Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 703: Easy step

Judging from the current map of the Qingqiu Kingdom, the territory of the Wu State is just south.

The original land of Dawei and Qingqiu is like two rabbit ears. One left and one right end are inserted right in the head of Wu.

In the southern part of the Wu State, a place named 80,000 wild, the original Dawu Shenguo, set up thirty-six state governance here.

The population and output of the thirty-six state governments are not as good as those of the Qingqiu Kingdom.

It is extremely wild, extremely primitive, full of mountains and mountains, full of poisonous fog and suffocating in the mountains, and countless terrible snakes and beasts and murderous birds. There are all kinds of rare herbs and minerals in the forest, but very few people can get valuable harvest from the forest.

Even more terrifying is that in the thirty-six unlucky state of the heart, surrounded by mountains, there is a ‘devil's nest.’

Wu Tie's ship - spent a little price, redeemed from Linghu Qingqing, the long dragon boat that had once been taken by the Emperor Wei of the Great Wei, was suspended on the edge of this demon nest.

This dragon boat, sly, useless, in addition to the splendor and huge size, there is no other benefit, it is a complete waste.

Oh, wrong, this is an extremely expensive waste. At least in order to build this dragon boat, the cost of the former Weihuang royal family is not low. This dragon boat, each inch of the hull is made up of Jinshan Yinhai.

This unfortunate thing, connected to the patriarch of the big Wei royal family, is not interested in continuing to use it.

Therefore, Wu Tie only used a thousand bottles of Baodan, and bought this big guy.

The reason is that the big iron said that after the transformation of his production line, he could upgrade this giant dragon boat into a **** that is worthy of his original cost. The power will definitely be stronger than the four-wing warships formed into battles. Intercepted.

Therefore, Wu Tie bought him back.

Today, more than a dozen ancestors of the Ming Dynasty who were born in the Weimen Gate were sitting in the core cabin of the dragon boat, and they rushed to the dragon boat with their own divine power. They arrived here from the Wanding Mountain of Tiedingshan City.

Devil's Nest, or rather, this is the 'Devil's Eye'.

This is a crypt that is roughly olive-shaped, with a long diameter of more than 2,000 and a short diameter of more than 8,000 miles.

The bottomless land ** black lacquered toxic fog, the rock wall is full of a variety of highly toxic climbing plants, and is a ferocious bloodthirsty carnivorous plant, only know that these things have How difficult and scary.

On the rock wall, associated with these difficult and terrible climbing plants, there are large bees with hundreds of feet in diameter, which are gathered with numerous fist-sized tiger-shaped bee-eaters.

This kind of poisonous bee is huge, killing and killing, and killing it. Their bodies are only the size of a fist, but the tail is two inches long enough to penetrate the armor of the spirit. Once surrounded by these poison bees, a 100,000-strong army, probably a meal, will be killed.

This cave, through the deep underground, Fuxi Shenguo.

Every three or five, in this demon nest, there will be countless underground indigenous people flocking out, just like the big rift valley in the magic city defense line of Qingqiu Shenguo Town. Numerous underground aborigines have rushed out, burning and looting everywhere, plundering all the rare resources that are useful to the underground.

The reason why the surrounding thirty-six states are so ruined, apart from the harsh natural environment around them, is also inseparable from the constant harassment of underground indigenous people.

On the hills around the devil's nest, numerous castles have been built.

Between the battle fort and the battle fort, a section of the ramp that is hidden deep in the mountain is like a spider web.

Between the mountains, a large fort is piled up together; in a seemingly empty valley, a large cloud of smoke rises, and occasionally a flag gate is looming.

In the antiquity here, there are countless arrays of bans, and it is extremely fierce and devastating.

The level of the Dawu Kingdom is almost a poor and white. These arrays are banned, all of which are purchased at a high price from the Great Weis.

Although the three countries in the past have been beaten by each other, the three countries are still unanimous in dealing with the underground Fuxi Kingdom. Dawei’s lawsuits were banned, and the power was very good. It was not a fool of people.

A large group of large groups of Wei Li, Yuan, and Mo's people were found in the mountains. They dismantled the original array of laws and dismantled them, and then re-arranged the more powerful and higher-order arrays.

Yuan Qilin personally shot, with a group of God's ancestors Yuan's ancestors to communicate the power of the world, the new array of large arrays.

Then the wind was raging in the mountains, and the thick fog 汩汩汩汩 汩汩汩汩 spurted out.

