Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 787: Smile face

Honglian Temple.

In the deep mountains behind the temple, a solitary brass hall is like a monster, lying between the mountains.

This single hall is extremely large, tall and wide, long and wide, and the atmosphere is erratic. The interior is absolutely using a very sophisticated space array, which greatly expands the space.

In front of the main hall, a stone road with a width of 100 feet leads directly to the front mountain. On the stone road that is clean and dust-free, one carapace has two feet square, and the blue-gray turtle is crawling around slowly.

He climbed from the left side of the stone path to the right, then turned and climbed to the left of the stone path.

Come and go, always.

On the back of the big tortoise, there is a thatched cork with a three-foot diameter.

On the futon, sitting in a white fat, red lips and white teeth, the skin is tender and tender, and a round face is full of smiling monks.

This monk... He sat on the futon, still three feet tall, and his waistline was nearly three feet. It was a fleshy mountain of white flowers, so it was so shocking to sit on such a small futon, pressed on the back of such a small turtle.

Such a large, fat big monk, two white and delicate hands, holding a book that is one foot square, is carefully reading. From time to time, he dipped his fingers in his mouth, carefully turning the yellow pages and ancient pages.

So a small book, a big monk, together, is a bit offensive.

The big tortoise came back and forth and climbed back and didn't know how many times. The monk nodded and said leisurely: "But it, today's asceticism, still the last step... send the little sister into the temple?"

The big tortoise stretched out of the neck with great strength, and took a heavy breath. The scorpion flashed a very fierce twilight, slowly turning over the body and crawling toward the hall. He crawled step by step, and the pace was heavy and heavy.

"You, there is resentment in your heart." The monk put down his hand and sighed softly: "There is resentment, so it is not good."

"Look, this sky, so blue; this tree, so green; this mountain, so beautiful; this sunset, so beautiful... This world, beautiful, splendid, the air is filled with the fragrance of 'love'."

"You must always feel the existence of 'love'. You must be full of love for this world, for all things in this world, for all living beings. Use love to wash your heart's grievances, use love, to resolve your heart. Hatred, with love, to kill the ferocity in your blood."

"As long as you feel the 'big love of the world' one day, it is a good day for you to swim in the ocean."

The monk laughed happily. His thick arm was very strangely stretched. He reached under the futon and gently patted the head of the big turtle: "Think about it, freely and leisurely in the ocean of waves, that is What a 'love' scene!"

The fierce scorpion in the big tortoise's scorpion, he finally couldn't help but snarl: "Dead bald... If it weren't for you, Laozi is now happy in the sea! 俺干-你-娘-咧... Sooner or later, Laozi will lead The East Seas Army has slaughtered you Honglian Temple!"

The smile of the monk has not changed, but the five fingers of the right hand are violently exerted a force. The ‘咔嚓’ sounds, and the long neck of the big turtle is more than one foot long.

The body of the big tortoise was pumped vigorously, and the right hand of the big monk slowly let go. The neck of the big tortoise fell to the ground, and after a few twitching, a flash of blood flashed on his neck. Skeletons, meridians, etc., were quickly connected and quickly recovered.

"Come, follow Xiaoxi, the air is so fresh, the world is so beautiful, our hearts are full of warm love!"

The monk laughed slowly and slowly: "Come, follow the little sister... Come on, hurry up, do you still want to take your carapace off as a wok?"

The big tortoise ‘gloomy face’, ‘grip and teeth’ smashed up: “The air is so fresh, the world is so beautiful... The heart of Laozi... is full of love for you-old-mother!”

The right hand of the monk slammed.

The big tortoise made a fierce horror, the dark green blood splattered, and his tortoise shell appeared in the hands of the monk. The futon was directly pressed against his flesh and blood, and the body of the big tortoise was violently squatting.

The blood is surging, and after a breath, the big turtle has reborn a carapace.

His body squatted slightly, carrying the monk step by step, and headed for the hall.

The monk put the tortoise shell in his hand into the sleeve and whispered to himself: "Hey, there is more than 3,000 mouthfuls of turtle shells in the temple." It really can't be used so much. Which, it is said that the tortoise shell is very useful for divination?"

"Especially, you have a million-year-old turtle, and the tortoise shell has a magical effect. Hey, collect more, sell it to those who specialize in fortune telling, it is also a good account."

"Hey, Honglian Temple has a big career and a lot of expenses. Xiaoxie also wants to build a new hall in the past few years, and to enshrine the fifty-third generation of the ancestors of Xiaoyan... It’s just shy, there is no money... This is all based on you. It!"

The big monk laughed and bowed his head, and laughed at the big turtle who was trying to crawl forward with his teeth. "A turtle shell sells a piece of gold, and a small cockroach counts it. With a million ingots of gold, it is almost possible to build the hall."

The body of the big tortoise slammed a bit, and he closed his mouth and made no more noise.

Listen to the meaning of this monk, you have to dig a million turtle shells on this big turtle.

Rao is a big turtle who is quite confident about his magical means. He thinks of this terrible number, and he dare not provoke this smiling, sultry monk.

The hero does not eat before the loss, right?

The monk smiled slightly and slowly nodded: "The scorpion can teach, great good... I want to come, you have already felt the ‘care’ of Xiao Xiao’s love for you. Well, climb faster.”

The big tortoise speeded up. He ran to the front of the main hall with a big monk, and his head slammed into the thick brass temple door. Then he jumped briskly, skipped the three-foot-high threshold and broke into the hall. in.

Inside the hall, a huge bronze lampstand stands neatly, and a little light sways on the lampstand. Every light represents a disciple of the Honglian Temple.

There are at least tens of thousands of bronze lamp stands, and each bronze lamp stand has tens of thousands of lights.

The entire Honglian Temple, including the temple and the lower house of the whole, together, the disciples have more than 100 million disciples, such a force, is one of the three gods of the Sui Dynasty.

The big tortoise walked between the lampstands carrying the monk, and the monk carefully examined the little light on the lampstand.

This is what the monk has to do every day.

Seeing these blazing burning lights, the monk is very practical.

Gradually, the big tortoise came to the depths of the main hall. The sound of ‘噗’, on a lampstand, a little light suddenly went out, and a smoky smog floated on the wick, just as the dead souls were making a final farewell to the world.

The big tortoise stayed and then laughed out loudly: "Smile face Buddha, your little thief is dead!"

The face of the smiling face of one of the three Buddhas in the Red Lotus Temple changed slightly, and the entire hall suddenly became dark.

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