Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 701: Legal body

Tie Dingshan City.

Wu Tie is hesitating, do you want to change the name of Tie Dingshan City. The current reputation, he does not like it very much, I feel that there is no good city in Yuzhou.

‘Announcement’, ‘An邑’.

What a pleasant name!

Tie Dingshan City, there is a slap in the face, too much flavor of the prestige, Wu Tie does not like it.

The great hall is made of black iron, black lacquered, and has a tough taste of a piece of metal. The sun shone through the cracks in the door and in the window, and pulled out a distinct strip of light in the dimly lit hall.

Yan Feng sat behind a public case on the side, and there were a large number of official documents in front of him.

As the commander of Wangcheng Bingma, and the highest commander of Miwuwei, Qi Feng is so busy now that a large number of official documents are sent to her every day, waiting for her to handle.

Yan Feng is also a very serious, extremely stubborn temper, her things, no one is allowed to intervene, and must be the best. Therefore, these days she is dealing with the official documents every day, Wenshan will be sea, there is no time to spare.

A long hair fell from her forehead and a ray of sunshine slid past her.

The pale yellow warm sunshine dyed the long hair that she had fallen down with a layer of pale yellow, and the light on her cheeks, so her cheeks also shimmered, showing more perseverance and heroism.

It’s just that this scene falls in the eyes of Wu Tie, but it is so feminine.

Leaning on the throne, looking at Yan Feng for a while, Wu Tie was able to pick up the wine glass with a slap in the face, ‘咕咚’ poured a good wine.

The literary affairs, the martial arts, the world affairs, all the people around them, the people under their work, Wu Tie has become the biggest idler in the Wu Kingdom, and may be the only idler in Wu Kingdom.

However, it is not for the sake of a relaxed effort to collect so many valves under so many hands.

Wu Tie is not greedy for power. To be honest, he is also confused and involuntarily, he has come to this step. The former Yuzhou Gong, later An Wang, and now to Wu Wang, he never took the initiative to chase power. .

The current situation creates people, and the wonders of the world are nothing more than this.

Liquor, which is a good wine, is the best wine of the original Dawu royal family imported from Dawei. The entrance is like a knife, and it is like a fire. After a few hovering in the abdomen, it turns into an endless returning mellow and a mellow rush. So every pore is hot, and the blood is just like fighting on the battlefield. Killed three days and three nights as happy.

Pouting a sip of alcohol, Wu Tie looked out from the half-opened temple door.

From this perspective, you can see the high flying scorpion of the former Dawuzong Temple.

The Dawu Zongmiao was inherited by Wu Tie, but all the ancestral tablets of the Wu family were removed and replaced with the ancestors of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This is also a helpless thing. After all, Wu Tie is now bearing the identity of Huo Xiong.

However, the cards of the Huo’s ancestors were only placed in the first major hall.

In the innermost part of the Jongmyo, the deepest in the ban, the deepest into the hall, where Wu Tie enshrines the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors, Wu Tie directly moved the ancestor of the illusion of the illusion of Yunwushan to the major temple. Provided.

At this time, Wu Tie can clearly feel that from the ancestor's ancestor position, a strange power constantly rushes to himself.

Half a month ago, Wu Tie officially used India to issue a decree to release all slaves from the Wu State. After a singularly powerful singular power, it was injected into the ancestor of the ancestors from the emptiness of the world. After some strange transformation. Injecting the Wu iron body into the air.

In the past two months, with the continuous release of slaves by the grassroots bureaucrats of Wu, the construction of cities and towns, the registration of slaves, the granting of surnames, helping them to form families, teaching their basic humanities, etc... This strange The power is getting stronger and stronger.

This power, Wu Tie is extremely familiar.

On that day, he took over the position of the Witch’s Japanese patriarch. At the Wujiapu, there was such power to bless the Witch iron, and he gave birth to the strange lotus seeds he had received from the battlefields of the Three Kingdoms.

At this time, the power of Wu Tie was blessed, and when it was more than a thousand times, it was thousands of times more than 10,000 times?

And as time goes by, with the release of more and more slaves, with the growing number of civilian household registrations in Wu, as Kong Chengyu continues to promote the name of Wu Tie to those slaves, this force is getting bigger and bigger. It is more and more different.

With the blessing of this power, the changes in Wu Tie's body and the fetus are not mentioned. In short, every minute and every second is constantly strong.

The real difference between this power is that Wu Tie and the heaven and earth universe have become more and more compatible, more and more close, there is a kind of water-milk-mixing, and it is a world of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are the strange feelings of Wutie itself.

It has been consolidating into the essence of the jade dish projection. Three thousand lotus leaves and eight thousand four thousand lotus leaves are faint. Every lotus leaf has a vision, and the water, the fire, the sun, the moon and the stars, all the visions are clear and abnormal. Lifelike, constantly emitting a rich and natural rhyme to the surrounding.

Wu Tie's body, every minute and every second, has a boulevard pattern that is constantly blending.

The road pattern corresponding to the three thousand avenues has been completely engraved in the body of Wu Tie. On each of the finest particles, there are lines of looming. And the road markings corresponding to the left and right of the 84,000 side gates have been completed in 90%.

Wu Tie only felt that his body was like a glass of glass.

Every time a slogan is engraved in it, the body is more and more smooth and transparent, and the sacred tales of the sorcerer's body can't clearly see the 'real face' of the heaven and earth universe.

And just in these few days, Wu Tie clearly felt some unusual and strange changes in his body.

For example, when a person walks, the air creates a wind resistance.

The faster people act, the greater the power of wind resistance.

The stronger the human spirit, the more clear and sharp the perception of wind resistance.

But in the past few days, Wu Tie discovered that he was running and walking, and even when flying at high speed with the 遁 method, the wind resistance disappeared.

The wind resistance has disappeared, or that the wind is no longer blocking the witch iron.

There are many similar changes, many.

Feeling more and more powerful singular power constantly into the body, Wu Tie smiled and drank a cup of iron and blood, laughing, sneaked over and went to appreciate the serious, heroic little face of Yan Feng.

Three months later, Huang Hao cheerfully held a storage bracelet and walked into the hall where Wu Tie was located.

"The main public, the one hundred and twenty states governed by Tie Dingshan City, all the slaves have been registered and become the people of the Wu Kingdom. Here is the original of their household register, and the Lord is also asked."

Huang Wei carefully placed the storage bracelet in front of the witch iron.

Wu Tie took over the bracelet, and the power of the soul swept inward, and saw a large pile of household registration books like the hill inside.

"One hundred and twenty-eight states..." Wu Tie smiled and opened. At this time, the strange power uploaded by the Witches of God was soaring a hundred times, like a river in the Yangtze River, whistling into the iron body.




There were nine consecutive thunderous bangs coming from the Wu Tie body. The hall shook a little and the sky trembled.

The avenues of the roads of the three thousand avenues and the eighty-four thousand side gates are all integrated into the whole body.

The spirit of Wu Tie is so beautiful that the whole body has become a group of chaotic auras at this moment.

His body is completely versatile.

It is only one step away from the gods.

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