The dense fog in the mountains is filled with no fingers, and there is a ray of light shining from the dense fog. The criss-crossing is like a big net, wrapping the whole devil's nest.

Along with the low humming sounds, dozens of floating metal warships that were ten miles wide and ten miles slowly slipped out of the distant space door and flew over here. These metal war burgers are products that have been carefully modified by the big irons. They have stronger defense power and greater lethality. The number of giant soldiers in the internal configuration is more and the combat power is even more amazing.

Dozens of metal warships will be suspended over the Devil's Nest all year round, guarding against the underground indigenous people that may be attacked below.

Wu Jin, Wu Yin, Wu Tong, and a large group of Wu children are commanders of the Tianwu Army, shouting the number, with the help of countless giant soldiers, dismantle the giant guns that were originally equipped in the fort. Go down and replace it with the latest model.

With the addition of the Mohist family, there is a big iron left over from the ancient antiques, Wu Wu of Wu Tie, in the level of manufacturing of heavy equipment, is even higher than the original Wei Wei Shen Guo.

The newly built batch of cannons is smaller in size and consumes less energy, but the explosiveness is stronger and more unique. The actual combat power of each cannon is equivalent to more than 20 past. .

The big iron has already controlled the ancient army division of the original Dawu Shenguo, and a steady stream of new giant cannons is being transported from the workshop.

As long as the turrets near the Devil's Nest are all replaced, the turbulence of these turrets can be as much as 20 times that of the past... and Wu Tie has the heart to increase the density of the turret near the Devil's Nest by more than ten times.

In other words, the gunfire in the vicinity of the Devil's Nest will be more than two hundred times more than the time of the Dawu Kingdom.

It is conceivable that it would be a terrible scene of a sea of ​​purgatory.

The huge dragon boat bow, only a three-corpse of Wu Tie and the old man of the witch prison stood quietly here.

On the deck of the huge dragon boat, apart from the two of them, there is only a thousand feet outside, and there is a team of giant soldiers in the distance. Other accompanying people, including those who have been controlled by Wu Tie in life and death, are squatting in the cabin and giving the deck to Witch and Witch.

"Oh, Laozi waited to see the old monsters of the Clan's group crying and crying." The witch prison gloated.

He pointed to the devil's lair below, grinning and grinning: "Little iron, do you know? We are, and we are a witch, but we are dead."

Shaking his head, pouting, the witch prison muttered: "In the end, how did you end the hatred, forget, the ancestors left behind, who knows what is going on?"

"However, after so many years, how many good daughters in our family were robbed by them, how many dog ​​scorpions we killed them... This is unclear."

"Oh, I know that Laozi has mobilized all the powers of the country. When he raided the ground, he gave us a knife behind him, killing several old brothers of Laozi, but they didn't take advantage of it... they were better than us. More losses have been made."

"This hatred, the knot is solid." The witch sneered: "This devil's lair, below is facing their ancestral home. Every time Fuxi Shenguo fully mobilizes the assault ground, they will have a small part. The tribes followed the main force of Fuxi Shenguo, but their main force, and their group of dog scorpions, will mainly rush out of the ground from here."

"Teach them a good way to teach them, don't give Laozi a face." The witch prison laughed and his eyes became a line.

"Rebelling against the old things, he couldn't think of dreams. The children of the family will control Dawu, and they will block the passage they have mastered." The witch jailed a heavy breath: "Say, too. Wowo, I am so strong, but there is no ground passage that belongs to my family... It is, it is a fire, aggrieved."

Wu Tie smiled and nodded: "This is the enemy of my family? It would be better. In the future, many articles have been done."

Taking a deep breath, Wu Tie looked up at the sky.

He widened his eyes and stared straight into the sky, the high sun on the top of the sky.

The sun that should have been glaring, at this moment in the iron scorpion is warm and watery, and did not cause any discomfort to his eyes.

Not only the sun, but also the days of witchcraft have verified a lot of fun.

He is not wet in the water, does not burn in the fire, his body is clean and does not stain the dust.

Neither the knife and the axe, or the Thunder bombardment, can cause any harm to him.

Even the poisons that can be found in the world, he let his men collect the 30,000 kinds of poisons naturally produced on the territory of the country, and brew them into a large tank and drink them. The poisonous thing is like his body today. A cup of clean water did not cause any harm to him.

Not only that, but the other tanks that have caused great damage to other gods and ancestors will be poisonous, and they will be perfectly integrated into his body, nourishing and becoming a tonic.

Three thousand avenues, 84,000 side gates.

