Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 728: Wu Tie's hard air


Here, there is already a long way to go from the northern Xinjiang. Speaking of the straight line distance, from the barren hills of northern Xinjiang to Jingzhou, it is necessary to cross the territory of about twenty states.

From the northern Xinjiang to Jingzhou, the majority of the county and county along the way have been annihilated.

Wu Tie transferred a large number of people from the Wu State, and even called the transportation fleet of the Baiyun Chamber of Commerce, and tried his best to retreat the people along the Tuo County, but it was still a glass of water...

Even if Wu Tie used the five elements of the Great Lights to sweep away the people along the way, there are still countless Qingqi people who broke into the hands of the Xueyuan tribe.

The man was killed and the woman was looted.

The people of these Xueyuan tribes did not even have the concept of supporting slaves.

The large group of males were killed by them without mercy, and they were sacrificed to the gods.

In the most urgent time, Wu Tie even let him transfer the manpower, only to migrate the men along the Tuzhou County, leaving those women in place.

After the incident spread out, everyone who heard this was silent.

Faced with strong enemies, moving away males, leaving women... These things undoubtedly disobeyed some of the most basic social ethics of the human race, and even inspired the **** courage of countless **** men in Qingqiu Shenguo.

Countless people are slamming the witch iron.

But Wu Tie... just don't know.

The power he had in his hands could not resist the invasion of the Xueyuan tribe; the power he had in his hands could not remove all the people. No matter how incompetent this thing is, there are many grievances, and there are many people who are arrogant. Wu Tie has done this.

Leaving those men, the Xueyuan tribes who have no slave tradition, will kill them all, and Wu Tie can only withdraw them first.

Leave those women... they will suffer humiliation and great humiliation.

However, Wu Tie from the underground world firmly believes that only life is the most important. Everything except life is just an add-on. These people in the terrestrial world, especially those who attacked the witches and irons, did not live in the dark rock world.

They have not really understood the value of life.

"Wu Wang... you are confusing!"

Jingzhou City, on the north gate of the city, Wu Tie leaned against the bar and looked at the looming blue ice crystals in the distance.

Under the city wall, dozens of township old and famous people in Jinzhou City screamed at the mouth and screamed at the iron. Wu Tie has issued a migration order, and hundreds of large and small warships are waiting outside the city.

However, these hundreds of large and small warships can only move the males of Jinzhou City and the surrounding two or three cities.

Woman, still have to stay...

The resources controlled by Wu Tie are limited. There are so many warships and transport ships that he can transfer. The people in so many states and counties have to move and relocate. The ships in his hands are already stretched and are no longer sufficient.

He has done his best, and he can only do his best to preserve the lives of these people.

However, the number of ships is not enough... Every day, a large number of ships were destroyed by the attacked snowfield soldiers.

Capacity is declining every day...and in order to prevent the raids of the mysterious ancestors, the space doors in all places are closed, and it is more difficult and dangerous to transport the people of the northern state to the south.

Wu Tie seems to be calm and self-sufficient. In fact, his mouth is full of blood bubbles, which are all rushed out.

However, these old townspeople and celebrities could not understand what Wu Tie did.

"You are all going to die, you are going to die..." In addition to these old people who stood under the wall of the city and screamed and vomited blood, there was a scene of tragedy in the city.

In one house, there are elders in the family, holding sharp blades, intimidating the women in the house or hanging the beams, or throwing a hole.

More homeowners of wealthy families, people smashed the pot of poisonous medicinal juice, gathered the women in the family, forced them to drink a bowl of medicinal juice, and even gave them a hard life.

"Wu Wang, you are incompetent and incompetent, do not deserve to be king ... your 'wu', why? Warrior, Baojia Weimin, your 'Wu'?" A robes high crown, very strong Jingzhou Mingshi Station Under the wall, the screaming screamed: "You leave the women of each household to those who are snowy... You, you, you..."

"Where do you put the dignity of each family?"

Wu Tie stood on the gate of the city gate, his body stiffened like a mountain, just looking at the ice crystals that were approaching in the north.

The dignity of all ethnic groups?

Is the dignity of the minds of all of your families?

Wu Tie raised his right hand and gently waved: "Strictly check, there are people who dare to kill the women in the family, and they will all be executed."

