Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 705: Dagger action


What is a god?

It is not a personal experience to enter this realm, and it is difficult to explain the beauty of it.

God is clear, it is for the gods.

First, ‘God’!

Then ‘Mingzhi’!

This is a process of successive causes and consequences. First exercise the soul into a thirteen, so that the fetus is strong enough. Then let the fetus feed back on the flesh and let the flesh be promoted to the body.

Finally, God and body are united.

This feeling is like a slap in the face, and a sword made of countless rare materials suddenly breeds its own ingenuity. He woke up, lived, and had a soul, so everything was different.

The petrochemical is the jade, and the body is promoted to the god.

Wu Tie clenched his fists and shook his fists far away, with a mountain that his vision could barely see.

In the past, if this fist simply uses the physical strength, then Wu Tie’s fist will squeeze the air and turn into a fist, and then the fist will be condensed into a big or small punch, flying away, blasting there. On the mountain.

All this is visible to the naked eye, no matter how fast the flying speed of Wu Tie's fist is visible to the naked eye. Even if it is a light, the ordinary, mortal eyes can see this light.

However, after the first combination of the power of the soul and the physical body, the fist is banged, and things are very different.

When Wu Tie’s fist was thrown out, a force of law was wrapped around his fist. Then, the power of this silk rule echoed with the omnipresent avenue of the heavens and the earth, and resonated.

This punch, without squeezing the air, without stimulating boxing, did not condense into a fist, the avenue of the road responded to Wu Ting’s fist, directly in front of the mountain, almost close to the mountain, directly a golden light Splendid punches emerged, and then a heavy blow hit the mountain.

This punch, Wu Tie's heart, uses the power of Geng Jin among the five elements.

Therefore, the punch is full of golden light, full of sharp and overbearing Geng Jinrui, a fist like a knife, heavily squatting on the mountain. So the mountain was broken open by a silent hole, and the martial arts tens of thousands of miles of punches, like a knife cut tofu, unimpeded penetration of the mountain, and then broke hundreds of times Big mountain.

On a straight line, hundreds of mountains were pierced through a transparent hole.

The thoughts of Wu Tie's heart are scattered, and the one punch is also spread out, directly melting between the heavens and the earth, and there is no trace left.

This is the terrible power of God's vision.

In the attack of the ordinary baby, their swords and swords are required to have a process of 'crossing space' and 'reaching the target'. But the attack of God's clear world is almost always forth.

The attack of God's Ming dynasty on the child's hiding place is almost a must.

This is the advantage of crushing, dozens, hundreds of fetal habitats, not enough for a **** to clear the door.

More importantly, Wu Ting’s fist with a flesh fist, just a fist that condensed in tens of thousands of miles, directly inherited the physical strength of Wu Ting’s fist, and the avenue The law is born with the thoughts, and one share of the heavens and the earth can bless on the punches, and the power of the punches is increased tenfold by air.

With a single blow, you can increase your attack power by ten times. The monks in the Tibetan world, who are doing their best to send out the mystery, how many secrets can enhance such a strong force?

This is only the basic attack of God's clear world.

With the continuous improvement of the realm, the continuous integration of the deity and the flesh, the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth obtained by each strike, the number of heaven and earth meta-energy per attack will increase rapidly. Hundreds of times, thousands of times, and thousands of times of attacking blessings are just trivial things. This is the most terrible place in God's vision.

Step by step across the realm of God, from mortal to God.

And mortals, it is impossible to rebel against the gods... The power of both sides, the level of life of everyone, after this step, has been completely different.

"Come on, attack the king." Wu Tie took off his shirt and revealed his upper body.

In all directions, thousands of witches and priests ruled over more than 100,000 days of martial arts. Everyone formed three magnificent military squads, and then a five-line magical spell attack screamed on Wu Tie.

Thunder fire, magma gold knife, cold current impact, frost cover...

All kinds of powers of the five elements of the cycle of conversion, all kinds of magical attacks continue to fall.

Wutie...not even feeling!

It is not that his body is too strong, but on the surface of his body, there is a faint avenue of the avenue.

Any **** is the same, as long as he understands, penetrates the avenue pattern engraved on the flesh, as long as the fetus begins to merge with the body, it will naturally create an absolute ‘road enchantment’ covering the whole body.

This layer of enchantment, no matter how unreasonable he seems...

