Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 268: Sanlianjie

"The mouth is not hard!"

Wu Tie sighed a little pity.

"Not hard!"

The old iron was very deep in the side of Wu Tie, with a big cigarette smoking in his mouth.

In the completely-formed city of Sanlian, there are countless strange animals and plants. When the old iron is strolling around, you will find a piece of tobacco that can be tens of thousands of acres.

He personally made a large pile of large cigarettes of carrot thickness, and the smoke did not leave.

Spit a near-perfect smoke ring, the old iron tail smashed: "The enemy whose mouth is too hard, every time you want a confession, you must make the **** and fuzzy. He is guilty, we are also affected."

Grinning, the old iron is satisfied with the tying on the criminal frame, half of the body is scorching, half of the body is still braving the electric light, pointing to the finger: "So, this mouth is not hard, we will spit on the sentence, we I like it most. Everyone saves things and is convenient."

Wu Tie smiled and nodded, looked at the shackles that were tied and solid, and the two lines of tears on the face were clearly visible.

Who can think of the contemporary owner of the family, the father of the sly father, who was actually tortured when he was sentenced. Moreover, to be honest, a few of Wu Tie just started not heavy.

After sticking to it for less than three minutes, he tried to pour the beans, and he said that he and the mysterious spiders, as well as the dark guilds of the dark guild, colluded with each other.

The pamper is used to it, and it is used to the extravagance of everyday life. As a contemporary owner of the family, the shackles are also a shackle that grew up in a honey jar.

The Splendid Pile of the murderous and violent instinct in his bones has long been spent seven or eight. When bullying the weak, try to be as fierce and fierce as possible.

But once it falls into a difficult situation, for example, if someone is hanged up and smoked a few whip or something, the map is dumbfounded.

His bones are not as hard as the bones of his ancestors.

Wu Tie opened the storage bracelet of the picture and carefully glanced inside.

Many gold, silver, pearl, jade and other property, many Yuancaoyuan fruit and other cultivation resources, there are a large number of rare materials, including dozens of sacral bones as the main material of the weapon, shield armor and so on.

However, there is no complete sacred animal that is required by Wu Tie to pass the dark guild to the servant.

"You, did not bring what I want." Wu Tie was a little disappointed to take out a heavy hand and a saber.

This is clearly a squad made of ribs, which is two meters long and heavy.

The black horse's knives have excellent quality, and there are small runes like ant tentacles. These small runes flow like a stream of water on the knife. From time to time, there is a silky heaven and earth that can be sucked into the blade, and it is even more chilly. Continue to seep out from the blade.

The bones of Wu Tie's body are a bit hot.

His bones tell Wu Tie again that this knife is a good thing, and the bones of his body are in desperate need of the essence of this knife.

"I want, the complete beast and the bones." Wu Tie looked at the map: "You tell you through the dark guild, you are in my hands, and the subordinates of his four life pools, you want Take a complete sacral bone to change."

I am looking at Wu Tie with a smile.

He regrets it.

He did not regret and Wu Tie as an enemy, but regretted that he is also an old river and lake, and he was actually confused by the mysterious woman, and he was tempted to Sanlian City to start with Wu Tie.

He also reacted now, and the demon woman used himself as a pathfinder.

Sighing, whispering and whispering: "It is the fault of the old man... The old man thought that with the strength of my scorpion, there is no need to pay a ransom, it is enough to bring back."

Slightly lifted the eyelids and carefully looked at the witch iron, whispering whispered: "Wu Tie adults, the old man can now order the old guard's entourage, let them take out the bones you ask for from the family ancestral land. ”

He smiled dryly and whispered: "As long as you keep your promise, you will let the old man and you leave after you get the bones."

Wu Tie stroked his chin.

He thoughtfully said to the map: "Abiding by the promise, I am sure to keep the promise, no problem, yes. Just, this price, the price of your contemporary homeowner, you must not follow the 饕餮鸪That idiot is coming."

Stretching out his hands, the palms turned over and over, and Wu Tie laughed and looked at the picture: "He and his four followers, the value of five sacred bones, each of them has a pair of sacral bones, make an integer, count ten Vice, is this okay?"