The sound of Wu Tie sounds through Jingzhou City: "This king is incompetent, can't guard the territory, resists the strong enemy, can only come out with this strategy... You can do it yourself, the ability to turn the tide, resist the strong enemy, the top helmet bundle A, carrying weapons, fighting alongside the king."

Cold and cold grin, Wu Ting secluded: "Perhaps, you can delay the enemy's footsteps... Perhaps, these are the times when you are desperate to resist, can the king find a way to transport the women in your family to the South? ”

The city is dead.

The old township who vomited blood and roared, the famous celebrities who cited the classics, all closed their mouths.

A woman in a family is concerned with the festival. The festivals are detrimental and they cannot be tolerated.

But compared with the life and death of the family... The names of the little women in the family can be compared with the lives of the men who support the portal.

For a long time, for a long time, in a mansion, a handsome scribe who held a steel knife and forced his wife to drink a bowl of medicinal juice suddenly threw the steel knife on the ground.

"Scared, from now on, don't say that you are a certain lady... scared, how can a husband have no wife?" Jun Lang's singer was very chic, and turned and strode away from the door: "Come, Escort the lord, speed boarding ... This Wu Wang is simply unreasonable, lord me, actually have to mix with those mud legs, 蹲 big warehouse?"

"Scared, Master, I am reading a poem, and there are famous people who have the talents of the heavens and the earth. Shouldn’t they enjoy a separate class?"

"Scared, Wu Wang's brain is broken, my grandfather and my son-in-law... can't, can't you have the slightest treat?"

"In this world, what about the death of three or five thousand mud legs? Let the prince and my son-in-law can't... can't treat one or two?"

Wu Tie stood on the gate of the city gate. His power of spirits enveloped the huge Jingzhou City. The words and deeds of all the people inside and outside the city were all clearly seen and clearly understood.

Hearing that this is a famous scribe in Jingzhou City, the family has been a high-ranking official in Jingzhou for generations, Wu Tie could not help but feel weak.

What is he wanting to protect?

What is he to guard, what is it?

He did it right, is it right or wrong?

The hands clasped the guardrail of the gate of the city gate. The ten fingers were deeply immersed in the railings cast by metal. The Wu Tie was tumbling through numerous lines. His whole person became dark and horrified.

The entire city gate building, together with the large half of the north wall, suddenly disappeared silently.

All the bricks and tiles, all the guardrails, are swallowed and transformed by Wu Tie's body, turning into heaven and earth and becoming a pure mana.





The ice crystals in the north are getting closer and closer.

They will kill all the men and will take away all the women. The males are in their hands and will definitely die. Women in their hands will suffer humiliation, but life is generally worry-free.

Witch iron's choice is right, is it wrong?

This is more than a hundred times more than the battle of the six Xuan Ming ancestors.

There was a low crack in the body, and the uncontrollable mana was raging, and Wu Ting opened his mouth and spit a blood.

The heavy plasma landed, and the bang of the blast blew a large pit with a diameter of a hundred miles and a few miles deep. A group of old townsmen and famous men in the city shrank their necks and ran away.

They have already seen the ice crystals approaching the north, and they have already heard the shouts of the snowfield warriors who are pulling the ice sculptures.

Still... escape!

Wu Tie swayed his head hard and asked: "Qingqiucheng, is there a reply? The military situation of Laozi has been sent for several days, and there is no reply at all. What about the fox? What are the rams? They The skull is broken? What a ghost idea is still playing?"

In the roar of Wu Tie, there is a bit more tyranny and cruelty that has never existed in the past.

The lives and deaths of countless people, the honor and disgrace of countless people.

And, this does not see any hope of a war.

Also, after this war, Wu Tie may usher in the nickname of the world.

Wu Tie’s heart is changing rapidly, boundless pressure, boundless anger, boundless anxiety, seven emotions, and six desires, and the forging and burning that turned his heart over and over has become more and more angular. The harder and harder it is.

This is a world that is unreasonable.

To live with the people around you is more ruthless than this **** world.

If you want to take a group of sheep against a group of wolves, you must be more hot and cruel by the wolf, otherwise the first one to die is you.

A gust of wind whistling, and Wu Tie sent to Qingqiucheng to send a letter, and the gangsters who came from the big Wei Pi’s face ran wildly.

"Lord...the Lord..."

The robbers 镝 咚 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Lord...Your Majesty...not...the first emperor...not...the old thief of Linghu Qingqing, he left the Qingqiu Kingdom and escaped!"