For example, a **** who has just stepped into the realm of the gods and practiced the avenue of flames, this layer of avenue on his body, if he is attacked by a monk in the Tibetan immigration, if the attack is a flame attribute, then this The avenue of the avenue can also weaken the attack power of 90%.

The spell attacks of other attributes, the water spells used to make the flames, may only be weakened by 50%, while the other spells of gold, earth, wood and other attributes will be weakened by at least 70%. the above.

If it is replaced by an attack that is the same as the gods, the extent of this weakening will be attenuated according to the thickness of the avenue foundation laid by the two sides in the context of the baby. However, the spell attacks of the same attributes of enlightenment will be weakened by at least 50%.

And Wu Tie, he thoroughly penetrated the 3,000th Avenue and enlightened 84,000 side gates. All the avenues of this side of the earth and the earth were integrated into his body.

Therefore, in theory...or...definitely, these military squadrons, which are governed by the Wu’s family, have smashed the attacks of the power of more than 100,000 people, and less than 10% of the lethality actually fell on Witch iron body.

And Wu Tie's body is so tyrannical, even if there is no 'avenue enchantment' body, these attacks are difficult to break his skin.

At this moment, there is a boulevard blessing, and these attacks are not even the spring rain...

The magical spells of the sky screamed, and the swordsmanship was thousands of feet long, and the whistling screaming was on Wu Tie. There are even dozens of flagship warships capable of charging the main guns, and ‘嘎嘎’ has spurted a huge beam of light toward the iron.

Wu Tie just stood there, the wind was light and the clouds, these attacks... really did not make him feel anything.

Before putting this step on, the military array of more than 100,000 people can make Wu Tie’s body feel sore and soar, and even his body can be splashed with Mars, '咚咚' loud noise, internal organs There will also be some shocks.

But after taking this step, nothing feels.

These attacks seem to have completely fallen into the black hole. Even if the surrounding voids are twisted and shaken, Wu Tie really does not feel a little bit.

"Not bad." Wu Tie burst into laughter, then took a deep breath, a military formation of more than 100,000 people, dozens of flagship main guns simultaneously attacked, and was swallowed by Wu Tie.

‘咕咚’, a faint heat flow echoed slightly in the abdomen, and nothing felt.

"Ouyezi, come!" Wu Tie waved his hand, and the Wujia Erlang ruled the army to retreat. Wu Tie stood on a hill in the distance and was urging the Ou's children to arrange a killing sword.

Ou Yezi eagerly looked at Wu Tie and took a deep breath.

"Wan Jian annihilated! Array!" Ou Yezi got the indication of Wu Tie, he subconsciously spurred the giant sword array being arranged.

Hundreds of thousands of swords and light rise to the sky, and under the full force of Ouyezi, they turned into a mighty swordsman and the river smashed toward Wu Tie.

Wu Tie looked up at this splendid sword and the river, and grabbed it at random.

The seemingly unstoppable swordsman's long river is still a foot away from Wu Tie's body. The speed of Jianmang's flight has suddenly dropped by about 70%. The force attached to each sword mans has instantly weakened by 50%.

After entering the realm of the gods, Wu Tie’s physical strength has at least doubled.

Numerous swordsmanship hit the Wu Tie body. This is the attack of Ou Yezi with the help of the sword array. As a result, countless swordsmen have shattered, and Wu Tie has a subtle '叮叮' sound, just like a handful. The light iron needle was sprinkled on a huge steel ingot.

Sword smashed, Wu Tie felt a slight impact.

Yes, yes, Ou Yezi’s attack actually gave Wu Tie a certain feeling, which is much stronger than the attack released by the military array of just over a hundred thousand people.

It is worthy of the attack of the master of the gods.

Wu Tie has roughly judged his own strength today... Hey, in the realm of God, I am afraid that it is difficult to have an opponent. In fact, as long as it is the avenue of the road involved in this world, the face of witchcraft will at least be weakened by 50%.

No matter what the law of the road, the corresponding spell attack will be weakened by at least 50%.

How can I fight this?

Other gods and masters, majoring in a boulevard, minor in the 3rd Five-Year Avenue, or the seven-eighth side door, this is extremely unacceptable. But no matter which avenue they major in, they are bound to be restrained by other good avenues.

Wu Tie, who was so successful, could not restrain his avenue.

This is a monster that destroys the rules... "Yuan Shi Jing", the original purpose of the original is to create such a "monster"!

"Stop, this king, probably knows the strength of the king." Wu Tie smiled and nodded to Ou Yezi.