The avenue of the road between heaven and earth is integrated, and the perfect integration of itself has achieved an unprecedented perfect body.

Between the heavens and the earth, as long as it is a tangible and intangible object of the avenue of the road, unless the energy level exceeds the body of Wu Tie too much, it is generally difficult to cause a slight damage to him.

Because of this side, the body of Wu Tie is regarded as a part of himself.

Therefore, the attack of normal natural energy has been unable to pose any threat to Wu Tie.

Only the divine power of the gods and gods... The divine power of the three-in-one spirit, with a sense of self-consciousness, can pose a threat to the witch iron in essence. But whether this power can hurt Wu Tie, it is necessary to look at their cultivation realm and see their strengths and weaknesses.

"You, are you sure you are here?" The witch prison looked at Wu Tie very seriously.

"It's here." Wu Tiexiao looked at the witch prison: "Since you told me, this devil's lair is the site of Kuang's, I think about it, just here. One of them, give it to you." Look at a little bit of color; second, do some shows, give some people, or something that is not human."

The witch prison closed his mouth and did not say anything.

Wu Tie stood at the bow of the dragon boat and waited quietly.

Waiting for three days and three nights in this way, in the distance, a very thin, very long black and white two-color aura shuttles through the void, with a suffocating high speed, a few flashes quickly came to the front of the witch iron from the horizon.

The Yin and Yang people laughed and fell on the dragon boat, handing over fifty pieces of the gods to Wu Tie, and handing over the past, and the jade slip that recorded the manufacturing method of the gods.

Wu Tie smiled and took these things.

When I saw the yin and yang people, Wu Tie had already known the secret contract between the Yin and Yang people and the Ruo Ruo.

"So, very good, if you have the opposite, it is a good thing for us... I am afraid that they are inside the iron plate?" Wu Tie smiled extraordinarily splendid, opened the big sleeves, stepped from the bow of the dragon boat Walk towards the center of the Devil's Nest.

The witch prison is wide-eyed, and he is incredulously thinking about what he has just seen.

Didn't you read it wrong? Didn't you read it wrong?

Is that the rumored **** god order?

And yes, fifty-one gods!

The gods made this thing, once appeared in the Fuxi Kingdom. How many years ago, there was a shocking prince in the Fuxi Kingdom. The Yi people spent a lot of money, and they were almost mad, from the Great Weis. Secretly purchased a piece.

God knows how the deal was reached. Anyway, he is done.

That is, the witch prison saw what the gods made. That is 100% sure to break through the treasures of God's vision, and there is no such thing as a treasure of God's robbery!

The witch recalled how he broke through the realm of the past.

That’s really... the tragic and tragic look back...

For the underground aborigines, the appearance of every god's ancestors is undoubtedly the horror of smashing the bones from the whole ethnic group, eating meat and drinking blood.

"So many gods make..." The witch prison muttered to himself.

"My ancestors, I also brought back the production method of the gods." Yin and Yang people said in an understatement: "As long as we don't do too much, keep this secret, the right family in the future can be..."

The witch's hands were like iron hooks, and he grabbed the neck of the Yin and Yang people, and almost didn't kill him on the spot.

"You, you, you..." The eyes of the witch prison turned into miserable green: "You guys... you guys..."

The witch prison was so excited that he even hit three full: "My witch, my witch... my family... my family..."

A touch of inexplicable anger and hatred came from the heart of the witch prison, turned into a sour hot stream, so big, I don't know how many years of witch prison, and finally two lines of tears.

His tears are like fountains, and ‘嗤嗤’ is sprayed on the chest of the Yin and Yang people.

Wu Tie went to the top of the Devil's Nest. He looked down at the black smoky, dark, bottomless devil's lair. He smiled and took out a piece of **** in his hand.

Then, his freaking twinkles, and a glimpse of the light rushes out of his thirteen, instantly turns around the whole body, and then smashes the power of the soul and merges with his perfect body.

The twins and the gods begin to merge, and the gods and the bodies are one, which is the god.

There was a violent wind between the heavens and the earth, and all the clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared. An inexplicable sense of gaze was uploaded from the sky, and there were faint thunders tumbling around.

Wu Tie lifted up the gods, and his mana was injected into it, and a strange wave of waves spread out.

The feeling of gaze disappeared immediately, and all the signs of the disappearance disappeared. The desperate destruction of the sorrow disappeared... The singularity of the singer shimmered with a magnificent light, and his twins shrank a glimpse. The power of the spirit is constantly blending with the flesh.

God is a heaven and a heaven, easy to break through.

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