"He sacrificed the sacrifices of dozens of state-owned people in his homeland, and took away the property of the state treasury and the thousands of state treasury, with the tribe of Linghu, and the private army of his fox, and the family's family, etc... …Ran away."

"He, he gave the prince of the Qing Dynasty to the ram."

"The rams refused to go to the throne, and they had been quarreling with the ancestors in Qingqiu City for a few days. Now the Qingqiu Temple is in chaos... The dragons have no heads... completely messed up."

Wu Tie squinted his eyes and turned his head, staring at the bandits.

Ming knows that banditry is innocent, and Wu Tie still screams, rushing up and kicking a shackle on the chest of the bandit, immediately smashed a large piece of ribs and smashed a spurt of blood.

The witch iron that rose in the heart of the fire was also a blood spurting out. As he gasped, he snorted and asked: "Let the fox smash, escape?"

"The rams think twice, refuse to pick up?"

“Requesting the city, there is no leader in the group?”

"I-in-he-old-mother, the group of bastards, they are also ‘group dragons’? A group of clowns, a group of grass snakes, a group of unknown so-called bastards!”

Wu Tie refers to the smashing of the sky.

Wu Tie originally expected that Linghu Qingqing could have any cards at the bottom of the box.

Very good, Linghu Qingqing escaped.

Wu Tie originally thought that the rams could have any magical ideas.

But this guy, actually, is not responsible for it.

One escape, one shabu-shabu, since you two are so character, you have been fighting for power for so many years, and you have calculated each other's pitfalls. Also, you joined forces with the horses and horses in the past. What are you doing?

A burst of flame spurted out of the throat, and a blood that rushed into the eyes of the scorpion burned into a blue smoke. The sorcerer snorted and screamed: "Speak carefully, what happened in the city of Qingqiu?"

In the distance, a thousand high ice sculptures have roared, less than three hundred miles from Jingzhou City.

Wu Tie suddenly screamed, and his eyebrows opened his eyes. Thousands of chaotic gods in the void were thundered into large madness. The body's mana poured into the air, and the ice sculpture released a dazzling cold light, turning it into a light-length building with a diameter of 100 feet.

The chaotic gods thundered and screamed, and the huge explosions shook the ground.

Tens of thousands of snow-covered warriors who were dragging ice sculptures were shaken by their legs and shuddered to the ground. On the road behind the ice sculptures, millions of snow-earned people who followed closely were covered by the mad thunder of Wu Tie, and the thunder flashed, countless The snowfield warriors instantly vanished.

The ice sculptures flashed in the cold, and the three ancestors of the Xuan Ming rushed over the air, waving their claws and roaring toward the witch iron.

These days, they have been fighting with Wu Tie several times in a row, and they are watching the Wutie Road, and the three Xuan Ming ancestors hesitated in the void for a while.

After a few breaths, the other three Xuan Ming ancestors also teleported, and the six Xuan Ming ancestors gathered together, suddenly morale and daring, and they shouldered shoulder to shoulder, striding forward Jingzhou City rushed over.

"Wu Wang Huo Xiong, today, you must die here!" Six Xuan Ming ancestors and Wu Tie battle several times, already know the origin of Wu Tie's name, suddenly loudly screaming his name in public.

The bandits were on the ground and used the fastest speed to explain the situation of Qingqiu City in these days.

Wu Tie's face was extremely gloomy. He turned and looked at the six Xuan Ming ancestors who had been rushed.

Wu Tie, a reluctant person can entangle with these six old guys, everyone can not help each other, but Wu Tie fell off the wind, often will be injured and retreat.

Elsewhere, in the long northern front, there are twelve old ghosts who are equally cultivated and equally strong, and are ruling numerous snow-covered warriors. In front of them, the gods and gods of the Qingqiu Kingdom are vulnerable, and the army of the Qingqiu Kingdom has long been crushed. In addition to the fleet that the Wutie faction has helped to retreat, there has been no more organized army.

Wu Tie took a deep breath.

"Going to help retreat... Linghu Qingqing ran away, and the rams were afraid of it... The Qingqiu Shenguo is a bad guy, and the king is coming."

"Even if there is a blame for the have to play, I will play with you to the end."

Wu Tie looked up and looked at the very high Scorpio.

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