Laughing, Wu Tie seriously said to the map: "As for you, the owner of the Tang Dynasty can not be too cheap, your price is ten times that of the cockroach, can you? A total of seventy complete 饕餮Can it be boned?"

The face of the map has become ugly.

His skin violently twitched, and the fierce eyes in his eyes ooze out uncontrollably: "You, are you going to be a deadly enemy with me?"

The old iron man stood up and turned into a human form of the wolf head, and picked up the scepter and hit it on the knee of the map.

A terrible, the left leg of the skull was smashed by the scepter.

When the tears burst into tears, he immediately screamed and screamed: "According to what you said, there are a total of 70 complete sacral bones. As long as you keep your promise, the old man will definitely send people."

"Give me a 10,000 beasts, fast, fast, I hurt, hurt, give me a million beasts, it can stop the pain of the muscles, bones continue to reinforce, is the top traumatic medicine."

At the same time, tears screamed at the witch.

Wu Tiezhu looked at the map: "But, the beast of the beast, now is my trophy, why should I give it to you?"

I am looking at Wu Tie.

His left leg was completely smashed, the calf was twisted strangely, and a lot of blood rushed from the fracture.

His whole body mana was imprisoned, his qi and blood energy was suppressed. He is now an ordinary person who has no cultivation. If he wants to quickly heal his body or something, he is now weak and unable to do it.

"A sacral bone..." The map quickly opened the price.

"Two pairs..." Wu Tiexiao looked at the map.

"Two pairs?"

The old iron picked up the scepter and did not hesitate to come back to the knee of the right leg of the map.

"Two pairs!" The picture was immediately smashed, and the tears were continuously sprayed out.

"Now is four pairs, make up a whole, five pairs." Wu Tie frowned: "I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, can't look at the number with a small number... or, give you the left and right arms too? So, ten vice?"

The picture is crying from the flow of goodness: "Ten deputy ten deputy, do not bother to work. A million beasts, thank you Wu Tie adults!"

From the bracelet, Wu Tie took out a strange **** grass that exuded the **** turbulence and stuffed it into the mouth of the scorpion: "Then, now a total of eighty sacral bones are dying, to be complete, the tail bone Not a little less..."

Wu Tie looked at the map with a little hesitation: "Do you have so many complete skeletons?"

Looking at Wu Tie with a smile, he slowly nodded: "Yes, there is, there is, in my ancestral land, there are fallen bones to the number..."

Wu Tie seriously looked at the map: "Thousands of thousands?"

The corner of the skull slammed, and he smiled bitterly: "You are laughing... Tens of thousands, how is it possible? For so many years, huh, all of our armor's armor is made of sacred bones. Oh, tens of is it possible?"

Wu Tie waved his hand: "I am just curious, not a glimpse of your ancestral home, you can rest assured... Hey, I just want to ensure my interests and decide my future attitude towards your clan. ""

"You still have skeletons. That's great. If you meet the people of your family in the future, you can only catch them and you can't kill them."

Wu Tie shook his head: "It’s always troublesome to catch a living. If you don’t have a bone, you are slaughtered, how much trouble?"

Lao Tie also sighed: "Isn't it? It is really bad to get rid of the roots and keep the enemy alive."

He tried to close his mouth. He saw it. The old iron is an old bastard, and Wu Tie is a little bastard. This is a pair of down-and-coming bastards... I really don't know who taught such two bastards. thing.


‘Do you want to take a fraction of the number?’

Blackmail is blackmail, what are the reasons for so many excuses?

Wait until Wu Tie and Qi Tuo talked about the price code, let Lao Bai pass the message through the channel of the Dark Guild, and the King of the Medal came together with a trace of seriousness: "Wu Tie, the mysterious spider, actually hooked up. Many people come to us for trouble..."

Wu Tie looked at the King of the Medal: "The current Sanlian City is a solid soup. What are you afraid of?"

The King of Devils smiled bitterly: "Sanlian City is not afraid of them, but the people of the 30 major domains under the Three Cities are afraid of being miserable by them."