Ou Yezi, as well as a group of Wei Wei, relying on Wu Tie's ancestors, looked distorted and looked at Wu Tie.

Wan Jian annihilated the big battle, this is also a very brilliant killing method in Dawei, especially in cooperation with Ou Yezi and other people to build the sword weapon level of the sword, the lethality is even more terrifying.

With the strength of Ouyezi, with this large array, with hundreds of Euclidean casting swords, even the masters of God's seven heavens will be smashed by the swordsman.

But Wu Tie...

This sword smashed the sword array, and even his skin could not hurt?

"Monsters... But it is our Lord, this is really the best." Li Xuangui stood in the distance, very comfortable and breathed a sigh of relief, proudly pointing to Yuan Qilin and others standing next to him. "How do I still rely on Lao Li? This gentleman is gentle and generous, and his strength is so strong... You follow the old Li and I trust the Lord, and I will steal it!"

The heads of several big Weimen valves laughed in unison, and each of them smiled and their eyes became a line.

Really, the terrorist power expressed by Wu Tie, this kind of crushing power, can be much more than the security of the Xiahou royal family.

Wu Tie, the master, everything is fine.

The only bad thing is that the territory of this armed country is slightly barren, and the human eye is scarce. The various luxury uses are naturally not as convenient as the great Wei. On the vast territory of the Wu State, it is rare to find a few woven mothers, wine makers, cooks, and musicians with skillful craftsmanship.

However, the Wei Wei's door valve has to say that other things may be lacking. To say that this kind of management, they are really unparalleled in the three countries.

Give them a certain amount of time, they will be able to make Wu Wu's Wu Kingdom a flower.

A woven mother who can make a seamless coat, there will be.

A winemaker who can make a great wine, there will be.

Can cook a delicious cook, there will be.

A musician who can attract the phoenix and the gong, there will be.

With the tyrannical monarch of Wu Tie, what storms and storms are not afraid, everyone is safe and stable.

The attack of the sword array stopped, and Wu Tiejun showed his arms and looked down at the devil's lair below.

His eyebrows split open, and the eye sprayed out the light, instantly breaking through the thick black fog in the devil's nest, and seeing the depth of more than ten thousand miles below the nest.

Where the eyes of the gods pass, the thick black mist disappears instantly, and the black lacquered devil's nest suddenly becomes bright.

He and the other two burly old people of the old man are standing in the air, separated by a thick black fog with a thickness of a thousand feet, looking at the iron and iron floating above the height of a thousand miles.

A large group of poisonous bees swarmed around the squatting trio, and the princess was caught in the hand, and his face was cold and pointed at Wu Ting's whispering introduction of his identity.

"The little children who have just stepped into the gods and gods... What is this kid doing here?" Frowning, his face full of flesh and blood is full of suffocation: "Oh, come to my house at the end of the house?" Who is he?"

"This is a good opportunity. Three... ancestors." Feng Yan Princess said softly.

"Call me Lang Jun, I told you." He grabbed the windy princess's lumbar vertebrae and almost didn't smash her bones into pieces.

"However, it is a good opportunity." An old man around him whispered: "The Dawu Kingdom has just been destroyed. Wu Wang has just taken over the site. He first came to see him. He wants to control the whole country. Territory, how difficult is it?"

"Especially, he is a lonely man, not a big family, not even a child..." Another old man smirked: "If he can kill him... with his current composition, there will be civil strife. And, The Qingqiu Gods, the fox, will definitely not sit down..."

"It’s a mess, it’s a mess... It’s a mess, we have a chance.”

He slammed the Princess of the Wind down to the bottom: "Love your wife and be careful, don't fall to death... look at the husband..."

The words 'Look at the husband' have just been exported, and Wu Tiemei’s eyes spurt a ray of light, just like a big day, and ‘唰’’s came in. Where the light of the gods passed, the flames rose, the golden light flashed, and the large group of poisonous bees 啪啪啪 梼杌篡 梼杌篡 炸 炸 炸 炸 炸 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

The three of them stayed and then yelled at the same time.

Three scarlet red, there is a faint black entangled light inside the sky, and the fingertips broke through the thousands of miles and came to the Wu Tie.

At the same time, the three ancestors shot at the same time, and the three long-sworded swords at the same time smashed the deadly key to Wu Tie.

"Wu Wang children, come to life!"

The two brothers screamed in unison: "You brought it to your door!"

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