does not move, and the cow's right finger bone '咔嚓' is all pinched off by Wu Tie.

The cow made an unbearable painful cry. He looked at Wu Tie and screamed: "I have taken it... my ancestors, you are a hard bone."

Wu Tie immediately released his hand, he gasped, watching the flesh and blood, revealing the right palm of the large bones, took out the six-yuan grass that had just been collected, took a dozen yuan grass and stuffed into the mouth, big mouth Swallowed after chewing.

The same is true of the cattle, he also took out a lot of Yuancao, chewing too lazy to chew it.

The enormous potency of the body is rolling in the body, the physical strength of the two is extremely strong, and the physical function is also incredible to the point of incredible. With the replenishment of the potency, the flies of the right hand of the two men rolled and the wound healed rapidly.

In the eyes of the public, the wound healing of Witch Iron is much faster than that of Niu Man. This proves that in the physical function, the Wu iron of the heavy building is even stronger than the cow of the life.

There is no doubt that the iron body of Wu Tie is much stronger than the cow.

If Wu Tie can cultivate to the life of the pool...

In the triangle of the old knife wind, a glimmer of cold light flashed. He stared at Wu Ting, and suddenly spit a sigh of relief - the foundation was strong again, it was just a heavy building... The physical strength is strong, but still, still Ok, he is just a heavy property.

In particular, the stronger the roots of the body, the more solid the foundation is, and the slower the pace of cultivation into the life of the pool. This is the fact that all monks know well.

In the state of Wu Tie, he cultivated into the life of the pool, at least for hundreds of years.

In these hundreds of years, there is no need to worry that he will have too much impact on the power structure of the blood curving knife... How good is a fierce rusher who uses the rushing rush, and the partner with Niu yin... Hehe, think about the scene It’s beautiful.

"Really, it is very joyful." The old knife smiled.

The voice did not fall, and the entire Shibao collapsed down, and a large number of boulder fell.

The old knife wind smiled and pointed to the top of the head. The **** curved knife rotating on his head suddenly turned into a cutter wheel with a diameter of 100 feet. The blood-colored cutter wheel swiftly rotated. When the huge stone falling in the head entered the cutter wheel, it would be no longer No shadows have been seen.

This scimitar is like a big mouth, and all the boulder and sand are swallowed by it, and even a little residue is not spit out.

"I, very happy, we have a blood curving knife, and another more fierce." The old knife said loudly: "Looking at the gun brothers are so strong, I think, let him be the deputy of the war hall, how do you think?"

The entire stone fort was collapsed in just a few words, and all the gravel was swallowed up by the old knife wind.

The seniors of the blood curving knife nodded and praised, thinking that the arrangement of the old knife wind would be more appropriate.

Wu Tie grinned and he walked to the front of Niu Man and hammered a punch on his chest.

Niu Man also happily gave Wu Tie's chest a fist: "There is finally a pure man, not like this group of soft eggs... Hahaha, after that our brothers join hands to see who is not pleasing to the eye, swearing at him."

The cow smiled very brightly, and swayed **** the shoulders of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie also patted the shoulders of a few cows, and this went to the old knife wind. The right hand slammed a punch in the chest and said with a sigh of relief: "That, according to the meaning of the big head. Oh, haha. With rice, money, and so many good things, hey, come to the Great Snake Cave, and it’s right.”

The old knife wind smiled and his eyes became a line. He walked over to the witch iron, reached out and carefully stroked the right palm of Wu Tie.

Positive examination of school strength, actually can pinch the bones of the man's bones, this physique is really frightening.

The old knife wind is about to admire a few words. A werewolf has rushed in with the shadows and opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Boss, Jin Lingling, there is a blond little white face, saying that he is calling What is more... Doria is still more stressed... He wants to see you."

Wu Tie’s brow was picked.


The little white face that claimed to have mastered the prophecy?

Wu Tie’s heart is a bit gloomy. This guy, before it was broken, Wu Tie was the main lord of revenge for the Golden Undead.

This time, will not be seen again by him?

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