The face of the magic king became extremely ugly, and it was accompanied by a sorrowful color: "Isn't this old guy not talking about it? In order to find a temporary place to rest, she ordered a small family to be full."

"I am now ordering that the people of the 30 major domains will be transferred to Sanlian City. It is too late." The Magic King looked at Wu Tie: "And those big domains have some land with rich soil and water, so it is a pity to give up." It is."

"So, what do you mean, we have to fight off the mysterious spiders?" Wu Tie looked at the demon king.

"It's not just repelling, but it's going to be annihilated." The demon king looked very seriously at Wu Tie: "And now, the situation in Sanlian City has stabilized, and I want to open the lost city of Sanlian."

"The core of the real lifeline of Sanliancheng, three consecutive worlds!" The magic king finally said the name: "Legend, in the three worlds, the ancestors were prepared for future generations, and the last striker to prevent the accident."

Wushi Tie was nodded with interest: "Golden Manchu has opened up? Have you found a way to open the three-way world? Then, let's go in and see."

The old iron on the side slammed a few breaths and spurted a smoky smoke ring.

Old iron has a dim sum.

There is nothing in Sanlianjie, he is not very clear.

But those things that are top-notch in the three-way world, at least the thirteen light groups that contain infinite mystery, have already been broken into the body of Wu Tie, and now they are still powerful and iron, perfecting the witch iron, giving Witch iron brings all kinds of wonderful benefits.

The old iron can only pray, and the ancestors of Sanliancheng are a little more generous. Don’t leave only 13 or so light groups in the Sanlian world...

The sorghum's sirens rang through the clouds.

The three pyramids burst into a dazzling light.

Twelve huge beams of light slowly rotate, and the vast heaven and earth can be turned into thick clouds, condensing over the sky.

With the rotation of the light column, twelve tens of thousands of miles of vortices can appear in the air, and the colorful elements can whirl around, and there are countless dragons in the thunder that are silently beating.

The entire city of Sanlian was blocked by a huge force.

On the dome, in the rock wall, on the ground, there is a huge golden rune condensed in the stream of light, and there is a ray of light between the heavens and the earth.

The magic king opened the ultimate defense form of Sanliancheng.

Even without his control, the entire three-city was completely closed, and no one could enter or leave.

If you want to violently come in, you will be hit by the city of Sanlian, and the destructive power of Sanliancheng, which is fully launched, can be much more terrible than the power of hitting the winter.

A huge force is accumulating.

Wu Tie and his party stood in the hall of the lowermost layer of the bronze pyramid.

Inside the hall, Jin Mancang, which was **** like a donkey, roared angrily: "Rebellious, rebellious, this is the ancestor's legacy, this is the legacy of the blood of my big peacock king.... Hey, ancestors, open eyes Let's go!"

The old iron did not make a sound of four large cigarettes, and a bone was stuffed into the mouth of Jin Mancang.

Kim Mancang was beaten to smoke seven times and could no longer drink it.

"It’s all this time, still struggling to argue what? I am yours, killing will not tell the secret of entering the three-way world." Lao Tie looked at Jin Mancang and shook his head: "Since you can't stop yourself, you If you confess, you have to accept your life!"

Kim Mancang looked red, and he looked at the old iron with anger, and looked at Wu Tie, Mo Zhang Wow and so on. The two lines burst into tears.

The king of the demon chapter floats with the blood of the twelve-piece fist.

He swears at the curse and then splits his heart.

The blood of the big peacock kings rushed out from the heart of the magical chapter, and the twelve groups of blood around him violently burned.

The blood of the heart that flies out of the body of the demon chapter is also burning, and the strange atmosphere is surging in the huge square hall. Along with the secret curse of the demon king, a bronze arch appeared silently in front of everyone.

The sleek shape, the bronze arches without the pattern decoration, the light and fog of the silky curtains illuminate, and numerous fogs condense together, eventually turning into a shining light door.

The demon king greeted Wu Tie and others with a group of people. The group quickly walked toward the arch and wore it from the light door.

The next moment, they appeared in a very strange place.

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